Steam-A-Boat! Yup. Didnt have enuff money for a ship so we went for a steamboat. Bugger. Rofl. Stepped out of the mrt and some mamak fella bugged us till i gave in. The rest just kept quiet. OEI! nvm. Got free ride! $12 some more! Wah! It sux la. But we didnt go there for the food. We went there for the sake of each other's company! Right? Urrrrrrite? oh nvm! Didnt have time to blog the other day coz i had a back to back shift. Yup. Dinner and brunch shift. This is just so tat i can make it for the get together. Last minute planning .Steamboat! Everyone was like, set! This because a bbq would be too troublesome and it was actually the tamil tigers' plan to do it. But, they always flake out! Bugger looked to me for planning! So....last minute, i asked the canteen gang. That's me, the sexy one. Tsoon Liang the fierce one. Dean, mr gayboi(he attracts ppl of the same sex! Serious!). Fana, Bulu. Zilah, mssportswomen. Phat, the teacher. Ethan, lamebandboi! We mocked each other. Laughed at each other. Nvr eat each other though coz we took too much food. Urm ya. 2 years of pjc. That's wat it did to us. Ethan was the latest addition to our class clique. But, he clicked well. We needed somebody lame. I needed somebody lamer to share my view of the world. Overall, we complemented each other. Looked out for one another(or really try to). Eat together(happens every break). Study together(end up talking and chatting and blablablablabla). Fail together(read the previous sentence). Pass together(nothing to read abt). Ya. That's nice you noe. real nice. Not too rowdy coz there's girls and not to girlish coz there's ethan. Yup. Try to figure out a link there. anyways...lots of pix. Let's put up some! okay? ok!

well...that's abt it. Got discount at starbucks coz of zilah. Yeap. yeap. Nice bunch of buggers. What zilah said was true. We are quite mean to each other. But that's the thing that keeps us together and keeps us a part; not apart. =) 8th March! Dont forget. TAke off, leave or just dont turn up for work. SAtay by the river ppl!
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