Friday, March 28, 2008

Hmm..its been a long time since i've wrote. To those who's been coming to my blog religiously to check whether i've written anything new, i would like to apologize. Procastination is mainly to blame for. And time spent away from the computer is something that's not true., games and more games. Trying to take like as slow as i can for now. Bout' 4 more months till i enroll into NTU. 4 years(maybe 5 if masters withing reach) and im done with proper education. Hmm..wonder how that would feel like. Sayang's already experienced that. Job hunting's a bitch to begin with. Hopefully, she'd get a good job soon and end all worries =) Dun worry ya, one is on the way sayangg =)

Teaching has been really demanding actually. You're juggling between educating, disciplining, politics and what nots. i've said before, its just like being in the army. All except that my men are now children. I dont wear green. And i dont have to associate myself to any superiors(many times have the principals of the schools came into my class without me recognizing them or their authority. Hehs. Sorry guys). But many people still wonder, why are there endless supply of teachers? There's quite a few of peers who didnt seem to quite make it for their A lvls. When i asked them what's next? They would say "NIE lor....what else is there?" got me wondering, is teaching a last resort for many? Issit because they got nowhere else to go that they decided that teaching is their forte? Is the govt really taking on people like this? If so...that means our new batch of teachers are nowhere near the standard that they should be? I know, i know. Im making a fucking biased statement here. But it was just what i was thinking you know? Im sure all of you have got your own sets of thinking so dont be a bitch about what i've said, okay? It's just an opinion. Wont hurt anybody, im damn sure of it(unless the govt decided to peek into what i've wrote and seriously considered what i said. Then, im sorry guys)

Well, one things for sure, lecturers at universities surely arent cheap shots that were hired off the streets. Coz if they were, then the fees that im paying are simply outrageously ridiculous. Im seriously hoping for knowledge nirvana(in other words, learning new things at a stressful pace that i become numb to any sort of pain). Oh well, lets just take it as it is...

Hmm...cant wait for the rugby match tmr. hehehehehehes

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