I have never felt so tired in my life before. Well, that's just an exageration but I know that you know what I mean. It's been 6 days of pure intense rugby consisting of trainings from Monday till Thursday followed by a friendly match with the school team on Friday and a club match on Saturday. The latter's result had to be voided as the game was cancelled halfway through thanks (but no thanks) to the rain. All I got from that game was a bruised ego along with a bruised shoulder, a bump on the head, a knocked up knee and along with an extremely sore body. This isn't Sunday anymore, it's SOREday.
As if that isn't enough, work is also wearing down. 2 sessions of tuitioning today, one sessions of MTS yesterday and also Pizza delivery yesterday and later in the evenings. Come Wednesday, it'll be another sessions of MTS at my old secondary school in the evening. Soon, I'll have another coaching assignment in some school which I only hearing it's name for the first time. If you find these all very overwhelming, you're probably right- it IS! All I can say is that I am going through hell for a little piece of heaven. Hope that small little piece won't disappoint.
How my life is like right now mirrors everyone- albeit in a rather different way. We spend our lives going through hell just for that little piece of heaven which most of us calls retirement. Sadly, most of us will never get there. Bright side of it all is that we won't have to suffer the ails of old age. Well, at least that's what some of us prefer anyway. We can never truly do what we want to do in our lives. We are often tied down with nonsense such as responsibilities, obligations, mortgages, debts, bla bla bla. The list goes on. ITS NEVER ENDING!!!
It's sickening how we think how blessed we are when all we get is pummelled upon by things we need to do. The ratio of us getting pummelled by that versus getting levitated by things that we really want to do is dissapointing. So at the end of the day, all of us are living a lie.
I realize how pessimistic and morbid this all sounds. But then, not everyone can actually handle the truth. People can even get killed or detained for trying to show some light on things. So I am back to square one- what is the meaning of life?
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