Sunday, February 25, 2007

Do what is right because it's right

That's the quote im damn sure i'll be able to remember vividly thru my life. It's from Letters From Iwo Jima. Its not just another war flick. Yup. I noe ppl already started moaning and groaning "why another one?!?!". Well, it certainly had the cinemas filled up(i got a ticket 3 rows from the front and i got the ticket more than an hour before the show), it had good reviews, it certainly didnt have much hype than any other movies that were released this month(they all proved to be a huge dissapointment) and it certainly had a connection with me. Or my life at least at this very moment.

War. It's a terrible thing. Again...everybody can say that they noe that war's a bad thing. But do they? Do they even have the opportunity to even come close to war like situations? Nah...they just believe what they see on tv. They dont noe what goes beyond the tv screens. The actual human emotions. Our hopes and aspiration actually dies when we go to war. Nobody's coming home alive. People simply go to war and die. Cept' for generals who claim to fight wars and able to come back alive. Those bastards are simply sitting in some air-con room planning on how we soldiers eventually die. Whether we die on the enemy's left flank or the right. Whether it'd be death by small arms or huge guns. The list actually goes on. All we can do to stay alive is to look out for each other. Nevertheless, there will still be death. And im not only referring to our side but the other side as well.

NOticed that im not calling them the bad guys or enemies? Well...while our own forces may seem to be referred to as friendly forces to our people, we are also referred to as the enemy to their people. Vice-versa for the other side. See...that's war. Everybody dies. Everybody loses. Nobody gains. Nobody's right. You dont win for being right. You win cause you're left. You're the only one left. That's how you win a war. There you go...more sadistic truth about war.

It isnt just about people dying. Not about destruction or the lost for others. Its so much more than that. A lot more. Some lost in translation. Others just unspoken of. Think i might change my own perspective about going to war as well. Nothing glamourous. Nothing great. If someone tells you, "Congrats! We're going to war!!" or somewhere along the line, be sure to give the fucker a boot to the face cos he aint thinking straight. You simply do not congratulate people to die. You simply dont...

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