Monday, February 06, 2006

Had my follow up check up today. Bloody government made go all the way to huge hospital just to let me noe that i do not have TB. I DONT HAVE TB! That's a relief. Hell yeah! I was thinking abt all sorts of things should i suffer from that diesease. Shit. No rugby. No Army. No life. Dying soon. Bloody hell. After that dude said the test was negative...i was like getting ready to run already. The dude told me to sit still coz he hadnt discharged me yet. Uhh...liddat uh? Okay lor. Anyways...rmb me saying how "unique" that place is? Well...check it out.

ncle Tan's Medical CenUtre

hoping i wouldnt be lost

what i thought it is

somehow the sign doesnt add up

now the place looks like a kampong house

the long dreaded uphill walk

house on a hill. in the dead of the night,

it could look like a haunted house

Well...that was my TB trip. I couldnt take any pictures inside. Some secret stuff or what. If i was going to do that, i would need to inform the hospital in advance as they want to protect the privacy of the patients. =/ nvm. Their hospital. Their rules. I wouldnt want to bother much. Met my PJC classmate. GAWD! The bump on her hand was GIGANTIC! hahahax. Seriously. She scratched it. Now she runs the trouble of suspecting to have TB. WEll....good luck to that.

I was thinking of what to blog abt inside the train on the way home. But..urm. Kinda forget what it was now. Anyways...went to the gym after that wif alvin, jk and feng. Pumped like hell. Then we saw this ang moh walking in. He looked HUGE! RElly huge. On closer inspection...we realized he's just some ahpek angmoh. Ahahahax..we tot the grey hair looked cool on him though. But he lifted huge. 80kg huge! I just did the same the other day. But he had nobody supporting him. And in between lifting weights...he read the newspaper. Then this scrawny guy got pissed off wif what this dood was doing. He said that they should be sharing the bench and that he should finish off wif his benching quickly coz he wants to use it to. The angmoh just gave him a blank face and kept reading. He only murmured that once he's done, he'll let the scrawny dood noe. The dood gave a pissed off look and said, " nehmind. i'll use the other bench too. cool?" The angmoh just kept reading the sunday times.'s already monday. Mebe he's following Euro time or something. Who noes. Sunday times on a monday afternoon? Ahahahhax. The scrawny dude then proceeded to the bench press. Guess what. HE ONLY LIFTED NO MORE THEN 10KG!!! ROFL. And he was arguing wif the monster abt sharing the incline bench. AHAHAHAX. FUCK OFF DOOD! He came first. And he's got a maximum of theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerty minutes to use the thing! He's barely been there for 10. Bugger. After all that arguing...he was only going to life 10? Bugger...even i would tell him to fuck off. Which was what we kind of did. We say he was goign for the 10kg dumbells aft tat. So we quickly snatched one and did raises. Ahahahahax. The bugger got pissed off as he cant do what he wants to do wif only one 10kg dumbell coz it needs 2. Ahahahahax. idiot.

Went for makan at Sinaran aft that. U noe....the place at TEck whye. The foodcourt on top of the hill? Rmb? k. cool. SC(sinaran club) members...we nd to gather there sometime. Call me when you guys book out alrite? Four guys. We sat at a table for 10. Numbers doesnt add up. But. that was the only table left. So. wdh. Rofl. Walked to lot 1 aft tat. cool nite walked. got rowdy inside lot 1. Then jk went into the billabong shop. ROFL. I shouted from outside, " Joonkiat! You're on TV!"
He got blur and looked around. He was thinking..."what? tV? What tv?" then he turned around and saw the tv. and in the tv was him. Yup. He was on the security tv. The 3 salesgirls couldnt help laughing out loud enough to attract the attention of passerbys. Dood...I PUT YOU ON THE SPOTLIGHT! rofl. Walked some more and went on to the arcade. Wanted to play the boxing game but stupid machine was spoilt. Damn.

Wohoo! PAy day! yup. Gonna buy supplements. Already gave my parents 1/3 of it. or issit 1/4? Dunno. this rate, i dont think i can ever pay them back whatever i owe them over the years. So...IM GOING TO GET RICH! Ahahahax. It's just a way. So Bud. GEt out of NS. Get straight to Shatec. Dont fool around anymore. If you want that restaurant of ours to be started.. better get to it as soon as possible. Then i'll hire school leavers to work there as waiters and train them how to be a realy waiter! And cleaners will clean up the place after it's close. Not the waiters. Well...that's one heck of a dream aint it?

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