Sunday, June 10, 2007

While waiting for my sayang to tell me that she's awake and ready...i wasted time away on friendster. Ya...its the place that people waste their time a good sort of way. I was reading all the testimonials and comments that ive gotten over the years. Seems like JC was really the best 2 years of my life. Probably....i rmb the fun i had. Yeah....FUN! Funny Unorthodox Nonsense.

Hmm...sure had a lot of friends back then. And sayang...if only you knew my friends, u would have a totally different impression of jc students. True that the whole elitism thing exists in JCs...but they quickly get dissed off by people like me and my friends. I think my JC is more like a kampong JC of some sort...hahaha.

Wished i had made more friends back then. But ya...still quite happy with the friends that i actually have. I will never trade those 2 years for anything else. Thx for the memories guys. Stay cool and hope that someday somehow, we'd be reunited to save the world.....err...ya. Hehs.

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