Tuesday, September 08, 2009

There is this one line that has been prominent in my mind. It guides me to the meaning what i am doing-studying. Be it be taken as a form of satire or just another philosophy it has proven to serve me well. That line goes, "Schools are for fools".

Why do we partake in education? Is it because of the paper-chase phenomenon that time and time again has been embedded onto us effortlessly ever since we realized that an education system DO in fact exist? To get ourselves a degree at least so that we will be able to earn so much that we are able to lead decent lives. What is decent? That is up to the individual to decide. I cannot, do not, and will not decide it for you.

If that was the case, then education has failed us all. For it one was to earn so much money, one would not partake in the act of being educated but merely have to work for when you work, you'd earn, money.

Perhaps this is the reason why people study. When you study, you are merely putting yourself into a situation of alienation. You study so that you can earn big bucks. You'd mug so that you'd be able to achieve good grades but throughout the entire semester, you'd put in minimum effort towards your work as you do not see it beneficial in serving you good grades. You would only pick and choose topics out of the entire textbook; ones that would serve you well into getting you those grades. Education thus, has failed you miserably.

Rather, in order for education to succeed you, you do not study but you learn. The distinction between the two is as fine as the strain of your hair after it has been sliced across a dozen times. But the fact is, there is a distinction. To study is to absorb knowledge and use it for the sake of using that knowledge. To learn is to appreciate what a lesson will be teaching you. There is no right or wrong answer for the right answer is the one that you have managed to learn and have convinced others that it is in fact correct.

As what our mothers have always told us when we have made mistake, regretted it and intend to make amends, "So, have you learnt your lesson?"

They do not go, "So, have you studied your lesson?" Perhaps, the down-brining of our education system is that we all want to study. It's not in the fault of our educators but the flaw is in the system itself. The paper chase phenomenon.

To learn is to appreciate a sense of lacking that all have inbuilt. We do know all for if we did, then it would be at our expiration as there is nothing else to learn for us: we have learnt what we need to.

So, are schools for fools? You decide.

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