It seems that the most lucrative kind of enterprise deals with only two things: birth and death. There is at least a baby being born everyday. At the same time, the death of a person occurs on the daily basis as well. If you were to follow thelogic from FinalDestnation, in order for there to be the occurence of birth, there first has to be death. A life given up so that a new life can be given. I wonder how many of us believe in tha dictum.
I only belive in one thing- the temporaral state of everything. Life isn't permenant and neither are the people in our lives. The state of living requires us to be burning bridges everyday(if you think I'm talking in the most literal sense then you deserve a good smackdown from Mr.Socko).
Like the saying says, we cannot control who enters our lives but we can control who exits. Are we really capable of such feats? I highly doubt so. Sudden exits leave us exasperated for answers. The question why looms days and sometimes even years on end. But to ask that question why is just as pointless as pulling out the legs of a centipede. Each why is answered with a because and each because is followed by yet another why(yes, not everyone is conscious about this just like how you CAN actually lick your elbows).
The faithful can probably answer that God has his plans. The "rational" can probably come up wth an entire book just to explain the simple concept of The Temporal State of Everything. How do you overcome this? You can't! A loss is evident! And that is me looking at it optomistcally. I'd say that you're a fool if you were to be calling me a pessimist. Just have to make the bes of thing an enjoy the moments they life presents to you-both the good and the not so good. There can never be a bad moment in your life if you are open to this concept.
However, after all is said and done, I still don't know how I'm going to cope when I eventually lose my parents. Everyone is getting older. I'm where my dad was 30 years ago. About 20 years ago, my dad lost his dad. Less than a decade ago,my dad lost his mom. I don't know how he copes with it but he seems to be doing rather fine. Maybe becaus he has been keeping himself real busy after the passing of his dad. That's one more reason why I want to join the army - so that I'll got before my parents does because, honesty, I do not know if I can even cope when their time had come. At least, if I die in a war, they'll be guarenteed at least 100k worth of life insurance (:
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