Monday, February 20, 2006

Here's how my work schedule goes. Monday 3-11pm. Tuesday 3-11pm. Wednesday 3-11pm. Thursday 3-11pm. Friday 3-11pm. Saturday & Sunday off. That's real fucked up man! Doing the closing shift everyday. Im just going to die out of pure exhaustion. Seriously. Morning ppl have all the luck. They just have to set up the things w/o worrying of messing things up. I on the other hand have to clean everything after them. Bloody hell!

Got a bloody red line on my shoulders. I think my skin just tore at the shoulders. Maybe i pumped too much? Damn. Doesnt hurt at all but it's going to leave one big mark. Yeap. And ppl are going to be asking,"how come you've got that stretched marks on your shoulders?" It gets irritating. Shut up em up wif sarcasm and they'll just believe. Rofl. How can a guy get pregnant you idiotS! -drops dead-

-gets up again-

Just heard from my friend. A lvl results are going to be released this Friday. How nice. Now i can get someone to replace me. =) Problem is, i dont know who? Everyone else who i can depend on is schooling. And then the rest urm...susah ah!

Shit lah. I keep forgeting what to write abt. Next time, i'll bring a note pad along with me. Everytime i think of something to write, i'll write it in and then blog abt it. Let's hope it gets much more interesting this time around. =)

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