Tuesday, July 01, 2014

In secret places, we don't fight fair

It's SAF day again. It seems like its a really big deal this year with a massive on going PR campaign everywhere. 
Ever since 2006, I've always had such immense pride whenever I put on the uniform. In about 2 more years, that pride would have lasted for 10 years. How time flies. 

I remember the first time we put on our uniforms, that feeling was simply indescribable. And to be wearing it in public could only intensify that feeling. Sadly, the public viewed it differently as they often left my buddies and I an entire train carriage to ourselves. 

Aside from pride, it has also given me courage many times over. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the presence of that that brings it about. Without fear, there can be no courage. It all happens in a split second when we decide a situation is either a flight of fight. Often, I had chose the situation to be the latter. Sadly, it's often so difficult these days for me to choose the situation to be that of a fight. I shall overcome this. 

That said, I still remember clearly what happened on the 12th of February 2007. 28 of us we situated on a hill to fight off a sizable enemy. What we thought was a 100 men turned out to be at least 4 times more of our assumption. But we held on to the very last man; to the very last bullet. 

We eventually took revenge by capturing the entire 400 off guard. We won. We ruled the day and we conquered the night. It may have been just another exercise. But we fought hard. We weren't going to give up. That was when that I knew, that we were all a unit. 

Felt good to tell that story. But what does my 2 years mean to me?  Well, I picked up a lot of skills which I still use till this day. I am the unbeatable contender in my own unit. I picked up smoking, which really helped me in making loads of friends. Alas, I have stopped. And I am not making sense in any way right now. Seriously, this writing is not coherent at all. My kind is a jungle right now. 

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