Wah...last i updated was on Monday. It's SUNDAY ALREADY! That was fast. Too fast. Too furious. Yeap. Been really busy the past week. REally! REally really reallY! Didnt even have time to log on lah. K. Let's see what i did.
Worked the morning shift. Boss called me on the very last minute. The moment i opened my eyes from lala land, the phone rang. It's like some bloody mobilisation lah! Idiot. Anyways, Worked till 5. Waited for the other idiot to finish her shift then me, belize and jingwen went to catch a movie. My idea. My treat to popcorn. ROFL. The Pink Panther. DOnt know how ppl can laugh at them corny jokes. It was really simple ones. Very visual. Dont-have-to-think-too-much-abt-it jokes. Ya. Lame and simple. Then we walked all the way to the esplanade, went to the roof and stared at the stars. Quite nice actually. Bummed there till 10.30 b4 dragging ourselves home.
Worked till 3pm. Changed shift wif yuen leng. My cousin came after that. So i was like going around to everyone and asking if they thought she was pretty. Everyone was all gong abt it. Nehmind. Rofl. WAnted to play pool but those two idiots didnt noe how to play. Walked all the way to Penisular Shopping Centre for nothing. Basket. THEY EVEN PANGSEH ME AND WALKED AWAY!!! Jing Wen was nice enuff to drag Belize back. So we decided not to play pool and wanted to walk all the way to East Coast Park from Town. Do-able. But in Delifrance Uniforms??? ERmm...ya. U get the idea. So we decided to have Burger King for dinner coz i was craving for their burgers after watching the Pink Panther movie and remembering the Hamburger scene. Rofl. Walked all the way to Raffles Place. My contacts got lost somewhere in my eyes along the way. Ya. So i had "perfect" vision in my left but my right was all blurry.
After BK, we walked to Tanjong Pagar to meet a friend of theirs supposedly for me to be introduced to her. But end up, they did they talking and i just sat one corner...snoring! Buggers. Walked back to Merlion Park and slacked there, enjoying the night breeze and whisked off to home at 8.30. Yeaep.
CCKPS called me early in the morning. I had to relief a Mdm Nor'aisah. Yup. She was on MC and i had to take all her classes. First class, Pri 6F. Bunch of rowdy students. Act big and all coz they were the seniors in the school. Wait till they start secondary school. ROFL. Then primary 3 students. Very noisy! Asked them to do worksheet, they asked me to give them helping words. SO i just simply made them do it with me. Buggers. Had a vvvvery long lunch break after tat b4 starting my afternoon classes. Primary 1 students. My first thought was, " aaaaaaaaawwwww. So cute!" So i mentally prepared myself not to scold them. BIggest mistake ever. They were noiser and rowdier. Fuck. I turned my back on them for a second and 3 of them ran out of class. Wah. But the part that made it all worth it was that the whole primary one classes waved my goodbye when i was leaving. Some of them even went to me to shake my hand(the malay way) and bla bla bla. Really sweet of them. Went to Delifrance after tat for my afternoon shift. bloody hell. REally tiring.
Relief a MAth teacher and at the same time mdm noraisha or mdm noraisah. Either spelling. Same teacher. DOesnt really matter. ROfl. This wont affect me getting called to relief again rite? Anways...taught math at 5D. Atleast i was supposed to. Hahha. Played hangman LAH! Idiiotic teacher. ROFL. Went back to their class 3 different times b4 releasing them for Recess, ending my time wif them for the day. Had my primary 6 class b4 teaching my pri 3 class. Yeap. WAs stuck wif my primary for 1.5 hrs lah! wahpiang! I tried to strech the ghost story i was telling them but it only lasted 2 periods! Shit! last period was like...oh no! What to do wif them? They were soooo noisy that the teacher nxt door came in to scold them...all while i was tending to a boy who was being bullied. Idiot! Make me look so bad! nehmind. 1255hrs finally came so i dismissed them. Ya. All of them was like salam-ing me lah! Wah...damn paiseh. None of the full time teachers had that lah. I was the only one that they all salam-ed. WAhahahahahx! WEnt delifrancing after my friday prayers. YEap.
Saturday & Sunday.
FIT camp instructor course! REal shiokaholic man! YEap. Met new ppl. A lot of PJ ppl were there. Maybe there should be a partnership or something. hahax. Did a lot of learning and doing things. We were evaluted throughout the whole camp. Didnt do the simulation of a heart attack though. Didnt know when i wanted to do it. And didnt want to worry my buddies. ya. Would have been real embarrasing. Real cute girl keep staring at me. Dumb of me not to take her number or take her out for coffee or something coz she and her frens were going to swensen's after that. Idiot! Nehmind, i'll just wait for the contact list to be emailed. rofl. Cheeky bastard.
Then went the gym wif alvin and mr giant! aka, henry. Both cousins are really alike in nature. Even in attitude. hahahaha. Got free show sia! ya. ASk me, i wont blog abt it. ;)
Well...that's what i've been doing for the past few days. Didnt even have time to come online. Partly coz my comp was spoiled too. Ya. Rite now, everyone's worried abt the results which will be released this wednesday. Ya. But apperently not me. Not yet maybe. I dont noe y. que sera sera i guess. what will be will be.
And girl. if u want to tag my tagboard. TELL ME WHO YOU ARE! I really hate ppl who tries to be mysterious and all. Really lah! Let me be the mysterious one can??? idiot! ROfll. Nvm. If you dont tell me, i wont care. Keep on moving. Keep on moving. Keep on moving. Keep on moving. Yeap. 5ive's song. stupid boybands! ya. So i you want me to noe who you are, let me noe aiite? *winks*
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Monday, February 20, 2006
Here's how my work schedule goes. Monday 3-11pm. Tuesday 3-11pm. Wednesday 3-11pm. Thursday 3-11pm. Friday 3-11pm. Saturday & Sunday off. That's real fucked up man! Doing the closing shift everyday. Im just going to die out of pure exhaustion. Seriously. Morning ppl have all the luck. They just have to set up the things w/o worrying of messing things up. I on the other hand have to clean everything after them. Bloody hell!
Got a bloody red line on my shoulders. I think my skin just tore at the shoulders. Maybe i pumped too much? Damn. Doesnt hurt at all but it's going to leave one big mark. Yeap. And ppl are going to be asking,"how come you've got that stretched marks on your shoulders?" It gets irritating. Shut up em up wif sarcasm and they'll just believe. Rofl. How can a guy get pregnant you idiotS! -drops dead-
-gets up again-
Just heard from my friend. A lvl results are going to be released this Friday. How nice. Now i can get someone to replace me. =) Problem is, i dont know who? Everyone else who i can depend on is schooling. And then the rest urm...susah ah!
Shit lah. I keep forgeting what to write abt. Next time, i'll bring a note pad along with me. Everytime i think of something to write, i'll write it in and then blog abt it. Let's hope it gets much more interesting this time around. =)
Got a bloody red line on my shoulders. I think my skin just tore at the shoulders. Maybe i pumped too much? Damn. Doesnt hurt at all but it's going to leave one big mark. Yeap. And ppl are going to be asking,"how come you've got that stretched marks on your shoulders?" It gets irritating. Shut up em up wif sarcasm and they'll just believe. Rofl. How can a guy get pregnant you idiotS! -drops dead-
-gets up again-
Just heard from my friend. A lvl results are going to be released this Friday. How nice. Now i can get someone to replace me. =) Problem is, i dont know who? Everyone else who i can depend on is schooling. And then the rest urm...susah ah!
Shit lah. I keep forgeting what to write abt. Next time, i'll bring a note pad along with me. Everytime i think of something to write, i'll write it in and then blog abt it. Let's hope it gets much more interesting this time around. =)
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Alrighty! Im already 70kg! Again! LAst time i was at that weight was 2 years ago, after my o lvls. Day in day out, i gymed and runned. Got my body to a perfection tat any other 16-year old could ever dream of. Then jc started. Everything just went downhill from there. Yeap. 2 years later, im back on my feet and ready to move on! Hell yeah! Horrah!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
I just realized how sad our society has got. Morning papers. First thing i see on the front page. Budget 2006. And guess who's face was featured? Well. Harry's son! Kudos. I know it's going to have a huge impact on everyone but do you have to go and make it so visual? Everyone already knows what his objectives are. Make money. Make the rich richer and the poor can remain poor for all they care. Bla bla bla...yada yada yada. I could get slammed for this kind of thing. But hey man...FREE SPEECH! Nothing free abt it since the govt will make every effort to make sure i'll be fucking poor even b4 i can make my first million so tat they wont have a good opposition to challenge their ideas in parliament. Bunch of wussies can even take a challenge from a neighbourhood boy! They'd rather discuss the same ol' thing with ppl of the same background, status, bla bla bla. Y? Because everyone there thinks the same. Shit. They're probably getting paid too much just to discuss abt the same thing over and over again. And the IR case...first they ask ppl abt their opinion. But when everyone rejects, he comes out wif a stronger revenge. Build two instead of just one. Bugger. Elections are coming, somebody else who's goood enuff plz take over. Not like in the last election where some old relief teacher ran for election but got generally ignored because he's just plain crappy. Heck, he was even a crappy relief teacher enuff for a 14-year old to mock him and even outtalked him. ROFL. Stupid fella.
The other sad thing is how murders have become top stories. Top enuff for them to put the pictures of both the victim and the murderer on the front page. Damn, and i was living in denial all this while. My teacher was blabbering on how our society craves for voyuerism and all this while, i thought she was just being crappy. After all, it was on the syllabus which was revised by the gahmen. Didnt noe that the govt disliked it too that they try to teach us that in schools but then flaunt all over in the papers. Maybe it's a conspiracy theory or something. MAybe, there's a rivalry going on. Who knows. Educate the young so that the future govt wont be so fucked up? Ya. It's going to be filled wif ppl from RJ. So, everyone's still going to think alike like the previous generation. Damn. Singapore sounds fucking boring. I want ot get out!!!
The other sad thing is how murders have become top stories. Top enuff for them to put the pictures of both the victim and the murderer on the front page. Damn, and i was living in denial all this while. My teacher was blabbering on how our society craves for voyuerism and all this while, i thought she was just being crappy. After all, it was on the syllabus which was revised by the gahmen. Didnt noe that the govt disliked it too that they try to teach us that in schools but then flaunt all over in the papers. Maybe it's a conspiracy theory or something. MAybe, there's a rivalry going on. Who knows. Educate the young so that the future govt wont be so fucked up? Ya. It's going to be filled wif ppl from RJ. So, everyone's still going to think alike like the previous generation. Damn. Singapore sounds fucking boring. I want ot get out!!!
Friday, February 17, 2006

Steam-A-Boat! Yup. Didnt have enuff money for a ship so we went for a steamboat. Bugger. Rofl. Stepped out of the mrt and some mamak fella bugged us till i gave in. The rest just kept quiet. OEI! nvm. Got free ride! $12 some more! Wah! It sux la. But we didnt go there for the food. We went there for the sake of each other's company! Right? Urrrrrrite? oh nvm! Didnt have time to blog the other day coz i had a back to back shift. Yup. Dinner and brunch shift. This is just so tat i can make it for the get together. Last minute planning .Steamboat! Everyone was like, set! This because a bbq would be too troublesome and it was actually the tamil tigers' plan to do it. But, they always flake out! Bugger looked to me for planning! So....last minute, i asked the canteen gang. That's me, the sexy one. Tsoon Liang the fierce one. Dean, mr gayboi(he attracts ppl of the same sex! Serious!). Fana, Bulu. Zilah, mssportswomen. Phat, the teacher. Ethan, lamebandboi! We mocked each other. Laughed at each other. Nvr eat each other though coz we took too much food. Urm ya. 2 years of pjc. That's wat it did to us. Ethan was the latest addition to our class clique. But, he clicked well. We needed somebody lame. I needed somebody lamer to share my view of the world. Overall, we complemented each other. Looked out for one another(or really try to). Eat together(happens every break). Study together(end up talking and chatting and blablablablabla). Fail together(read the previous sentence). Pass together(nothing to read abt). Ya. That's nice you noe. real nice. Not too rowdy coz there's girls and not to girlish coz there's ethan. Yup. Try to figure out a link there. anyways...lots of pix. Let's put up some! okay? ok!

well...that's abt it. Got discount at starbucks coz of zilah. Yeap. yeap. Nice bunch of buggers. What zilah said was true. We are quite mean to each other. But that's the thing that keeps us together and keeps us a part; not apart. =) 8th March! Dont forget. TAke off, leave or just dont turn up for work. SAtay by the river ppl!
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
finally. the day i've been waiting for. The day after valentine's day! Wohoo! Im a crazy nutter so im happy for the day to be over and all. Was sick of ppl wishing me a happy valentine's. (&%#@&(^%!@(*^!@ first of all, I HAVE NO VALENTINE, so what's there to be happy about? Second of all, i spent the whole day training! Training myself in the morning and training young hopefuls in the afternoon. Third of all, ITS VALENTINES DAY! It's some stupid day that ppl actually commemorate to remember the death of a very brave Roman Priest. AND NOW THEY TURNED IT INTO A LOVE HOLIDAY!? rofl. Love holiday. They shld actually stopped loving one another on tat day if they were to consider it a love holiday. Imagine everyone hating each other? Ohkay..nvm. It wouldnt be a funny sight! Just sadistic. Plain ol' same ol' sadism. =/
Damn, im still crying trying to put my contacts on! Bloody hell. Keep poking my eye but the lens still sticks onto my finger. Nvm! One more week! You'll all see! I can put it in in the flick of a finger. One more month and i'll be flicking it into the air before it lands in my eye- RIGHT IN THE IRIS! But then, i run the risk of getting an eye infection coz while in the air, it'll be contaminated with a bloody whole lot of dirt and dust. So ya, let's just stick to flicking it straight into my eyes. =)
Had a nice run this morning! Yeap. Chilly winds, nice sunrise. All was quiet..well almost! I mean it's singapore! U want quiet? GEt lost. Even the cemetary at Jalan Bahar is intruded by sounds of gun fire, jet engines, truck rumbling, ghost mumbling noise. Seriously. Try going there alone one day and just sit and stare. It's not as quiet as you think it is. And urmm...if you get possessed or something, then call the ghostbusters! It's 911 and the rest of the numbers you have to figure out on your own. I wont give you my number! NO! NEVER! I'VE LEARN HOW TO SAY NO! SO NO! Rofl. Im not making any sense now. Anyways, i ran 4k today! 4KILOMETERS PLUS PLUS! Rofl. Additional service charge and GST. Nabeh. That's better then monday! from 2k to 4k! WAH!!! Anyways, i was running so bloody slow that some old dude just ran past me. BLOODY HELL! nvm, fadzil, you're on a slow nice leisure jog. just relax. no medals here. rofl. tat's loser talk fyi.
What pisses me off is ppl who smoke! Ya. They say they exercise and all, but then they smoke a whole bloody lot! And i read tat smoking can also cause asthma. First thing comes to my mind when ppl say they smoke is, isnt that sort of a suicide? A slow one, but it's still suicide? That means hell is going to be bloody packed la! It's going to be like chinatown! rofl. everything's red and it's just as cramped just that it's going to be hotter. Hahahhaax. Shit, i have got to stop imagining nonsense. anways, i saw this ahpek on the same running route wif me. hahax. apparently he had already stopped running and was planning to walk the rest of the way. Then i saw smoke. I thought he was trying to motivate himself my thinking he was a train wif the steam and all so tat he can carry on running. ROfl. Me and my rubbishity! He was smoking la! Basket. Run so much then smoke. So i ran past him and mumbled,
Shit. gotta work later! nvm. still got a few hours b4 i actually have to get ready. I tink i have to leave at least a good hour to put on my lenses. rofl. I MUST KEEP PRACTICING! yup. yup. yup.
Damn, im still crying trying to put my contacts on! Bloody hell. Keep poking my eye but the lens still sticks onto my finger. Nvm! One more week! You'll all see! I can put it in in the flick of a finger. One more month and i'll be flicking it into the air before it lands in my eye- RIGHT IN THE IRIS! But then, i run the risk of getting an eye infection coz while in the air, it'll be contaminated with a bloody whole lot of dirt and dust. So ya, let's just stick to flicking it straight into my eyes. =)
Had a nice run this morning! Yeap. Chilly winds, nice sunrise. All was quiet..well almost! I mean it's singapore! U want quiet? GEt lost. Even the cemetary at Jalan Bahar is intruded by sounds of gun fire, jet engines, truck rumbling, ghost mumbling noise. Seriously. Try going there alone one day and just sit and stare. It's not as quiet as you think it is. And urmm...if you get possessed or something, then call the ghostbusters! It's 911 and the rest of the numbers you have to figure out on your own. I wont give you my number! NO! NEVER! I'VE LEARN HOW TO SAY NO! SO NO! Rofl. Im not making any sense now. Anyways, i ran 4k today! 4KILOMETERS PLUS PLUS! Rofl. Additional service charge and GST. Nabeh. That's better then monday! from 2k to 4k! WAH!!! Anyways, i was running so bloody slow that some old dude just ran past me. BLOODY HELL! nvm, fadzil, you're on a slow nice leisure jog. just relax. no medals here. rofl. tat's loser talk fyi.
What pisses me off is ppl who smoke! Ya. They say they exercise and all, but then they smoke a whole bloody lot! And i read tat smoking can also cause asthma. First thing comes to my mind when ppl say they smoke is, isnt that sort of a suicide? A slow one, but it's still suicide? That means hell is going to be bloody packed la! It's going to be like chinatown! rofl. everything's red and it's just as cramped just that it's going to be hotter. Hahahhaax. Shit, i have got to stop imagining nonsense. anways, i saw this ahpek on the same running route wif me. hahax. apparently he had already stopped running and was planning to walk the rest of the way. Then i saw smoke. I thought he was trying to motivate himself my thinking he was a train wif the steam and all so tat he can carry on running. ROfl. Me and my rubbishity! He was smoking la! Basket. Run so much then smoke. So i ran past him and mumbled,
oie! mau mati ah?!rofl. he looked up. i looked down on him and carried on. happy days!
Shit. gotta work later! nvm. still got a few hours b4 i actually have to get ready. I tink i have to leave at least a good hour to put on my lenses. rofl. I MUST KEEP PRACTICING! yup. yup. yup.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
shit. i have to write all over again. Wat was i blabbering abt? Oh yar. PERFECT VISION! Finally got my lenses today. Cried while trying them on. ya. keep poking and poking and poking. basket. finally had them on in a million years. and i got them off in an instant! AT THE SPEED OF SOUND! Then when i put them back on again..the crying. But..got them in just under a thousand years! wah..tat's almost at the speed of snail! rofl. nvm. Next month nd to get new specs already. black ones. the kind you'd see army ppl wear. its going to be my army daze soon! Wohoo! Peeeeet! The thing that i've been waiting for since...i could ever remember. bang bang! you're all dead! wohoo!
anwas...cant believe i got me contact lenses! hw much gay-er can i get? sheesh. My fren told me abt an infection she got from wearing them...and i got so scared shit!
But urm...dont think im making sense right now. mebe i'll post again later?
shit! my entries are getting shorter and shorteR!
anwas...cant believe i got me contact lenses! hw much gay-er can i get? sheesh. My fren told me abt an infection she got from wearing them...and i got so scared shit!
But urm...dont think im making sense right now. mebe i'll post again later?
shit! my entries are getting shorter and shorteR!
Monday, February 13, 2006
oh wow!
Thx for the wishes guys. First time i got so many birthday wishes. SOoooooooooooooo many! REally. On every other year..ppl would just choose to ignore it. But this year...i dunnoe y. ppl wished me happy birthday! For the first time i cld ever remember. And thx for the birthday cake! It was a slice of a left over cheesecake from the morning. Even though i was sick of it...i had to eat it. It's the thought that counts right? ehehehehs. Thx again guys.
Thx kellie for the birthday card. It's really nice. Spongebob was turned into my card! hahahahhax. Look at it!!
but urm. as wif any other birthdays. we all get creamed! or sabo-ed. nabeh. it was literally creaming! WITH REAL WHIPPED CREAM! ARGH! AND TOMATO SAUCE! AND SOMETHING SOMETHING WHICH I CANT TELL COZ I WAS UNDER HEAVY ASSUALT! basket. nvm. i told them that i was not going to work the nxt evening and just like tat! i wasnt! my boss called me to work in the morning! hehehehs. suckers. kacau orang lagi! but no lah. i wasnt angry. i just left early coz i was really tired! and some staff didnt turn up. dun worry la! not angry. TAk marah...mengamok jer.
seriously guys. thx. first time ever ppl actually celebrated my birthday. like it was something important. rofl. suddenly everything looks A-ohkay in my life. Mebe im going to die soon or something? Maybe...maybe not.
k ppl. i'll keep my entries short! happy?!
Thx kellie for the birthday card. It's really nice. Spongebob was turned into my card! hahahahhax. Look at it!!
oooooooo. spongebob...........
This coming from someone i've only known for a month or so...
but urm. as wif any other birthdays. we all get creamed! or sabo-ed. nabeh. it was literally creaming! WITH REAL WHIPPED CREAM! ARGH! AND TOMATO SAUCE! AND SOMETHING SOMETHING WHICH I CANT TELL COZ I WAS UNDER HEAVY ASSUALT! basket. nvm. i told them that i was not going to work the nxt evening and just like tat! i wasnt! my boss called me to work in the morning! hehehehs. suckers. kacau orang lagi! but no lah. i wasnt angry. i just left early coz i was really tired! and some staff didnt turn up. dun worry la! not angry. TAk marah...mengamok jer.
seriously guys. thx. first time ever ppl actually celebrated my birthday. like it was something important. rofl. suddenly everything looks A-ohkay in my life. Mebe im going to die soon or something? Maybe...maybe not.
k ppl. i'll keep my entries short! happy?!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Wanna know what's fucked up? Everything. Every god damn thing. I hate work. But i like the ppl there. Sort of. Cant get a god damn person to change shift wif me. But that's probably coz i nvr asked. But nvm. Dun relly care. REALLY!~ anwyas..the place suddenly died down at 9. WT?F! We took the bloody opportunity to close it early. hehes. too bad we didnt hit our mark of finishing by 10. oh well. let's try again some other day. urm. Bus was unusually packed today. Then the worst thing happened. Mat's boarded the bus. Bloody bunch of wankers. As if existing alone wasnt bad enuff..they had to be rowdy inside. bastards. The guy nxt to me immediately turned up the volume of his mp3. basket. finding bliss in ignorance. the true singaporean attitude. bloody hell. they continued the ruckus so i turned and stared. just did. and it died down! then...another grp started. bloody hell. too far. didnt bother. the dood nearest to them just pretended to slp- STANDING UP!
I just realized something. it's already past midnite. Shit! Im OLD! Fuck! 19 years. Where did it go? 19 good years have passed. i tink. good rugby. good urm...rugby. and some good frens. yup. 19 years. Soon i'll be 20. and then 21. and then 22. and then 23. and then 24. rofl. yup. getting older. didnt even realized it's my birthday until my frens told me. nvm. dun reli care.
yay! 3 more minutes to rugby! shall be watching the repeat telecast coz i nd to be fully awake to watch a match. if not, i'll fall aslp. ask my buddies. everytime we go to a midnite movie, they'll find me snoozing away. hahahax. waste money only. want to go out wif me at nite, dun go to the movies. waste my money. waste my time. go some place to eat or something. *winks winks* ya. Im referring to ghosthunting! REALLY! what were you thinking you sick freak!rofl.
err...wat else? FUBAR!
I just realized something. it's already past midnite. Shit! Im OLD! Fuck! 19 years. Where did it go? 19 good years have passed. i tink. good rugby. good urm...rugby. and some good frens. yup. 19 years. Soon i'll be 20. and then 21. and then 22. and then 23. and then 24. rofl. yup. getting older. didnt even realized it's my birthday until my frens told me. nvm. dun reli care.
yay! 3 more minutes to rugby! shall be watching the repeat telecast coz i nd to be fully awake to watch a match. if not, i'll fall aslp. ask my buddies. everytime we go to a midnite movie, they'll find me snoozing away. hahahax. waste money only. want to go out wif me at nite, dun go to the movies. waste my money. waste my time. go some place to eat or something. *winks winks* ya. Im referring to ghosthunting! REALLY! what were you thinking you sick freak!rofl.
err...wat else? FUBAR!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thought of writing about something. Suddenly lost the mood to do so. =/
Thursday, February 09, 2006
oh well. shall be watching the rugby match then. Unity vs Monfort. Maroons vs Black. DArk colors. Let's see who deserves more to wear dark colors. Quite a day today. Gym in the morning. Rugby in the afternoon. Kopitiam dinner. Starbucks supper. Got discount! Thnx zilah =)
Was watching tv this morning. Get Real! Heard of that one b4? Yup. REal cool show. Anyways..it's abt the way singaporeans behave in public. Honestly...it disgusts me. Spiting in public lah. Talking loudly on the phone lah. Wat lah. The worst part is...none of the other Singaporeans dare to tell em off! Sheesh. Well...it's understandable since ppl do get beaten up for telling others off. C'mon ppl! Let's have some guts! Just think you're Superman and whack the hell out of everyone! Destroy evil! Make this a better place to live in! I mean..just tell the bugger off. If he's not happy. then..urm. let him be? nah..just call the police la. or tell him to buy a happy meal. =/
I see this everyday. Ppl rushing into the MRT just so that they could get a seat. First of all. WTF? Y? U're legs so tired ah? From what? Shopping? Big deal! If you're rich enuff to go shopping, buy a car! This way you could seat all you want all the way home. IF not...wait for everyone to alight first, then you board the train. If there's still some seats left, good for you. If not, just hope that someone's going to get off at the nxt station.
Suprisingly, its not the people that needs the seats that are rushing in. They are young energetic hippies! Buggers. It's not as if by not sitting blood will rush to your legs and then kill you slowly. or quickly. you wont die at all! you'll just have to stand! If you have been walking for the past hours, what's standing up for a few more minutes till you get home to you? Nothing! Piece of cheese cake!
Pregnant ladies are the least common to rush into the trains even though they need to sit down, BADLY! Still, no one offers them a sit. Dont worry, if i see any future moms, i'll let you sit down. You'll nd all the rest you can get b4 the baby comes because by then...it's going to be very very tiring from then on ;)
Usually, it's the old ahmoi and ahpeks tat are rushing in. Worst part is that they are encouraging their young to do it too! Fuckers. Cant even wait. Like i said...if ppl are nice enuff, THEY WILL give up their seats. If not...then that means tat you're perfectly healthy enuff to stand up for the journey. period.
dunno wat else to write abt.
Was watching tv this morning. Get Real! Heard of that one b4? Yup. REal cool show. Anyways..it's abt the way singaporeans behave in public. Honestly...it disgusts me. Spiting in public lah. Talking loudly on the phone lah. Wat lah. The worst part is...none of the other Singaporeans dare to tell em off! Sheesh. Well...it's understandable since ppl do get beaten up for telling others off. C'mon ppl! Let's have some guts! Just think you're Superman and whack the hell out of everyone! Destroy evil! Make this a better place to live in! I mean..just tell the bugger off. If he's not happy. then..urm. let him be? nah..just call the police la. or tell him to buy a happy meal. =/
I see this everyday. Ppl rushing into the MRT just so that they could get a seat. First of all. WTF? Y? U're legs so tired ah? From what? Shopping? Big deal! If you're rich enuff to go shopping, buy a car! This way you could seat all you want all the way home. IF not...wait for everyone to alight first, then you board the train. If there's still some seats left, good for you. If not, just hope that someone's going to get off at the nxt station.
Suprisingly, its not the people that needs the seats that are rushing in. They are young energetic hippies! Buggers. It's not as if by not sitting blood will rush to your legs and then kill you slowly. or quickly. you wont die at all! you'll just have to stand! If you have been walking for the past hours, what's standing up for a few more minutes till you get home to you? Nothing! Piece of cheese cake!
Pregnant ladies are the least common to rush into the trains even though they need to sit down, BADLY! Still, no one offers them a sit. Dont worry, if i see any future moms, i'll let you sit down. You'll nd all the rest you can get b4 the baby comes because by then...it's going to be very very tiring from then on ;)
Usually, it's the old ahmoi and ahpeks tat are rushing in. Worst part is that they are encouraging their young to do it too! Fuckers. Cant even wait. Like i said...if ppl are nice enuff, THEY WILL give up their seats. If not...then that means tat you're perfectly healthy enuff to stand up for the journey. period.
dunno wat else to write abt.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
I just finished watching The Day After Tommorow. Surprise surpise! It isnt what everyone thinks it is. Seriously. I bet everyone came out of the movie theatre thinking, " oh wow. That's how the world going to end? God. That's terrible. Let's stop pollution. Let's stop global warming!" and then punch their fists into the air. This will be followed shortly by their arrests because of protesting. ROFL. Hahahahhax. No. The movie is a blown up version of a dad-son movie. Yup. They used to make it a feel good movie. Now, creativity has taken over. They need something much more dramatic. Like...urm, the second ice age! WEll...that's an idea! Its all there! I mean, Jack Hall getting to his son Sam despite the unforgiving weather. Then the scottish metereologist wishing that he could see his son grow up. And how all Sam wants to do is to spend time wif his family. SEe! If tat's not proving enuff, then you're an idiot! BLUEK! Period. The makers covered it so much that the story looks real! All smothered in snow. WEll...ppl who thinks tat its just another disaster movie just like Twister(wif the flying cow and all) GO STUDY LITERATURE! THEN YOU THINK ABOUT ARGUING WIF ME! IF NOT...YOU'RE JUST AN EMPTY VESSEL!
Anyways...rose up bright and early today to hit the gym. Took creatine b4 workout and urm. didnt feel much of a difference. Mebe except that i felt the pump more and it was even faster! after that..fatigued set in. Basket. I think i was the youngest dood over there. Everyone else was either a Yahoo or ahpeks. Imagine this..walking on treadmiles. =/ Walking to the gym isnt enufF?!?!? Then the ah peks were like teaching each other proper techniques of no...not lifting but how to go to lifting position. Funny buggers. urm..one of the ahpek is quite big. So...ya. He must be doing somthing right until his peers came along. Spoil his day. Then there's 2 other doods. Both of them must be bouncers or something coz they can come to the gym at 8! Everyone else must be preparing to go to work but nooooooooooooooooooooooo, not them. So ya..i can safely assume that they must be bouncers! I mean..they are respectably big! Bigger then me! Im just scrawny. They're brawny. But im brainy. So i win.
Then there's this other dood who was being trained by his personal trainer. imagine this, fat guy. talks loud. big smile. Yeap. That's the trainer. the trainee was just some dood. Think long shorts long socks. ROFL. The way they were training was just plain joking! He looks like as if he's training a dog or something. He was like, " c'mon! One more! You Can do it! Good!". He might as well bring along treats during their nxt training so that for every impossible lift that the trainee does...he'd get a cookie! What pisses me off abt that is that first of all, the dood looks as if he has no backbone. I mean..i didnt have any trainer when i first started. I just read up. Did it. Got ppl to comment on it. And do it again. till i get it right. Trial and error you boneless freak! You're making going to the gym a sissy affair! shit. Everytime i see that kind of thing..i'll lose motivation. So do other ppl who train seriously. I noe..im not that big. or strong. but im getting there! And you'll nver! Not even if you decide to live in the gym and not leave until you grow big and strong. sheesh.
Anyways...rose up bright and early today to hit the gym. Took creatine b4 workout and urm. didnt feel much of a difference. Mebe except that i felt the pump more and it was even faster! after that..fatigued set in. Basket. I think i was the youngest dood over there. Everyone else was either a Yahoo or ahpeks. Imagine this..walking on treadmiles. =/ Walking to the gym isnt enufF?!?!? Then the ah peks were like teaching each other proper techniques of no...not lifting but how to go to lifting position. Funny buggers. urm..one of the ahpek is quite big. So...ya. He must be doing somthing right until his peers came along. Spoil his day. Then there's 2 other doods. Both of them must be bouncers or something coz they can come to the gym at 8! Everyone else must be preparing to go to work but nooooooooooooooooooooooo, not them. So ya..i can safely assume that they must be bouncers! I mean..they are respectably big! Bigger then me! Im just scrawny. They're brawny. But im brainy. So i win.
Then there's this other dood who was being trained by his personal trainer. imagine this, fat guy. talks loud. big smile. Yeap. That's the trainer. the trainee was just some dood. Think long shorts long socks. ROFL. The way they were training was just plain joking! He looks like as if he's training a dog or something. He was like, " c'mon! One more! You Can do it! Good!". He might as well bring along treats during their nxt training so that for every impossible lift that the trainee does...he'd get a cookie! What pisses me off abt that is that first of all, the dood looks as if he has no backbone. I mean..i didnt have any trainer when i first started. I just read up. Did it. Got ppl to comment on it. And do it again. till i get it right. Trial and error you boneless freak! You're making going to the gym a sissy affair! shit. Everytime i see that kind of thing..i'll lose motivation. So do other ppl who train seriously. I noe..im not that big. or strong. but im getting there! And you'll nver! Not even if you decide to live in the gym and not leave until you grow big and strong. sheesh.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
i give up
this is my third time i give up on trying to put some music onto my blog. THIRD TIME! This time around its up to pure exhaustion and hunger. Serious. I've held back my hunger pangs for the last two hours just to finish is bloody dissapointment. Knn. I nd serious help on this. Bloody pangs.
Anywyas...went to collect my supplements at serangoon gardens today. No...its not a mamak place. Ppl usually associate indians wif tat place. I dunnoe y. IT'S A REALLY NICE PLACE OKAY! Nice. Quiet. Spacious. SERIOUS! And throughout my whole bus 73 journey throughout serangoon....i did not encounter a single indian. NOT EVEN ONCE! Everyone was either chinese or malay. Dunnoe y the stereotype the place anyway. Fuck la...i want to buy a house there. Tucked away from all the hustle and bustle of the tiny red dot. Really good place to stay. Nxt on the list is Sembawang. It's real nice and quiet too. And i feel safe. Very safe. That's because im in Singapore! The other reason is that im well versed in martial arts. ROFL. Dont belief tat. Im very rusty at it. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! The other other reason is that i dont care abt getting rob. U want to rob me ah? Rob ah! Later i'll rob ur mother. ur father. ur grandfather. ur grandmother. ur dead relatives. all the way to adam? hohos! I'll rob adam's apple.
Urm ya. =/ anyways..got a sweet deal from the guys from TSW! Thx dood! I wont tell anyone if you wont! Tommorow shall be going to the gym and try out my creatine and then after my workout take 2 servings of whey protein. sweeeeeeeeeet! aiming for a hefty 73kg this year so that i can take on the ang mohs better this year. DIE SCUMBAGS! Ahahahahhahahax. Oh ya. I wasnt being racist. I was talking abt rugby and how i hate the way ang mohs seems to dominate the game. well. IM COMING THRU! Along wif the other asian boys. ;>
Went for a haircut aft tat. Wanted to go early but by the time i reached...it was already 2. So...wadh. mite as well. rhymes swell. =/ got a really cool haircut. that dood made me look like astro boy! first time sia! a guy cut my hair. I've always been to the one at Gombak coz its REALLY cheap at 8bux! Plus the aunty has got a really cute daughter. :) i wont tell u guys which one. Only darrell knows. oh ya. fyi..darrell is my scrummie from pjc. short fella. cool attitude. u can noe we're hanging out when you hear laughter from around the corner. prolly at some kopitiam. Eh...must go Sinaran dood. Wait for the fatties and qalaam to book out!
Rugby was nice today. shit thing abt it...only one of my asthma boys turned up. there's four of them total. Zaki...well. That dood is really something. told him to sit out and a moment later...he's joining in the drills. fyi..he's dad doesnt approve of him joining rugby. kinda like my dad did when i started. well. who cares. rite? i even "threatened to talk to his dad" if he refused to tell his dad that he had asthma. Urm...forgot to follow up on that. shall do tat on thursday. Anyways, made them do tackling. Jeff didnt look happy. dunno y. didnt talk to him much. nvm...let him be. real enthusiasm in the buggers. yeap. REAL enthusiasm. except for one dood. fucked up! tell him to do something and i can almost imagine him shitting in his pants. Then there's the other dood. He's partially deaf. But MY GOD! That's some talent that he's got there. Real sorry for him. But wat's the use? He's not. Heck! He joined RUGBY! Not the scouts or boys brigade or some sissified activity which they count as CCA and have them included under the list of ROAD TO MANHOOD. I'll let them be. But by god! that dood has got some real potential there. And a lot of spirit. The other dood is zaki. one of the asthma boys. Yup...i told u abt him earlier. Kinda dissapointed the other one couldnt make it. The other 2...well. Urm the vice cpt and the troublemaker. Couldnt care less. They want to slack? Let em be. 30 ppl in the team. Only 25 can be signed up. 25 RUGBY PLAYERS! not a bunch of hobos.
Im feeling kinda broke rite now. Spend so much on my pay day. now left wif only $300. =( still nd to buy something else. nvm. bought the guys ice cream. rofl. couldnt think of anything else. so. urm guys. wait for me to get REAL rich aiite? then i blanja u all something bigger and betteR!
Anywyas...went to collect my supplements at serangoon gardens today. No...its not a mamak place. Ppl usually associate indians wif tat place. I dunnoe y. IT'S A REALLY NICE PLACE OKAY! Nice. Quiet. Spacious. SERIOUS! And throughout my whole bus 73 journey throughout serangoon....i did not encounter a single indian. NOT EVEN ONCE! Everyone was either chinese or malay. Dunnoe y the stereotype the place anyway. Fuck la...i want to buy a house there. Tucked away from all the hustle and bustle of the tiny red dot. Really good place to stay. Nxt on the list is Sembawang. It's real nice and quiet too. And i feel safe. Very safe. That's because im in Singapore! The other reason is that im well versed in martial arts. ROFL. Dont belief tat. Im very rusty at it. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! The other other reason is that i dont care abt getting rob. U want to rob me ah? Rob ah! Later i'll rob ur mother. ur father. ur grandfather. ur grandmother. ur dead relatives. all the way to adam? hohos! I'll rob adam's apple.
Urm ya. =/ anyways..got a sweet deal from the guys from TSW! Thx dood! I wont tell anyone if you wont! Tommorow shall be going to the gym and try out my creatine and then after my workout take 2 servings of whey protein. sweeeeeeeeeet! aiming for a hefty 73kg this year so that i can take on the ang mohs better this year. DIE SCUMBAGS! Ahahahahhahahax. Oh ya. I wasnt being racist. I was talking abt rugby and how i hate the way ang mohs seems to dominate the game. well. IM COMING THRU! Along wif the other asian boys. ;>
Went for a haircut aft tat. Wanted to go early but by the time i reached...it was already 2. So...wadh. mite as well. rhymes swell. =/ got a really cool haircut. that dood made me look like astro boy! first time sia! a guy cut my hair. I've always been to the one at Gombak coz its REALLY cheap at 8bux! Plus the aunty has got a really cute daughter. :) i wont tell u guys which one. Only darrell knows. oh ya. fyi..darrell is my scrummie from pjc. short fella. cool attitude. u can noe we're hanging out when you hear laughter from around the corner. prolly at some kopitiam. Eh...must go Sinaran dood. Wait for the fatties and qalaam to book out!
Rugby was nice today. shit thing abt it...only one of my asthma boys turned up. there's four of them total. Zaki...well. That dood is really something. told him to sit out and a moment later...he's joining in the drills. fyi..he's dad doesnt approve of him joining rugby. kinda like my dad did when i started. well. who cares. rite? i even "threatened to talk to his dad" if he refused to tell his dad that he had asthma. Urm...forgot to follow up on that. shall do tat on thursday. Anyways, made them do tackling. Jeff didnt look happy. dunno y. didnt talk to him much. nvm...let him be. real enthusiasm in the buggers. yeap. REAL enthusiasm. except for one dood. fucked up! tell him to do something and i can almost imagine him shitting in his pants. Then there's the other dood. He's partially deaf. But MY GOD! That's some talent that he's got there. Real sorry for him. But wat's the use? He's not. Heck! He joined RUGBY! Not the scouts or boys brigade or some sissified activity which they count as CCA and have them included under the list of ROAD TO MANHOOD. I'll let them be. But by god! that dood has got some real potential there. And a lot of spirit. The other dood is zaki. one of the asthma boys. Yup...i told u abt him earlier. Kinda dissapointed the other one couldnt make it. The other 2...well. Urm the vice cpt and the troublemaker. Couldnt care less. They want to slack? Let em be. 30 ppl in the team. Only 25 can be signed up. 25 RUGBY PLAYERS! not a bunch of hobos.
Im feeling kinda broke rite now. Spend so much on my pay day. now left wif only $300. =( still nd to buy something else. nvm. bought the guys ice cream. rofl. couldnt think of anything else. so. urm guys. wait for me to get REAL rich aiite? then i blanja u all something bigger and betteR!
Monday, February 06, 2006
Had my follow up check up today. Bloody government made go all the way to huge hospital just to let me noe that i do not have TB. I DONT HAVE TB! That's a relief. Hell yeah! I was thinking abt all sorts of things should i suffer from that diesease. Shit. No rugby. No Army. No life. Dying soon. Bloody hell. After that dude said the test was negative...i was like getting ready to run already. The dude told me to sit still coz he hadnt discharged me yet. Uhh...liddat uh? Okay lor. Anyways...rmb me saying how "unique" that place is? Well...check it out.

Well...that was my TB trip. I couldnt take any pictures inside. Some secret stuff or what. If i was going to do that, i would need to inform the hospital in advance as they want to protect the privacy of the patients. =/ nvm. Their hospital. Their rules. I wouldnt want to bother much. Met my PJC classmate. GAWD! The bump on her hand was GIGANTIC! hahahax. Seriously. She scratched it. Now she runs the trouble of suspecting to have TB. WEll....good luck to that.
I was thinking of what to blog abt inside the train on the way home. But..urm. Kinda forget what it was now. Anyways...went to the gym after that wif alvin, jk and feng. Pumped like hell. Then we saw this ang moh walking in. He looked HUGE! RElly huge. On closer inspection...we realized he's just some ahpek angmoh. Ahahahax..we tot the grey hair looked cool on him though. But he lifted huge. 80kg huge! I just did the same the other day. But he had nobody supporting him. And in between lifting weights...he read the newspaper. Then this scrawny guy got pissed off wif what this dood was doing. He said that they should be sharing the bench and that he should finish off wif his benching quickly coz he wants to use it to. The angmoh just gave him a blank face and kept reading. He only murmured that once he's done, he'll let the scrawny dood noe. The dood gave a pissed off look and said, " nehmind. i'll use the other bench too. cool?" The angmoh just kept reading the sunday times. Btw...it's already monday. Mebe he's following Euro time or something. Who noes. Sunday times on a monday afternoon? Ahahahhax. The scrawny dude then proceeded to the bench press. Guess what. HE ONLY LIFTED NO MORE THEN 10KG!!! ROFL. And he was arguing wif the monster abt sharing the incline bench. AHAHAHAX. FUCK OFF DOOD! He came first. And he's got a maximum of theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerty minutes to use the thing! He's barely been there for 10. Bugger. After all that arguing...he was only going to life 10? Bugger...even i would tell him to fuck off. Which was what we kind of did. We say he was goign for the 10kg dumbells aft tat. So we quickly snatched one and did raises. Ahahahahax. The bugger got pissed off as he cant do what he wants to do wif only one 10kg dumbell coz it needs 2. Ahahahahax. idiot.
Went for makan at Sinaran aft that. U noe....the place at TEck whye. The foodcourt on top of the hill? Rmb? k. cool. SC(sinaran club) members...we nd to gather there sometime. Call me when you guys book out alrite? Four guys. We sat at a table for 10. Numbers doesnt add up. But. that was the only table left. So. wdh. Rofl. Walked to lot 1 aft tat. cool nite walked. got rowdy inside lot 1. Then jk went into the billabong shop. ROFL. I shouted from outside, " Joonkiat! You're on TV!"
He got blur and looked around. He was thinking..."what? tV? What tv?" then he turned around and saw the tv. and in the tv was him. Yup. He was on the security tv. The 3 salesgirls couldnt help laughing out loud enough to attract the attention of passerbys. Dood...I PUT YOU ON THE SPOTLIGHT! rofl. Walked some more and went on to the arcade. Wanted to play the boxing game but stupid machine was spoilt. Damn.
Wohoo! PAy day! yup. Gonna buy supplements. Already gave my parents 1/3 of it. or issit 1/4? Dunno. Damn...at this rate, i dont think i can ever pay them back whatever i owe them over the years. So...IM GOING TO GET RICH! Ahahahax. It's just a way. So Bud. GEt out of NS. Get straight to Shatec. Dont fool around anymore. If you want that restaurant of ours to be started.. better get to it as soon as possible. Then i'll hire school leavers to work there as waiters and train them how to be a realy waiter! And cleaners will clean up the place after it's close. Not the waiters. Well...that's one heck of a dream aint it?
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Alrighty! 39-07. That's a resouding victory man. No....that's sort of a trashing already! Considering that Greendridge is a badass school that would do anything to win. And by anything i would mean resorting to intimidation to scare away the opponents. Nah...unitians are a better bunch of badasses who wouldnt care abt it at all right? Seems like it even though some of them were actually scared shit the night before. Dont get complacent though. You've still got ACS Barker. Ever since my batch...it's been impossible to win these guys. It's the same story everytime. The game wouldnt stop until they score at least 1 more points then us. And when that happens...the game suddenly ends. WT?F! Bloody elitists. Wussies are just too scared to lose to a bunch of neighbourhood school kids. Well...nothing in life is ever fair. If it was...all the five fingers i have would be of the same length. But..i dont think that would work well with me. Sheesh. This kind of thing happens everytime. You guys know abt it rite? PIONEERUGBY vs CJC. 31 penalties against us in under 10 mins. The ref is reputed to be drink a lot b4 the match so he might be drunk. Then again...their captain was the son of one of the Police Chiefs. IT IS the Police Cup. So...imagine if his son's team was to lose. So ya. Their face at the expense of ours. Nice way to go bastards.
I've been surfing onto other ppl's blog. Seems like these days...challenges are sent online. What happened to the good old fashion stare down where ppl confront each other should they not be happy wif the other person? they now do it online- anonymously. Nice move pussies. If you dont like that person...tell that person why. IN PERSON! If you're too scared abt it...then you can either tell a friend abt it in hopes that your friend can convey the msg(this is just as bad) or just live with it. I mean...c'mon! You've got your opinions. He's got his. She has got her's. Why would you want to change other's opinions on stuff if you wouldnt want anyone to change yours in the first place? (at this point of time...is anybody lost? you all understand what im saying here right? right?) Tolerence is probably the best thing if you're too chicken to confront. That's basically it.
Speaking of confrontation. Funny incident onboard the MRT last nite. This Indian fella suddenly got all rowdy and stuff trying to confront someone. I thought,"Oh hell, gang vs gang fight? Staring incident? Shit...a fight! Alrgiht! Let's see what it's abt" The normal typical singaporean reaction. But at the same time i was getting ready to stop the fight should it happen. SERIOUS! Other ppl were just scared shit in their seats. I was already sitting on the edge. Staring at the guy...wif a smile on my face. =) Wide smile ppl! Turns out...he was just drunk and picking out a fight wif a respectable man. Hell...That man himself was even shocked that that indian fella was actually talking to him. ahhahahahx
Indian fella: An Chua?! Sibei kuailan! Not happy ah?!
Respectable chinese dood: -blank look on his face-
Ahahahahx...indian dood speaking hokkien. He even asked if the dood was a communist. WATF?! ROFL....didnt listen to the entire confrontation coz a NICE SONG WAS ON! Like i said...i was only going to intervene shld there be physical contact between the attacker and the other guy. Doesnt need ears to do that. So..i just looked wif my ears plugged in into something else. After all that...i was going to turn to ask the chinese fella abt wat actually happened. And by goD! Predictably Singaporean he turned away and gave me that i-dont-know-and-i-dont-care-coz-its-not-my-problem-coz-im-just-being-typically-singaporean look. So did everyone else inside the same car. Bloody hell. Nvm..it was already midnite by then and i understand, you were all tired and the nxt thing you dont need is another problem; one that isnt even theirs and they planned not to make it theirs.
What now....?
I've been surfing onto other ppl's blog. Seems like these days...challenges are sent online. What happened to the good old fashion stare down where ppl confront each other should they not be happy wif the other person? they now do it online- anonymously. Nice move pussies. If you dont like that person...tell that person why. IN PERSON! If you're too scared abt it...then you can either tell a friend abt it in hopes that your friend can convey the msg(this is just as bad) or just live with it. I mean...c'mon! You've got your opinions. He's got his. She has got her's. Why would you want to change other's opinions on stuff if you wouldnt want anyone to change yours in the first place? (at this point of time...is anybody lost? you all understand what im saying here right? right?) Tolerence is probably the best thing if you're too chicken to confront. That's basically it.
Speaking of confrontation. Funny incident onboard the MRT last nite. This Indian fella suddenly got all rowdy and stuff trying to confront someone. I thought,"Oh hell, gang vs gang fight? Staring incident? Shit...a fight! Alrgiht! Let's see what it's abt" The normal typical singaporean reaction. But at the same time i was getting ready to stop the fight should it happen. SERIOUS! Other ppl were just scared shit in their seats. I was already sitting on the edge. Staring at the guy...wif a smile on my face. =) Wide smile ppl! Turns out...he was just drunk and picking out a fight wif a respectable man. Hell...That man himself was even shocked that that indian fella was actually talking to him. ahhahahahx
Indian fella: An Chua?! Sibei kuailan! Not happy ah?!
Respectable chinese dood: -blank look on his face-
Ahahahahx...indian dood speaking hokkien. He even asked if the dood was a communist. WATF?! ROFL....didnt listen to the entire confrontation coz a NICE SONG WAS ON! Like i said...i was only going to intervene shld there be physical contact between the attacker and the other guy. Doesnt need ears to do that. So..i just looked wif my ears plugged in into something else. After all that...i was going to turn to ask the chinese fella abt wat actually happened. And by goD! Predictably Singaporean he turned away and gave me that i-dont-know-and-i-dont-care-coz-its-not-my-problem-coz-im-just-being-typically-singaporean look. So did everyone else inside the same car. Bloody hell. Nvm..it was already midnite by then and i understand, you were all tired and the nxt thing you dont need is another problem; one that isnt even theirs and they planned not to make it theirs.
What now....?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Rugby day...
Sorry dood...i didnt really feel like going to work anyway. I noe its bz...but urm. urm. I just had an injection? Okay...tat's lame.
Had TB screening this morning. the place looked like a temple. So i had second thoughts of going in. Bloody hell...I WENT INTO THE WRONG BUILDING! ITS THE BUILDING FOR THOSE WIF TB! Now im really scared that im going to get infected. Nvm...i had a nice talk wif the nurse. She told me all abt TB and stuff. If im infected..im going to be on medication for the nxt 6 mths. 6 MTHS IS A BLOODY LONG TIME! IN 2 MTHS ILL BE IN NS! Wont jeoperdize it for anything in the world. PEriod. The she asked whether i have any qns to ask. Of things..i asked "Is there any good food near hear?" =/ Rofl....she suggested Cambridge Market. then i rmb it wasnt halal. So i went to united square and walked and walked and walked b4 settling down for lunch. I went to Toysrus and guess what?! THERE WAS NOBDY THERE! So i fiddled around wif the toys. Walk. Walk. Walk. REally quite senselss. Had Nasi Lemak. Quite horrible for a $3 meal. It was cold. Too little rice. And the Chicken was urm...small? Tiny? No! Microscopic! But the chilli was smooth. And the atmosphere was rustic. The only 2 good things i can recall. After that sad under the tree off a bench and just stoned. REally stoned. For a good half an hour b4 leaving for Unity. Met a bishan delifrancer on the way. Didnt seem all too excited to meet me though. But nvm. Got to school. A couple of sec 1 ruggers salam-ed me and showed me the kind of respect that they would show to their elders. WT?F! Nvm lor...asalkan dorang bahagia. Rugby really kept things off my mind. What really frightened me was that one of them had an asmtha attack. What tickled me was that one of the sec 1s told me that one of them was going to die! Trust me man...they're really cute. And im not refering to the attack but the whole incident. TOld them to take it easy and after that...i couldnt think of anything else to teach them abt. SO i told them to wait by the side while i tended to the B boys. First game. Greenridge sEc. I hate them. Wat i hate more is that i cant be there to watch them. I have to work tmr. Cover for someone else. Nb....nvm. At least im getting paid for it. Nothing to complain abt...i tink
Game oveR? Game on?
Had TB screening this morning. the place looked like a temple. So i had second thoughts of going in. Bloody hell...I WENT INTO THE WRONG BUILDING! ITS THE BUILDING FOR THOSE WIF TB! Now im really scared that im going to get infected. Nvm...i had a nice talk wif the nurse. She told me all abt TB and stuff. If im infected..im going to be on medication for the nxt 6 mths. 6 MTHS IS A BLOODY LONG TIME! IN 2 MTHS ILL BE IN NS! Wont jeoperdize it for anything in the world. PEriod. The she asked whether i have any qns to ask. Of things..i asked "Is there any good food near hear?" =/ Rofl....she suggested Cambridge Market. then i rmb it wasnt halal. So i went to united square and walked and walked and walked b4 settling down for lunch. I went to Toysrus and guess what?! THERE WAS NOBDY THERE! So i fiddled around wif the toys. Walk. Walk. Walk. REally quite senselss. Had Nasi Lemak. Quite horrible for a $3 meal. It was cold. Too little rice. And the Chicken was urm...small? Tiny? No! Microscopic! But the chilli was smooth. And the atmosphere was rustic. The only 2 good things i can recall. After that sad under the tree off a bench and just stoned. REally stoned. For a good half an hour b4 leaving for Unity. Met a bishan delifrancer on the way. Didnt seem all too excited to meet me though. But nvm. Got to school. A couple of sec 1 ruggers salam-ed me and showed me the kind of respect that they would show to their elders. WT?F! Nvm lor...asalkan dorang bahagia. Rugby really kept things off my mind. What really frightened me was that one of them had an asmtha attack. What tickled me was that one of the sec 1s told me that one of them was going to die! Trust me man...they're really cute. And im not refering to the attack but the whole incident. TOld them to take it easy and after that...i couldnt think of anything else to teach them abt. SO i told them to wait by the side while i tended to the B boys. First game. Greenridge sEc. I hate them. Wat i hate more is that i cant be there to watch them. I have to work tmr. Cover for someone else. Nb....nvm. At least im getting paid for it. Nothing to complain abt...i tink
Game oveR? Game on?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
When life seems like it cant get any harder
When you feel like a martyr
When you've lost all control
That's when you've let the whole world know
You're young and depressed
With no future in this loneliness
You're young and depressed
But you're pretty well dressed
Yeah you're pretty well dressed
Well...i suppose so. Aziz..it really is depressing to see all your frens inside the army and you're outside. Doing nothing. Waiting for your time to come. It likes dying. You know at any time it's going to happen. But you're there. Helpless. Waiting for the inevitable to happen. Get my drift?
Anyways...person wif =0 and =) on the taggie. PLZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me who you are. It's annoying to get annonymous comments. No...annoynimous is more like it. True enuff...i dont think i'll be doing anything today. I nearly quit my job because i tink that i might have some luck on the relief teaching thing. Turns out...i havent received any calls yet. Maybe later? hopefully. Luckily, i have my weekend job to turn to for my finances. My dad openly declares that he wont be supporting me anymore once i enter NS. Well....so much for him saying that he'll give me funding to further my education in a University if i was to take the JC path. Thanks dood.
Like that dood who won the Best Overseas Cadet Award at Sandhurst...i too want to study at a military college. This is provided that i do good enuff for my A lvls and then i get to go to OCS. Unlike many..i WANT to go there. And im not being hypocritical about it at all. Unlike some ppl....go there, get higher pay. Bla bla bla... Im in coz i want to learn and someday use it to help others.
Yeap. Help others. I cant help thinking abt some poor kid in a third world country crying because he doesnt have enough to eat for the day. In singapore, a kid would cry just because he couldnt get his parents to buy him a toy! See how much we have grown? Yup...we have OVERgrown so much so that we focus too much on our comforts rather then the survival of others. Sure, our civilisation has advanced enough for us to not care about our survival because it IS a sure damn thing. We are now looking forward into advancing our COmforts hoping that we too can live lavishly one day. Some ppl can do this without much guilt to. How? They just ignore that little child who's crying because he's dying. REally dying.
Yesterday..i was watching National Geographic Channel's show abt the Hajj. Makes me want to go there more. Then...my parents and my granmps(who was supposed to be serious abt this religious stuff) made me change the channel to suria. Y? Because mcm mcm Aznil is on(however you spell that dood's name) Sure..........take away my education just so that they can enjoy. Take away what i have left of my faith so that they can enjoy LIVING and not care abt their future of the inevitable. Anyways...in those precious moments of me getting to watch that programme, i witnessed something really disturbing. When you perform the Hajj....you're not supposed to discriminate. It does not matter whether you're rich or poor. Black or white. Tall or short. Dumb or really dumb. But then...this south african guy got racially discriminated because he's black. First of all...WHAT THE FUCK!?> It's really Fubar that things got changed the other way around from what it is supposed to be like. Second of all...WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO LIKE HIM SINCE HIS SKIN IS BLACK? ITS ONLY A SKIN COLOUR! HE'S A MUSLIM. HE DOESNT DRINK. HE DOESNT SMOKE. AND IT IS WRONG FOR HIM TO SWEAR! AND HE'S DOING THE HAJJ TOO! JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU! Well..i hope those ppl are going to hell when they die and become PRs there too.
It really is disturbing tht ppl can get all racial and stuff. That reminds me of an incident abt a blogger who got dissed because she said that foreign workers are the cuase of the molestation in Orchard Road during the New Year celebration. She was labelled a racists by a lot of ppl. First of all...what the fukc? it's her opinion! If you dont like it....dont listen to it. Of all the reasons that you have...why must you change hers? She ISNT EVEN TRYING TO CHANGE YOUS! Second of all...she mentioned foreign workers. FOREIGN. C'mon..say it wif me...FOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEIGN.GEt it? It means that they are not SINGAPOREANS! She did not specifically mention any races. Foreign workers could mean banglas or even the americans. FOREIGN! She wasnt being racist. SHE WAS BEING A NATIONALIST YOU IDIOTS! But since it IS singaporeans who made the comment..it's forgivable.
Tell me something....
When you feel like a martyr
When you've lost all control
That's when you've let the whole world know
You're young and depressed
With no future in this loneliness
You're young and depressed
But you're pretty well dressed
Yeah you're pretty well dressed
Well...i suppose so. Aziz..it really is depressing to see all your frens inside the army and you're outside. Doing nothing. Waiting for your time to come. It likes dying. You know at any time it's going to happen. But you're there. Helpless. Waiting for the inevitable to happen. Get my drift?
Anyways...person wif =0 and =) on the taggie. PLZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me who you are. It's annoying to get annonymous comments. No...annoynimous is more like it. True enuff...i dont think i'll be doing anything today. I nearly quit my job because i tink that i might have some luck on the relief teaching thing. Turns out...i havent received any calls yet. Maybe later? hopefully. Luckily, i have my weekend job to turn to for my finances. My dad openly declares that he wont be supporting me anymore once i enter NS. Well....so much for him saying that he'll give me funding to further my education in a University if i was to take the JC path. Thanks dood.
Like that dood who won the Best Overseas Cadet Award at Sandhurst...i too want to study at a military college. This is provided that i do good enuff for my A lvls and then i get to go to OCS. Unlike many..i WANT to go there. And im not being hypocritical about it at all. Unlike some ppl....go there, get higher pay. Bla bla bla... Im in coz i want to learn and someday use it to help others.
Yeap. Help others. I cant help thinking abt some poor kid in a third world country crying because he doesnt have enough to eat for the day. In singapore, a kid would cry just because he couldnt get his parents to buy him a toy! See how much we have grown? Yup...we have OVERgrown so much so that we focus too much on our comforts rather then the survival of others. Sure, our civilisation has advanced enough for us to not care about our survival because it IS a sure damn thing. We are now looking forward into advancing our COmforts hoping that we too can live lavishly one day. Some ppl can do this without much guilt to. How? They just ignore that little child who's crying because he's dying. REally dying.
Yesterday..i was watching National Geographic Channel's show abt the Hajj. Makes me want to go there more. Then...my parents and my granmps(who was supposed to be serious abt this religious stuff) made me change the channel to suria. Y? Because mcm mcm Aznil is on(however you spell that dood's name) Sure..........take away my education just so that they can enjoy. Take away what i have left of my faith so that they can enjoy LIVING and not care abt their future of the inevitable. Anyways...in those precious moments of me getting to watch that programme, i witnessed something really disturbing. When you perform the Hajj....you're not supposed to discriminate. It does not matter whether you're rich or poor. Black or white. Tall or short. Dumb or really dumb. But then...this south african guy got racially discriminated because he's black. First of all...WHAT THE FUCK!?> It's really Fubar that things got changed the other way around from what it is supposed to be like. Second of all...WHY WOULD YOU NOT WANT TO LIKE HIM SINCE HIS SKIN IS BLACK? ITS ONLY A SKIN COLOUR! HE'S A MUSLIM. HE DOESNT DRINK. HE DOESNT SMOKE. AND IT IS WRONG FOR HIM TO SWEAR! AND HE'S DOING THE HAJJ TOO! JUST LIKE THE REST OF YOU! Well..i hope those ppl are going to hell when they die and become PRs there too.
It really is disturbing tht ppl can get all racial and stuff. That reminds me of an incident abt a blogger who got dissed because she said that foreign workers are the cuase of the molestation in Orchard Road during the New Year celebration. She was labelled a racists by a lot of ppl. First of all...what the fukc? it's her opinion! If you dont like it....dont listen to it. Of all the reasons that you have...why must you change hers? She ISNT EVEN TRYING TO CHANGE YOUS! Second of all...she mentioned foreign workers. FOREIGN. C'mon..say it wif me...FOOOOOOOOOOOREEEEIGN.GEt it? It means that they are not SINGAPOREANS! She did not specifically mention any races. Foreign workers could mean banglas or even the americans. FOREIGN! She wasnt being racist. SHE WAS BEING A NATIONALIST YOU IDIOTS! But since it IS singaporeans who made the comment..it's forgivable.
Tell me something....
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