Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We are the spark, that once would ignite a pilot light, burning deep in your heart

The few that remains by Set Your Goals has been ruling my playlist as of it. I'm not too sure what's gotten me to listen to this song over and over again but it doesn't ring some truth in my life- proving others wrong when they think that I can't.

Lately, I've been watching a lot of war documentaries. Wars and conflicts has always fascinated me in this profound way. Even after serving in the army, I can actually explain what it is that fascinates me. This alone is enough to label me as some sort of a war junkie which I can assure you I'm most certainly not.

Perhaps this fascination comes from the fact that a crisis or conflict can really band humanity together. It's weird isn't it that we can't do it peacefully but need something horrendous such as this before we try to achieve any form of humanity. Perhaps the show of humanity is only pervasive through inhumane acts.

But why the need of such cruelty? Each time I watch those documentaries, I can see how even after years the events that took place is still vividly seared in the minds of the veterans. Like a world war 2 pilot said, "let me take you on the flight to Berlin" as he goes on to describe his experience on that ill-fated flight which didn't end so well for his friends.

Why do we need impending doom of any sort before we decide to bring out the best in us? Why can't we continually live and love? This whole thought is ironic coming from someone who does forgive but not forget.

Perhaps we need a vehicle to progress the good in us. Without such impetus, we would just accept what is status quo.

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