Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Guess we made this far guess we're doing alright

The long weekend proved to be sort of refreshing for me. The 1 Star Kayaking course proved to be a change of pace for me. Well, it was something that I have wanted to do for quite sometime anyway. But as usual, there's always things that prevented me from doing so; nonetheless, coming up with excuses is rather tiring so after searching high and low for such a course, I found it, got some friends(who incidentally were also planning to do such a thing) to go with me. A darker shade later, I am now looking to do something else. Perhaps, with all that I learn, I will be Captain Awesome to my kids in the future.

But after Saturday's session, I really had to push myself to go for a game. The fact that we were playing the old birds from ASCi did not help at all. But what I saw upon arrival was really disappointing- incompetence in most of the players. But that is only unavoidable since most of them are new and they really look like they did not know how to play at all. Despite my constant screaming at them, they seem to be playing their own game- even screaming to a wall would yield better results than them because at least walls have echoes. That said, I managed to convey the message to the convener about me wanting to try out my luck at another club. I guess it is time for me to move. I have been with them since 2008. That's about 3 seasons with them.

It started out with bumping into an old coach at the gym who asked me to go along. I had only recently ORD-ed and my juniors have been egging me to go. So despite not having played any rugby for my 2 years in the army, I soon found myself travelling towards city hall to what I will still know as the greatest training ground ever- The Padang. Whats there not to like? The constant flow of curious onlookers proved to be some sort of a motivation for attention loving people like me. The night sky was brightly lit with neon lights from the CBD. The facilities were simply fantastic! But the best part of it all was the team- old coaches, old teammates (from school all the way to the national team) and of course future schoolmates and team mates (then in 2008).

Moving to another club does make me feel like I am betraying them. But I am getting old and I still need to feel like I am actually doing something there. One of the things that's on my bucket list is to actually play a televised rugby match. I will definitely retire after that with no regrets. Besides, there are simply too many memories with that club- some of which can make me feel rather melancholic. While all this might seem trivial to many, it is quite a big deal for me. Just like your trivial fascination with, I don't know, computer games? So yes, I do not know what the future holds for me but I am going into this with an open mind and an open heart. After all, that is the best way to survive anything and everything.

That said, guess life is really taking a different shape from what it was when I started university. It's about 6 more months till I actually graduate. I still dare to say that I am actually the first in the entire extended family to graduate (not counting the in-laws of course. But even so, the count remains at 1). But I am not to sure about what I want to be doing after I graduate. I do however know what I do not want to do so I guess that I have actually taken the first step. Now I have to translate that into a plan that might actually work! We will see how that works. Who knows, I might actually take up a masters instead. I'll be at the same school anyway except that this time around, it will be something that I actually wanted to study. Well, life beholds all things that even I cannot imagine at times. Open hearts and open minds it is then!

(insert samurai maxim here)

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