Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I'm now $150 poorer after yesterday. Yes, it's not THAT much to some but it IS to others. I went to JB just to get my bike serviced and guess what? The piston's all burned out. Literally. It's all charred up. Something that was something so shiny and silver looked like a metallic charcoal. Well, long story short, I had it changed and now, for the next 970km, I can only run my bike at 70-80km/h. THAT IS VERY SLOW! Considering the fact that my normal speed would run around 100km/h as of lately. Oh well, guess its high time my friends leave me behind on the road as how I would usually do to them. Yet, yesterday, I left Jo far behind. Riding at 70km/h on BKE, I still did not spot him catching up nor even behind me.

This morning, on the way home from running morning errands, I spotted 3 mats on a bike. Yeah...bicycle. They had it shaped like a kapcai bike and were making a lot of noises on the way to god knows where. Anyway, it isn't the first time I've spotted things like that. Apparently, its an in thing now for mats to do so. Have their bicycles shaped like that kind of bike. I can only wonder to myself: what is the matter with these kids?

For the uninformed, a kapcai bike is the one that you can normally find on the road. It's widely popular among Malaysians and the local Malay boys. Its the kind with no fuel tank in front so they have basically nothing to grip on to with their legs. As of lately, they've (the mats) have been trying to make it all look so cool by making it look like a sports bike(why not get a sports bike in the first place?). One of the reasons why it is a hit is because it is SO cheap. $4k can settle you for a first hand bike(machine price).

Back to those bicyclemats. Well, they have them shaped like that so it got me to wonder: is that what they aspire to have? Is their their ultimate goal in life? To have that kind of bike? Well, if that is so, its either that they have very poor imagination(hence unable to dream dreams) or that they are easily contented(got bike can already).

Either way, it's kind of sad what these mats have been up to lately. I have had friends who have quit studying just because they could not find the interest in doing it. Well, to me, that is just one lousy excuse for saying that they are performing poorly. If you want to say so, then you have to meet one criteria: YOU ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE PERFORMING TO BEGIN WITH. Only with that, do you have the right to say that you no longer have interest in studying. Can you imagine? Left school at the age of 14-15. It's not like they are hardworking either. Well, that's one of the reasons why they left school at such a young age. They rather sit under the block till wee hours in the morning(and in the process disturbing the peace of the neighborhood) and, well, do nothing really everyday then to go to work. YES!! These are my personal(and casual) observations. If you do not agree with this, by all means: DISAGREE!

To them, I suppose, life can be quite simple. Bored: Lepak. Having a bit of cash on their hands: Spend them all. Horny: find a secluded staircase. The list goes on really. But one thing that's got me fuming, has it always been like this? Or this is a degradation of what used to be? I don't know. All I know is that every night, without fail, a group of them will sit under my block and sputter nothing but nonsense the night through. It's like, they don't have a life or something.

It's absurd to divide people into good or bad. People are either charming or tedious.

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