Well, since i last filled up on a new entry, life has been preeeeeeeeetty good for me...i suppose? Just a couple more days and it'll be back to school after 2 years of chiong-suaing(still have 10 more years of that to go...) Hmm..sociology. What the hell do we study there?? All i know that somehow, somewhere we will be able to shape the future of our society based on our past. Yeah..i have 4 years to get that Degree and hopefully, by then, i would at least have a fair idea what sociology is all about.
FUCK! I sound like a bloody nerd who's blogging his life away. To begin with, im just a normal regular jackass who blogs about things he see's, feels, discovers(is this the theme for Singapore Discover Centre?)all from the very own pace of his perspective. But ya...really, life has really been kinda good for me lately.
Last week was THE BOMB!!! Went up to KL to participate in UiTM's 3rd International Sports Fiesta(kinda like drop ball fiesta) with NTU(fuckers typo-ed us as NUT). Hohoho..and i have yet to even start studying there. But it really felt more like a rugby camp than a 7s tourney. Felt like going back to the army...just with rugby. Plus...its been more that 15 years i think since i've last been to KL. The last time i went there was with my family and my uncle's family in a van. Yeah...i think i was only 4 or 5 that time. Cant really remember when. So...in all my vainest attempt, i thought that we'd be able(or at least me) to go visit places that i've been to before. You know, landmarks that postcards are made of when you're talking about malaysia, or at least KL. Ya...that didnt happen. Guys wanted to do something different, and it was pretty late anyway so...ya....hmm...Im seriously thinking about riding up there(solo or with a buddy) to explore those places. You know...the history and everything. Because before matathir, there was malaysia. With mathathir...everything became like the Chinese's cultural revolution. WEll...pretty much. Well, at least things are looking up for them now.
Seriously...i think qing yao shares this feeling with me...im wasnt quite done yet with KL. Well...at least we werent.
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