Its over. It's finally over. Golf Company Platoon 3 40th BSLC has finally come to an end after 10 weeks of hardwork, fun, laughter, suffering and what nots. By far, they were the best bunk mates ever. The best section mates i've ever worked with. Everyone was ready to compromise. Willing to go thru shit. People like those dont come to often. It felt so right to be in Golf company, platoon 3, section 3 since the very first day. Felt sooooooo right. Now, Ecco...urm. A bit akward. Maybe i'll get used to it....somehow. I have to if not, it means troubled times ahead. A few days of adjustment should do the job. Seems like im with the best now. Got to act like one.
On the lighter side of things, today's 10k Sheare's Bridge run was rather refreshing. Didnt feel like a 10 klick run at all. Maybe it was because i spent most of the time weaving in and out of human traffic rather than running. All thanks to walkers from all walks of life. A little bit enjoyable, especially the last part........and a little bit pissed off....because of the walkers during the first 5 klick. Imagine this, i spent 30 mins just to run 5 klick. WTf? It was alright la. Went to eat at BK after that. Bloody packed with soldiers. Yet, they were all understaffed all because it was a sunday morning. *knocks head on wall* A hungry man is an angry man. And a soldier is a man who shoots a rifle. So go figure out what ever there is to be figured out. AFter a game of pool(again....) we all went our own ways. I went to the library to get some comics. Surprise surprise...there were police officers doing security checks on the library users. rofl. All thanks to an Isreali something something. Troublesome bunch of people they really are. Sometimes i think that everyone would be better off and much more happier with them around.
A bit of horlanding after tat. Walked all the way from Bugis to Chinatown to Tiong Bahru before taking the train from there. Bloody tired. Wonder why. Still tired.
Anyways, as a corporal now, i shoulder a bit more shit. Ya. 11 more weeks and i'll be collecting shit. Ya balls. COrporal of the SINGAPORE ARMED FORCES! 10 weeks of shit and fuck to get my chevrons. Not to mention the 28km route march the night before and parade straight soon after. The things that we hallucinate are really really weird. Like how my friend jumped to one side in order to avoid an orange chair in the middle of the road in NTU. Ya. It got that bad. Dont think i've recovered.
Life goes on. EVeryone else is going somewhere better. Supposedly. Well, lets hope it can only get better for me.
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