Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's 30mins to midnight and yet im still in school. sian...well, i should be off in a while i guess.

If you're not ready to read what im about to type, i suggest you close this browser immediately because i WILL be writing about things that might affect people more than they'll ever know. No, i am not writing this out of spite. This is rather objective of me to write this. What those objectives are are actually up to me to decide. Don't ask, don't tell.

You have been warned....

LOVE. This 4 letter word is the most dangerous word one can ever use. It's because of this word that millions, no billions, have died from. It has caused the world endless amount of suffering but yet at the same time it is able to give what everyone deserves-peace.

I've been reading a few (overdue)books which touched this topic greatly. Relationships and love. Why do people get into a relationship? Why do people sometimes use the excuse of love to be in a relationship? Well, it appears that fear is the major contributor here. Fear of dying, fear of dying alone, fear of just being alone. An experiment has shown this to be true. This experiment involved a (shaky)bridge 10ft off the ground, a chiobu(wee weeT!) in the middle of the bridge, another bridge just merely 2ft off the ground, and 2 groups of males. And yes,the same chiobu on the second bridge too. Apparently, the first group on the higher bridge seem to be showing more interest in the lady more when she was higher up as compared to when she was on the lower bridge. Supposedly, the bridge was really really shaky and go figure to the kind of fear all those participants, who called her after the experiment, were facing.

What am i deriving at? Well, it seems that fear is more than a powerful factor for people to get or remain in a relationship. Like what i've heard people say, sometimes, they just value the relationship more than their partner in that relationship. That sucks, really.

Let's take out the bridge and put something else here. The fear of not being in a relationship can someone push someone into one. Sometimes, the guy can just be a rebound guy(or girl). But that can be enough to make the person feel as if they are on cloud number 9 (or maybe 10 because cloud number 9 is full of those who fear). But really, are they really the one or just the next one?

On a personal account, every girl that I see now(well most) seem to be quite attractive to me. There's this urge to talk to a girl and well, hopefully it might manifest into something else. But i know that that wouldn't be love or anything of that sort. Why? It's because that girl might just be the rebound. It's really selfish of a person to go after a new partner after they just got dumped(or they being the one to do the dumping). Why? It's because they haven't had time to themselves yet.

I suppose you all might be wondering, what if the one who's broken are the ones being chased? Well, I say that that person doing the chasing is just waiting for a chance to pounce on. No matter what was said, it will never change that fact. Actions speak louder than words mind you.

Like I said, it's never fair for that person who hasn't had time to fully recover from it all. Studies have shown that it takes between 6 months at least before someone is able to go into( or form) another relationship without having second thoughts about it all. For me, I say, let's enjoy this life for now.

I've got other things to worry about. And when im done worrying, i've got a scholarship to go after. Hopefully, i'd earn more than enough and then able to afford to send my parents for a haj. Well, that's my dreams. Wishful thinking? I guess so.

Asking the question why is just as pointless as pulling out the legs off of a centipede

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