Wednesday, June 02, 2010

A recent conversation with a friend of mine brought up the question, "What is normal?". We take our norms so taken for granted that we tend to classify everything else as a deviance or not normal. We forget that what is normal actually exists out of something from somewhere. It is a classification that we ourselves made exist.

Firstly, heterosexuality. If it is so normal, then, how come we need so many laws just to enforce it? It's just like saying that you would be jailed/fined just for believing that things could fall upwards into the sky( I'm talking about the laws of gravity here by the way). Gravity is so natural, yet it has no laws to enforce it. Yet, we tend to claim that heterosexuality is natural even though there are probably so many laws just to enforce it's "naturalness". The recent debate in parliament about the repeal of Charter 377(A) should make for a good case in point here. So is heterosexuality/homosexuality normal?

How about intersex or hermaphrodites then? They are often seen as an anomaly. Yet, about 1 out of 2000 babies are born with both genitalia. Just take an entire primary school and there's tend to be an intersexed kid in that population. So how? Are you going to be treating that kid as some sort of a monster? Many would heave a sense of relieve by saying, "thank god of medical advances!" But really, have you ever tried talking to one of those kids? Have you ever seen the kind of pain they would have to go through just to fit in? Just to be "normal"?

Then we came upon the topic about the handicapped. Why are they called handicapped in the first place? Is it just because we think that they can't compete with us on a "normal" basis? Fuck! If so, then there would be so many "handicapped" people out there since they are not able to compete with me in my own field. Hell, I'd be termed as a handicapped too since I can't compete with a lot of people in their own field. Why can we just treat them as per normal? I can hear so many people saying that, "oh no! But we are not able to understand them!!". So, is it their fault that you are not able to understand them? Not exactly. It is your fault for not being able to comprehend them. Just like what you teachers always tell you whenever you fail badly for the comprehension section of your English paper, " You failed because you failed to comprehend the passage/questions."

1/1000 kids are born with down syndrome. 1/1000 kids are born with autism. There are more than 40 Million blind people in the world any day. It's higher for the deaf. And i'm referring to 1/1000 born with any kind of those traits on a daily basis. YEAP! Daily basis! So how can we treat them as not "normal" when it is perfectly clear that they are? I mean, if you want to take the argument of "majority" into play here, then, doesn't that quite make the cut too?

What's more saddening is that the only thing most of us wants to offer is pity because we feel that God has been unfair by making them that way. Remember all those "advertisements" for donations and all and the use of these people just to garner more support through guilting us all into it? That's just plain terrible! If were to offer anything, it should be unconditional love. I mean, no child can ever grow up into a wholesome person with nurturing. Pitying doesn't equate to nurture because one can only pity for so much; for only so long. Loving however doesn't seem to go out of style.

I guess, this is the main cause of conflicts round the world: the battle for normality. I said its a stupid and useless fight. Rather than forcing the change, why can't we just accept the change and make the best of it all? Wouldn't that make everything and everyone better off?

I realize that there are a lot of shortcomings in what I've written. Plus, I am prepared to receive any sort of criticisms here. But that's only because I've once again lost my train of thoughts so am not able to fully express my thoughts here. Well, whatever it is, I mean well (and also, I am not Gay to begin with just to be sure).

So, lets begin to ask ourselves this question: What is normal?

You use your money to buy privacy because during most of your life you aren't allowed to be normal

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