Saturday, February 18, 2006

I just realized how sad our society has got. Morning papers. First thing i see on the front page. Budget 2006. And guess who's face was featured? Well. Harry's son! Kudos. I know it's going to have a huge impact on everyone but do you have to go and make it so visual? Everyone already knows what his objectives are. Make money. Make the rich richer and the poor can remain poor for all they care. Bla bla bla...yada yada yada. I could get slammed for this kind of thing. But hey man...FREE SPEECH! Nothing free abt it since the govt will make every effort to make sure i'll be fucking poor even b4 i can make my first million so tat they wont have a good opposition to challenge their ideas in parliament. Bunch of wussies can even take a challenge from a neighbourhood boy! They'd rather discuss the same ol' thing with ppl of the same background, status, bla bla bla. Y? Because everyone there thinks the same. Shit. They're probably getting paid too much just to discuss abt the same thing over and over again. And the IR case...first they ask ppl abt their opinion. But when everyone rejects, he comes out wif a stronger revenge. Build two instead of just one. Bugger. Elections are coming, somebody else who's goood enuff plz take over. Not like in the last election where some old relief teacher ran for election but got generally ignored because he's just plain crappy. Heck, he was even a crappy relief teacher enuff for a 14-year old to mock him and even outtalked him. ROFL. Stupid fella.

The other sad thing is how murders have become top stories. Top enuff for them to put the pictures of both the victim and the murderer on the front page. Damn, and i was living in denial all this while. My teacher was blabbering on how our society craves for voyuerism and all this while, i thought she was just being crappy. After all, it was on the syllabus which was revised by the gahmen. Didnt noe that the govt disliked it too that they try to teach us that in schools but then flaunt all over in the papers. Maybe it's a conspiracy theory or something. MAybe, there's a rivalry going on. Who knows. Educate the young so that the future govt wont be so fucked up? Ya. It's going to be filled wif ppl from RJ. So, everyone's still going to think alike like the previous generation. Damn. Singapore sounds fucking boring. I want ot get out!!!


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