With just a few more hours till the stroke of midnight, I begin to wonder the notion of love. What is love? Is it an emotion? Is it some sort of a theory? Is it something we create to justify certain acts that we carry out?
Perhaps, a joke to sort of lighten the moment here might help...
Q: What does "making love" mean?
A: It is something a woman does while a guy is fucking her.
I did say perhaps and sort of didn't I?
Jokes aside, love has been the limelight in our existence in this world. Without hate, there can be no love. Without love there can be no hate in this world. Opposites exists and the only thing that we can do about it's existence is not to just deal with it but to embrace it. Only by embracing it can we truly understand the power of such a concept/notion/theory. After all, how many times have us men heard this line," Women- can't live without them, can't live with them either"? It's been repeated over and over again- made cheesy by all forms of entertainment.
Wars have been fought for such a notion. At the same time, all forms of violence have also been resolved when all forms of amnesty have been exhausted only to be replaced by the notion of love. World War 1, World War 2, Cold War and all other wars ancient to us were fought because of this thing called love or the lack of it. That statement is arguable. Even amidst any clashing, there is love going on. It is found in the form of continuum of which many of us can only identify as the lacking of love. We fail to see the hindsight of it all that violence is possibly love on the hindsight of things. Here, I cannot fail to express myself in the only way that why being a solider(of some sort) means a lot to me. It comes in the form of this, "People sleep peaceably at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf".
Right now, you must be thinking, "How is this suitable for the 14th of February?!" Well, since we ARE celebrating valentine's day, let's recap why we are.
1) St Valentine died on this day.
2) He died a martyr.
3) It is a celebration of love in its highest form- sacrifice.
So right here, sacrifice is what we are really celebrating. Not a day goes by without us doing something and not having to lose something else just to do that. Truth is, we are limited in all that we do. Economists have long identified the idea of scarcity. Right now, the only resource all of us equally have would be time. However, that too has it's own form of scarcity. Time spent working meaning time lost with your love ones. Time spent with your love ones meaning time lost for doing things that you love...unless of course you share the same interests with your love ones.
I am going all over the place with this one. Many of you would agree that I barely touch on something before going onto something else. But I am sure you do get a picture of this? No? Well, too bad because all I want to do here is to engage your thoughts....and I have a major assignment to finish by tonight.
Perhaps I will write again here once I have some more time or maybe a face-to-face conversation would do some good. Spontaneity is the mother of all mothers after all. But for now, I shall leave with something which I find highly relevant to celebrate this very day.
Jim's Dad: Why do you think, uh, Michelle, they call it "making love"?
Michelle: I don't know. I just call it "boning".
Jim's Dad: Boning? Well, when-when you're doing other things with Jim, when you're not... um... boning, how does he make you feel?
Michelle: Horny, like I wanna bone.
Jim's Dad: But-but, we can't be boning from sunrise to sunset, dear.
Michelle: Oh, you've never tried it?
Jim's Dad: I certainly have. I have. I've boned... from sunrise, uh, right through brunch on more than one occasion.
It is somehow incomplete here. Couldn't find the rest of it but I think it finishes of something like this...
You make love because you have to make love work...
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