Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Everyone should be trusted until they have proven themselves untrustworthy beyond reasonable doubt

IF you were to use this mantra while doing what I do, then I guess you're in for a big surprise. That line speaks volumes about you being so goddamn naive about everything- in this instance other people.

But yes, I do believe that there are good in people. It's just buried so deep within that they themselves believe that doing good would only result in the benefit of others and that they would gain nothing.

They would gain nothing... That phrase itself goes to show how much of a human being we human beings can be. But some do go out of the way to actually prove themselves untrustworthy(if there is no such word as this, there is now).

So yes, it is true that I don't trust easily. But it is a paradox in the sense that if I don't trust, I cant love(in any possible way that is). But to trust is to be vulnerable and if there's one thing I loath the most is the feeling of vulnerableness. Once bitten, twice shy. Enough is enough. But I guess these walls around me that I've built can be crumbled if one cares enough to take the pains to actually bring it tumbling down.

Although...I don't think it can actually tumble down. Ok ok..maybe not bring it tumbling down but to scale it and join me inside the walls that I've built. IT's like a castle or fortress. But with any design, there is a soft spot that once hit, you can actually penetrate through and get to me. Guess not everyone can or will notice that.

But with trust(or the lost of it), I suppose there is also redemption. No religion has stated that once you've sinned, you cannot be redeemed. WEll, not the ones that I know of anyway. SO i'm going to leave it as that..

A single lie can cloud a thousand truth

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