Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Life has been pretty WTF lately. Assignments and readings keep on piling and all that im doing with them is just shoving them aside(like what im doing now). Just wish that I had more time in a day so that I can actually get things done. Being an aggressive procrastinator does help either(go figure out how one does that). In other words, I procrastinate aggressively(like I said, go figure that one out).

Rugby has turned out to be a chore. With a coach that seems more like a magician(he should change his name to David Copperfield or something) than what he hired him to do(to coach obviously), I actually have to step up to the plate and train everyone. As a result, I don't get to train myself. How the fuck am I suppose to improve as a player really? It's not like I'm a rugby legend or something that I don't need the training. I seriously do need the training or else why do I actually bother to turn up at every session? FUBAR. Different year, same shit.

Well, the only good thing is that Im actually getting a new bike. Well, not exactly new; old bike new rider. Nevertheless Im quite excited even though that means that every month, I owe someone $120 for the next 3 years(someone being the shop). Well, at least I can afford it. Once I start working, time to aim big(literally). Yeah bebeh!!!

Pardon my rather erratic behavior. But I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. I suppose I have actually snapped. Awesome possum.

A leader is one who, out of madness or goodness, volunteers to take upon himself the woe of the people. There are few men so foolish, hence the erratic quality of leadership in the world

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