Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Longgggggggg weekend is coming to an end and I've got shitloads of work to do...SHIT(hence the term)! The weekend has been quite something something. I got real dark from kite flying but I doubt anyone could be able to tell the difference. I game-ed my way through the weekend till my brains are almost fried. And I couch potato-ed to my heart's desire with HBO and friends. It's been a rather lazy weekend. Literally.

I still don't get it why I'm still getting blamed for things. It's as if I was the culprit in all that's happened (or still is happening). Sometimes being someone's punching bag means that you get to talk to them. But is that all there is to that? People do forget that I am a human being after all. Despite the fact that I show close to no expression most of the time, I do have feelings. But people forget that or either that they choose to ignore that. People don't treat others that way much less than friends do. You don't have to be in a relationship with a person to be doing favors for them or even treating them like-well you guessed it-A HUMAN BEING!

Even my cat get's better treatment. Infact, he's getting a lot fatter and lazier. Sleeping all day and meowing all night. It scratched my nose when I attempted to lead him into a healthier lifestyle. I guess, he's taking after my parents(one of the reasons I hate travelling with them is because their idea of a vacation is to sleep all day in a hotel room and do nothing for the rest of the the trip but eat, chill and sleep some more).

Well, the 4-Unis tournament is just around the corner. Coincidentally, my first match is on the night that I'm taking my driving test. Talking about double load. At the rate I'm going, i think i might just spend under $500 for my driving lessons after all. If I pass, that'll be the story for my grandkids(after which, none of them will want to visit me ever again). Rugby wise...everyone says my passing has gotten sharper. But my decision making skills are a little bit flumpsy(yes i made that word up). Inconsistency is what I'm really good at. Statistically wise, I am an error! Guess that's what makes me special(not in the retarded kind of way like what the programme that that institute has).

I keep wondering whether what I written will affect anyone. It can either be in a good way or a bad way. I have this nagging feeling that a somehow, someone(unwanted by society) is getting burnt by what I'm saying. Then, there's others who just want to see what's going on. Voyeurism isn't that bad considering how many people practice it. Then there are others who come here looking for inspiration(okay, I just overdid it).

How I wish that people would be able to open up themselves to the truth because only that will set someone truly free. IF something is meant to be, no amount of effort or decision making can change that. It hurts just to see how someone's denial is consuming them inside-out. It really isn't worth it that just because you don't want to disappoint others, you yourself suffer. It would really be selfless of others to see that instead of pushing through with what they have in mind. It'll only benefit them and not yourself. Guess, selfish people do exist. Last I check, those people who sell fish really stink! I should know, I tried it before -._.-

The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we're afraid. We fear we will not find love, and when we find it we fear we'll lose it. We fear that if we do not have love we will be unhappy

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