I dunnoe wat to blab about today. Heck, i havent been blabbing for the past few days. Last i blab was....4 days ago? Anw, past days were fine. Work was swell...everyone will get into a bad mood once there's a lot of customers. ROfl...everyone will curse one another for not doing a proper job. But all will be fine when diners start to leave, and we end up earning tons of money!!!(it goes to the company though, sadly). Haha...but i always get high after my break. Dunnoe y. I will speak lively towards my customers. It'll be a lot better if my throat wasnt giving me problems.
One thing i found out abt sec sch students are....they lack the initiative. Bloody hell. They are soooooooooooooo scared of doing something that they either ask for permission to do it or they will ask somebody else to do it for them. I know im 18 but plzzzzzzzzzz. I TOO STARTED WORKING A WEEK AGO!! really. Well, them looking up to me is one thing but it gets annoying sometimes. For one; you do not have any sort of support system to back you up. So if anything goes wrong...i get fried- literally.
Most of the time, they will wait for either something to happen or for a superior to tell them to do something before they start to act on it. WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!?!
I blame the gahmen- indirectly though. Its because of a mixture of this and that that leads to gahmen to be blamed in the end. I mean, Singaporeans...as a whole...are soooo sooo sooo obedient creatures. Good to the gahmen but to an extremely small extent. I mean, what if the masters get tied down? Who will suffer more? Well..the ppl of course. I mean, the gahmen is tied down to solve another problem that concerns them and nobody elses. So...if they are tied down wif that problem and manages to solve it...they get something done right, right? Right!
This system of obedience starts wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy when we started school in 1994 in Dazhong Primary School. If only i had stayed on in that school...i would be a scholar by now because they have a blardy goood education system. seriously. really. Back to my point. We learn to obey our teachers with the possibility of us being kicked out of the school if we fail to do so. Why does this work? Because we are told over and over and over and under again that w/o education we will get nowhere and achieve nothing. And so begin our obedience era of being Singkies till the day that we die.
Well...doing so might get us money, tons of it! But seriously...all we really become of is passive. That aint fun at all. not even a bit not even at all. A problem that needs to be solved.
MY blabbering is really getting nowhere. MAybe im sleepy or something...But! I shall be blabbing about this sometime later. In the meantime, i shall be coming up or down wif a suggestable solution to this problem. Any govt agents or civil servants that came across this...pass this to ur boss so that uncle Harry can finally get to read this and then possible, just possible decide to do something about it.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
YAYAAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! OFF day! hahahax. Yup, after 7 days of working wif a 16hrs shift yesterday, it's finally my half day. But half of it is already gone wif me waking up late, going to they gym and stuff. Next up, Typhoid SHOT! Let's hope my immune system is ready for it.
Delifrance yesterday was intially lifeless during hell hour. But after 2...it suddenly rushed to life wif customers pouring in; literally. Lucky for us...the customers were pretty harmless. Everything was all swell until public enemy number one arrived. It was just sooooo FUBAR. Sooooo...i decided to take things easy and roamed around the bistro looking for orders, clearing tables and sending out food. Nothing hectic...for me lah. FOr other ppl; well you'll get the hang of it after a few days there. WEll...like i said, all was swell.
Then this japanese customer came in nearing the closing time. Bloody hell! Well, i guess that's wat everyone muttered when they came. Since we wanted to clear all transactions so that we can close the cashier we sent out the bill to all the customers..plus the jap too. Suddenly...she got mad! Ahahax..literally. Her hair was red and was spiked up to. Juz like in the cartoons. U can imagine how she looks like. All she lacked off was steam coming out from her nose and mouth. That would have made a complete picture. She started scolding our manager till he himself got pissed off. Bloody hell.
What is it wif foreigners coming to OUR country and acting bossy? I mean...so you've got money to move out from a 3rd class country to move to singapore in search of a better life. Instead of just laying low and follow OUR culture...they get all fucked up and start scolding us so that we would follow their culture. What is wrong wif our culture??? I mean...SINGLISH is OUR culture. Instead of just following it just like following the accent of the aussies when they're there, they try to correct us. Huh!? Hallow...UR IN SINGAPORE U IDIOT! NOT JAPAN.
WOrst will come if they speak English and they have got money. They want to be treated like a king. Fine...i'll treat u like a king by starting a coup d'etat. Overthrow the king and bla bla bla. Yup..that's how i treat a king. Nothing less.
Thing is, if we go to their country, we would want to try out their culture. Learn abt it and stuff. WE would lay low and be nice to everyone. BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WHEN YOU COME TO OUR COUNTRY, YOU CAN BOSS US AROUND. YOU TREAT US THE WAY WE TREATED YOU WHEN WE ARE IN YOU'RE COUNTRY YOU FOOLS.
Well..they government closes both eyes on this and tolerate those fools and become fools themselves. They do this only to make more money from which they would pay off Durai handsomely so that he can have a gold tap in his office. Too bad Singaporeans too are closing an eye on this issue. Nobody raised it. They just merely tolerate it and continue wif their life towards the 5Cs. FUCK THE 5Cs. It's rubbish. Its foolish. ITS NOT WHOLESOME!....Im out of words to write
Delifrance yesterday was intially lifeless during hell hour. But after 2...it suddenly rushed to life wif customers pouring in; literally. Lucky for us...the customers were pretty harmless. Everything was all swell until public enemy number one arrived. It was just sooooo FUBAR. Sooooo...i decided to take things easy and roamed around the bistro looking for orders, clearing tables and sending out food. Nothing hectic...for me lah. FOr other ppl; well you'll get the hang of it after a few days there. WEll...like i said, all was swell.
Then this japanese customer came in nearing the closing time. Bloody hell! Well, i guess that's wat everyone muttered when they came. Since we wanted to clear all transactions so that we can close the cashier we sent out the bill to all the customers..plus the jap too. Suddenly...she got mad! Ahahax..literally. Her hair was red and was spiked up to. Juz like in the cartoons. U can imagine how she looks like. All she lacked off was steam coming out from her nose and mouth. That would have made a complete picture. She started scolding our manager till he himself got pissed off. Bloody hell.
What is it wif foreigners coming to OUR country and acting bossy? I mean...so you've got money to move out from a 3rd class country to move to singapore in search of a better life. Instead of just laying low and follow OUR culture...they get all fucked up and start scolding us so that we would follow their culture. What is wrong wif our culture??? I mean...SINGLISH is OUR culture. Instead of just following it just like following the accent of the aussies when they're there, they try to correct us. Huh!? Hallow...UR IN SINGAPORE U IDIOT! NOT JAPAN.
WOrst will come if they speak English and they have got money. They want to be treated like a king. Fine...i'll treat u like a king by starting a coup d'etat. Overthrow the king and bla bla bla. Yup..that's how i treat a king. Nothing less.
Thing is, if we go to their country, we would want to try out their culture. Learn abt it and stuff. WE would lay low and be nice to everyone. BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT WHEN YOU COME TO OUR COUNTRY, YOU CAN BOSS US AROUND. YOU TREAT US THE WAY WE TREATED YOU WHEN WE ARE IN YOU'RE COUNTRY YOU FOOLS.
Well..they government closes both eyes on this and tolerate those fools and become fools themselves. They do this only to make more money from which they would pay off Durai handsomely so that he can have a gold tap in his office. Too bad Singaporeans too are closing an eye on this issue. Nobody raised it. They just merely tolerate it and continue wif their life towards the 5Cs. FUCK THE 5Cs. It's rubbish. Its foolish. ITS NOT WHOLESOME!....Im out of words to write
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Whoa...what a day. What a day! HAha..been out of the house since 12 and just came back. Guess what...i start work in another 12 hours time. That means i'll be leaving my house in another 11 hours time. Shit!~ Haiz...Seems tdy seemed like a happy day till closing time. We were all tired and stuff and we had to do cleaning!!! Some ppl arent juz made to do it and did a horrible job and then we had to do it all over again. Some left early to escape the terrible duty. Some groaned and got scolded. I seemed over enthusiastic but i was REally ReALLY wanted to do things as fast as i could so that i COULD GO HOME! Luckily the company paid for the cab back. So yah..
Tommorow is another busy day. Come to think of it. I HATE CHRISTMAS!!! You see..when christmas comes, ppl go shopping in the town area and they want to eat there too. Heck..we were churning $1000 an hour!!! WHOA!!!! Haha...but i dont really care becoz that $1000 an hour was going to the company. None of it for us. We're getting paid $4.20 an hour. =( Shucks. Oh well...at least no fussy, cussy, bossy, mussy, bla bla blassy customer today. All's fine and swell. REally swell.....AFter 8 it was fun working there. I dont know abt the managers but us waiters were joking and bla bla bla-ing while still being very efficient. That few moments that we meet while making orders or sending orders were time enough for us to talk abt something abt ourselves. Cool huh?
There is new found respect for waiters all over the world. Mebe ppl shld get the experience tat so that they dont push waiters around too much just because they've got money. Let them feel what is like to be waiter so that they will know juz how hard is it that we have to work for for just soooooo little. And in Singapore...there's no tipping. THERE SHOULD BE TIPPING!!! Uncle LEe...U made singapore. Now make singapore TIP so that WEEEEE Could offer better service becoz we now have the initiative to do it. And we would WANT to do it becoz of the monetary gains we can get. UNDERSTAND?!
Tommorow is another busy day. Come to think of it. I HATE CHRISTMAS!!! You see..when christmas comes, ppl go shopping in the town area and they want to eat there too. Heck..we were churning $1000 an hour!!! WHOA!!!! Haha...but i dont really care becoz that $1000 an hour was going to the company. None of it for us. We're getting paid $4.20 an hour. =( Shucks. Oh well...at least no fussy, cussy, bossy, mussy, bla bla blassy customer today. All's fine and swell. REally swell.....AFter 8 it was fun working there. I dont know abt the managers but us waiters were joking and bla bla bla-ing while still being very efficient. That few moments that we meet while making orders or sending orders were time enough for us to talk abt something abt ourselves. Cool huh?
There is new found respect for waiters all over the world. Mebe ppl shld get the experience tat so that they dont push waiters around too much just because they've got money. Let them feel what is like to be waiter so that they will know juz how hard is it that we have to work for for just soooooo little. And in Singapore...there's no tipping. THERE SHOULD BE TIPPING!!! Uncle LEe...U made singapore. Now make singapore TIP so that WEEEEE Could offer better service becoz we now have the initiative to do it. And we would WANT to do it becoz of the monetary gains we can get. UNDERSTAND?!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
The days after...
Whoa..its thursday already!??! That was fast. REally. Let me see what i've been doing. Monday and Tuesday was training for my job as a waiter. But the company wants us to be called Customer Service Assistant- makes our job sound soooo much better. Well, i dont really mind. Started my job yesterday with the bistro being short of people. Guess what: IT WAS LIKE A BATTLEFIELD!! REally. Really ReAlly. REALly ReALy REaLly. Rofl. Being shorthanded, you can guess what the staff were facing there. EVeryone was running around. I had to leave my post and attend to the customers bla bla bla. Yup. I just went around and did what i was taught during training. I did okay but i was quite scared. No, really scared! Haha...the first soup i brought to the customer had to be changed because by the time i got the soup to the customer, the soup was all over the tray!
DELIFRANCE ROCKS!!! hahax. REally. Wanna see how my work is like, visit Ngee Ann City Delifrance anytime. Just not during lunchtime because that's hell hour. Being short of manpower can be fatal! Hahax. WEll...some customers DID get pissed off because we were really slow with their order and all. Sorry but we are humans too. We were doing the best we can! Haha..first day and i got a culture shock! All my previous jobs were in the service industry too. But this is wayyyyyyyyyy over the top. REally really way. One wrong move and you could lose sales. Lose too much sales and you lose your job. Oh well.
It could help if the customers were abit kind too. Yep. Stop being bitchy and stuff. WE know that you've got money. If not, we wouldnt have let you order our food, cook it, bring it to you, let you eat it and then let you walk away without paying. No one does that. Not even the lowest of the lowest: Mcdonalds. You order on the spot, you pay on the spot. No money: BYE BYE! But i was really lucky though. The first customer i handled. She was verrrrrrrrrrrry helpful. Very kind. Very understanding. I guess she cloud see that it was my first day or something. THANKYOU MA'AM! haha.
That's the problem with singaporeans. Just because they have money, they think that they can just boss ppl around to do their bidding for them. First of all...WE DONT EVEN GET PAID ENUFF!!! Even our managers get paid lower then 2k a month. In America, their pay is just as low. But how can they manage to scrape thru their lives? TIPS! yes. TIPS! You want better service? Pay us more! A lot more! Right now, our incentive to provide you with service is because we want to keep our jobs and please our managers. But above all, we are helping each other. Heck...restrauning is just like soldiering. You dont do it for anything else but for each other. Yep.
The other problem with Singaporeans is they think they can do just abt anything they want. I know that we have 2 entrances that provides the shorters route to get to the others side. But PLZ!!! WE'RE RUNNING A BUSINESS!!!!!! Even an old bugger passed thru. And when i confronted me, he scoled me...RIGHT INFRONT OF MY COLLEGUES!!! Haha..they told me to cold off when i was abt to go after tat bugger. Oh well...he has just a few days left on earth. Let's all let him enjoy the few bits of it.
Actually...im kinda tired and out of ideas on wat to right abt. I just have to concentrate wat i currently dislike the most and write abt it. Well...tmr's shift is 3-11. SO i have a lot of time to slp in. THANK GOD! If not, i'll make a lot of mistakes from going gong like just now. Phew
DELIFRANCE ROCKS!!! hahax. REally. Wanna see how my work is like, visit Ngee Ann City Delifrance anytime. Just not during lunchtime because that's hell hour. Being short of manpower can be fatal! Hahax. WEll...some customers DID get pissed off because we were really slow with their order and all. Sorry but we are humans too. We were doing the best we can! Haha..first day and i got a culture shock! All my previous jobs were in the service industry too. But this is wayyyyyyyyyy over the top. REally really way. One wrong move and you could lose sales. Lose too much sales and you lose your job. Oh well.
It could help if the customers were abit kind too. Yep. Stop being bitchy and stuff. WE know that you've got money. If not, we wouldnt have let you order our food, cook it, bring it to you, let you eat it and then let you walk away without paying. No one does that. Not even the lowest of the lowest: Mcdonalds. You order on the spot, you pay on the spot. No money: BYE BYE! But i was really lucky though. The first customer i handled. She was verrrrrrrrrrrry helpful. Very kind. Very understanding. I guess she cloud see that it was my first day or something. THANKYOU MA'AM! haha.
That's the problem with singaporeans. Just because they have money, they think that they can just boss ppl around to do their bidding for them. First of all...WE DONT EVEN GET PAID ENUFF!!! Even our managers get paid lower then 2k a month. In America, their pay is just as low. But how can they manage to scrape thru their lives? TIPS! yes. TIPS! You want better service? Pay us more! A lot more! Right now, our incentive to provide you with service is because we want to keep our jobs and please our managers. But above all, we are helping each other. Heck...restrauning is just like soldiering. You dont do it for anything else but for each other. Yep.
The other problem with Singaporeans is they think they can do just abt anything they want. I know that we have 2 entrances that provides the shorters route to get to the others side. But PLZ!!! WE'RE RUNNING A BUSINESS!!!!!! Even an old bugger passed thru. And when i confronted me, he scoled me...RIGHT INFRONT OF MY COLLEGUES!!! Haha..they told me to cold off when i was abt to go after tat bugger. Oh well...he has just a few days left on earth. Let's all let him enjoy the few bits of it.
Actually...im kinda tired and out of ideas on wat to right abt. I just have to concentrate wat i currently dislike the most and write abt it. Well...tmr's shift is 3-11. SO i have a lot of time to slp in. THANK GOD! If not, i'll make a lot of mistakes from going gong like just now. Phew
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Today is the tommorow you were worried about yesterday
I've got nothing much to write right now. No inspiration or anything that has ticked me off. All except for the particular incident that happened a few weeks ago. Maybe it was last week. If it was, then it seemed so long. Well, we played soccer at the field nxt to concord pri. Zai and wj paid $50 to book the field so that no one would interfere in our game. Happy, we played and played. Then these grp of middleage buggers came abt and said they wanted to join in the game. WTF?! DOODs..we were having a match. But nooooooooooooo...they said they wanted to join in since they were regulars here. We stuck firm to saying no and told them that we had already booked the field. Instead of bugging off...they got more of their friends to come down in an attempt to intimidate us wif numbers. Given the chance, despite being outnumbered, we could have easily wacked all of them straight to hell. But, we're nice ppl. Then the worst thing happen. THEY LECTURED US ABT THE USAGE OF THE FIELD!! omg...-shakes head- Being regulars, the seem to have the right to the field. I wonder how they did that. They said that nxt time, we didnt have to pay for the field. We just have to come down at 6.30 and play till 8.30 becoz at 8.30, they would regularly use the field. AGain, we told them tat we wanted to play at 8.30 so we paid to play at 8.30 since we cldnt possibly do it at 6.30. I mean, c'mon! We have other impt stuff to do like school and work. Then they rambled and rambled and rambled. I was just to put off to talk to them and so we told them that they cld use the bloody field after our match. NNB! I mean, if u want to use anything in the world, you would have to pay for it right? If nobody's paid to use the facility only then could you use it for free and then bug off when somebody who's paid for it comes down. THAT'S ALWAYS THE CASE!! Not the other way around. I mean, i regulary take the bus and all. But by being doing so, does it make the bus ride free? NO! I still have to pay for it. I also regulary play pool at some pool hall. Does that get me to play there for free? Hell no!
Those ppl have really no sense of WHATVER! REally. They still had the guts to come up to us and ask to play a match against us that sunday. Bloody hell. Well...the nxt time tat sort of thing happens, i noe for sure i wont be keeping quiet.
Bloody hell....
Oh well, there's goin to be a LEO bbq at unity sec later. If i get pissed of at something there, im sure to write it in. That's a high possiblity since the new generation leos are very..urm..SMALL! Really. They are small in every sense. And they have poor sense of everything. You could try talking to them and they would just ignore you totally. Small buggers. Let's see how many of them i can chat up with.
Those ppl have really no sense of WHATVER! REally. They still had the guts to come up to us and ask to play a match against us that sunday. Bloody hell. Well...the nxt time tat sort of thing happens, i noe for sure i wont be keeping quiet.
Bloody hell....
Oh well, there's goin to be a LEO bbq at unity sec later. If i get pissed of at something there, im sure to write it in. That's a high possiblity since the new generation leos are very..urm..SMALL! Really. They are small in every sense. And they have poor sense of everything. You could try talking to them and they would just ignore you totally. Small buggers. Let's see how many of them i can chat up with.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Another day...
Well, i didnt go out today so i dont know how the world is like today cept for my own. And by the world i mean a very small part of it or occasionally known as the TINY RED DOT. Singapore is very mundane. Im beginning to think that i've run out of things to do in Singapore. It always the usual places. Town. Watch movie. Get something to eat. Chat awhile. Go home. And it starts over again except that on a school day, it starts from school. But im not schooling anymore so go figure. Funny thing is, the government is beginning to wonder why is it that Singaporeans want to migrate to other countries. Rofl. Heck! even the parliament is dead boring. I saw once on TV an MP falling asleep while someone was speaking. Either the speaker was talking something rubbish or that whatever he was saying has already been thought of and him speaking was just some sort of formality which other MPs have to sit thru in order for them to prove to their wives that they were really working. Btw...they do it PART-TIME! Heck, and they get paid a bundle for it. Tax-payers money going into their pockets while they sleep thru parliament. If that's a perk in being an MP in Singapore, then I WANT TO BE AN MP!!! Rofl. But those ppl have their own jobs to go back to which might explain the slping i guess.
One more thing abt them - They are more equal then any of us HDB SQUATTING CITIZENS. I mean, they live a much better and spacious life then us. REally. If they didnt, how are they able to foot the 5 digit fee to become an election candidate? Get it? cool. No wonder they need have Meet The People Session. Well, we cant blame them. Almost every politician in the world are like that. Even those commies! They said they wanted an equal society. Well...they lied. REally. They eat lavish meals and stuff...so much so that their people got pissed off enough to start a revolution not to make things better, but to also get a taste of luxury their leaders are having.
Heck, im blabbing...but that's wat i always do. This is all the stuff people have probably thought of but have kept it to themselves. Bloody hell..
One more thing abt them - They are more equal then any of us HDB SQUATTING CITIZENS. I mean, they live a much better and spacious life then us. REally. If they didnt, how are they able to foot the 5 digit fee to become an election candidate? Get it? cool. No wonder they need have Meet The People Session. Well, we cant blame them. Almost every politician in the world are like that. Even those commies! They said they wanted an equal society. Well...they lied. REally. They eat lavish meals and stuff...so much so that their people got pissed off enough to start a revolution not to make things better, but to also get a taste of luxury their leaders are having.
Heck, im blabbing...but that's wat i always do. This is all the stuff people have probably thought of but have kept it to themselves. Bloody hell..
Friday, December 16, 2005
Another blab
Initially, i wanted to talk something bad about the libraries in Singapore and its dominions(aka the librarians). But..urm, let's do that another day shall we? I was rummaging through my stuff when i stumbled upon, well wadyaknow?, an old photo of my family that was taken almost a decade ago. Yes, you can put a decade on my family already. Infact, nxt year, i think, my parents would have been married for over 20years already! That's one heck of a milestone.That's something both to be proud of and scared of at the same time. Does anyone remember when they were young? Well, as i was taking the trip down memory lane, i get the refresh memories of me when i was young-er. Im getting older but i dont suppose you'd consider 18 being an old age would you? I mean, if you did, then what about people who's over 60 years old? Haha..i suppose you could call him retro or something. But in Singapore, we call them senior citizens just out of respect. I dont really see the usefulness of that. I mean, if you're young, people call you young right? Or maybe the youth. Imagine people calling us the Junior Citizens. Stupid fellas. Anyways, here's wat i look like way back when i was still very innocent.
I dont quite remember how young i was but it was still in the Gombak days. Life was simple. Truly. I wake up, disturb my mother. Waited for my dad to come home just so that me and my brother could get him to read a storybook to us. I dont wish for things to change in any way. On days my dad was away from work, we'd go trotting as a family all over the island. Back then, my parents really liked Orchard Road because of the Yohan place. Now, they hate the place like nothing on earth. Like them, i too hate changes like that. But what's the point? Things change that's for sure and as a human being, all i can do is to adopt towards the change. Have a positive attitude towards it. But back then, it was all about the simple pleasures in life. Nothing else. I miss those days.
I even remember my growing up days. Quite happy to say that it was very much well lived i guess. My family had a rather comfortable life. But since my dad didnt earn the big bucks, we didnt have the luxury of all the other things that other family had. But, i was still happy. Really. Nowadays, even new boots and supplements are a neccesity to me. Still...buying them did not get the same amount of happiness that i used to have even without the money.
I have decided that i am a simple person! Haha..took me a long time before i could decide on it. I dont really need to go out often and splurge on anything and everything. Things that can make my life go on, is enough of a contention already (is that a word? Contention?). But during my years as a schooler...nothing ever seems enough for me. I always wanted what my friends had because i thought it could make me happy. Then, i end up wanting what everyone had...which is a terrible thing a child could ever do. So my parents decided to teach me a lesson. If i want them, i had to buy them with my own money. I didnt even see it as a lesson but just as a fair thing to do since it was fair enough that i bought those things which i dont really need for in the first place with my own money. As i am typing this, only do i realize that they were trying to tell me this: they work hard to earn that money so that me and my brothers would have a better opportunity at education and that all our NEEDS would be fulfilled. I did not realize that money was that hard to come by up till i went for a seminar a few months ago. How sad of me.
Call me a bitch. I really was one with that kind of attitude. I would always think that im better then others. That came about because i was thinking of how god made me and how others around me only existed so that my life would have a meaning to it ala The Truman Show. You know what i mean? So, i would look down on other people thinking that whatever it is, i am better then them. I dont even know why i was even thinking of that. But after a few classes and a few books(plus a couple of movies too) do i now realize that we are all equals. Those who are more equal can come kiss your own ass. You know who you people are! And dont come down to arrest me because i sad so. Or worst, get other people to do it for you you wuss! Okay...got sidetracked. Urm, ya..people being equals. Yup, i just make it a point to treat everyone equally. Instead of just yapping my butt off, i would listen to them. Truth be told, im better friends with them now. Why didnt i tink of it earlier?
Oh well, that was me when i was growing up to be who i am right now. A boy waiting to be a man when he enlists in April. So what do i do during the wait? I think some more about how i cam about the this juncture of life. I've already thought of that. Now, with almost all of where i came from being known to me, i have to think about where i want to go in life. Damn, im not even thinking of having a girlfriend...
Bloody hell...

I dont quite remember how young i was but it was still in the Gombak days. Life was simple. Truly. I wake up, disturb my mother. Waited for my dad to come home just so that me and my brother could get him to read a storybook to us. I dont wish for things to change in any way. On days my dad was away from work, we'd go trotting as a family all over the island. Back then, my parents really liked Orchard Road because of the Yohan place. Now, they hate the place like nothing on earth. Like them, i too hate changes like that. But what's the point? Things change that's for sure and as a human being, all i can do is to adopt towards the change. Have a positive attitude towards it. But back then, it was all about the simple pleasures in life. Nothing else. I miss those days.
I even remember my growing up days. Quite happy to say that it was very much well lived i guess. My family had a rather comfortable life. But since my dad didnt earn the big bucks, we didnt have the luxury of all the other things that other family had. But, i was still happy. Really. Nowadays, even new boots and supplements are a neccesity to me. Still...buying them did not get the same amount of happiness that i used to have even without the money.
I have decided that i am a simple person! Haha..took me a long time before i could decide on it. I dont really need to go out often and splurge on anything and everything. Things that can make my life go on, is enough of a contention already (is that a word? Contention?). But during my years as a schooler...nothing ever seems enough for me. I always wanted what my friends had because i thought it could make me happy. Then, i end up wanting what everyone had...which is a terrible thing a child could ever do. So my parents decided to teach me a lesson. If i want them, i had to buy them with my own money. I didnt even see it as a lesson but just as a fair thing to do since it was fair enough that i bought those things which i dont really need for in the first place with my own money. As i am typing this, only do i realize that they were trying to tell me this: they work hard to earn that money so that me and my brothers would have a better opportunity at education and that all our NEEDS would be fulfilled. I did not realize that money was that hard to come by up till i went for a seminar a few months ago. How sad of me.
Call me a bitch. I really was one with that kind of attitude. I would always think that im better then others. That came about because i was thinking of how god made me and how others around me only existed so that my life would have a meaning to it ala The Truman Show. You know what i mean? So, i would look down on other people thinking that whatever it is, i am better then them. I dont even know why i was even thinking of that. But after a few classes and a few books(plus a couple of movies too) do i now realize that we are all equals. Those who are more equal can come kiss your own ass. You know who you people are! And dont come down to arrest me because i sad so. Or worst, get other people to do it for you you wuss! Okay...got sidetracked. Urm, ya..people being equals. Yup, i just make it a point to treat everyone equally. Instead of just yapping my butt off, i would listen to them. Truth be told, im better friends with them now. Why didnt i tink of it earlier?
Oh well, that was me when i was growing up to be who i am right now. A boy waiting to be a man when he enlists in April. So what do i do during the wait? I think some more about how i cam about the this juncture of life. I've already thought of that. Now, with almost all of where i came from being known to me, i have to think about where i want to go in life. Damn, im not even thinking of having a girlfriend...
Bloody hell...
Thursday, December 15, 2005
The day today..and just about anything else
Sounds lame..but i'll shall start my blog just like any other blog. Damn, that sounds boring already! Nvm..but what shall i write about? Well, today was rugby day! I love rugby day because there's RUGBY! The Old Boys thingy isnt going as smooth as planned out earlier. Everyone is all over the world! Bloody hell...!@#)&@! But, today's rugby day was quite okay. I took over the C Boys like i used to and made them do a lot of things. I really wonder if the messeges i was trying to convery got through to them. Other then that, i made one of them cry. At first i thought it was just the pain that everyone else was relishing. Only when i got home that i found out that he just recovered from some groin operationg thingY!!! OMG! I hope the dude's okay. I really admire him though. A lot of spirit in him. I see him really going far provided he doesnt stray off with some bad company. Rugby day didnt end up in school. We went SWIMMING!! Funny thing was, a lot of them didnt know how to swim. ROFL. There were some good swimmers too. Being a large group of boys, we couldnt help being rowdy. But OMG! the lifeguards were bloody irrating. I mean, what was their problem?? It's not like we're doing something that would cause the life of millions!! (imagine that, we causing everyone in the pool to drown) Dont they have anything else to do?? I mean...god. They keep blowing their whistle at anything and everything no matter how petty they are. I know there have been cases of drowning at the pool but i doubt its because the drowners drown because of their own mischieve or anyone elses for that matter. They drowned because...they drowned! It cant just be bloody helped!! Really! Seriously! Imagine this, can you prevent a building from being on fire? Of course you can. But it'll be destroyed any way because disasters are meant to happen! Prevention can only slow the inevitable. Period. Plus, i dont read stories about lifeguards trying to safe the lives of people who are on the verge of drowning. I mean, people drowning in swimming pools? Right under the noses of lifeguards??? Err..what could they be doing? Blowing their whistle off just so that a group of boys would stop being rowdy while some poor soul is crying for merciful help! Get this, my friend nearly drowned in one of the olympic pools. He wasnt joking, he had a cramp. What did the lifeguard do? He blew his whistle at him! WTF?! One of my other friends had to instead swim to my poor friend and pull him to safety while the lifeguard was busy dreaming away of another whistle blowing opportunity while fondling with his whistle. My brother was also almost drowned too in a resort in malaysia. Only after we pulled my brother to safety did the lifeguard came. He thought we were only playing. WE WERE ONLY PLAYING??!?!? It got my parents pissed off enough to book out of that resort the very same day and checked in in a different resort in the vicinity. Bloody hell. Well, if the government are looking for a way to cut their budget, i guess they could jolly well do without the lifeguards because, well, they very much redundant anyway since we, ourselves, the memebers of the public, are saving our own skins and others from drowning. Lifeguards? The only life they seem to be guarding is their own. Bloody hell...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Urm..ya. Hi. My first entry of my first blog. Urm..how do you work this thing? Anyone...can you help? ROFL..bloody pathetic. Oh well...
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