Some stupid bird decided to dump its dung on me while i was riding home. Thanks alot birdie. Well, these past few days have been rather..mundane for me. Yes. Mundane is the correct word for me to use. There hasn't been anything to look forward to lately. My writings are up to standard too. I haven't had the inspiration to write something worth reading. Well, in order for me to be inspired, I have to be pissed. Right now, its just a void feeling for me. Yes, I guess there really isn't anything to look forward to.
Last weekend was rather okay. After being relegated and benched for my poor performance at training, I was finally subbed in in the second half. Not a moment to soon, I scored a try for the team thus turning the tide of the game. No, I am not boasting but I seriously turned the tide of the game albeit it was a tycoo(is this how it's spelled?) try. We were trailing behind Bucks until I came in. Awesome try. But seriously, I thought the referee blew the whistle and I was just being nice enough to retrieve the ball. When i realized that there were 3 big white guys chasing after me, that's when i made a dash for the try line. HOOWAH! Scored my first try of the season.
Alright, that was Saturday. Sunday was a little bit lazy for me. I went out in the morning to carry out a project of mine. A project which hopefully will be completed by June next year. 5 mins upon reaching home, my friends jio-ed me for a LAN-gaming session. Yeah, Parklane Mall has some of the best computers around to game for hours on end. We sat our assess down and our eyes glued to the screen to Left 4 Dead:2. Yeah. IT'S THE MOST AWESOME-EST GAME TO DATE!!! Blasting zombies around for 5 hours straight left us mindfucked and hungry. Dinner at beach road concluded the day as I am still dazed by the 5 hours experience.
Yesterday was no different. Nothing to look forward to. Well, gymmed and run in the morning left me with nothing to do in the afternoon except to rot at home. Well, morning at the school's gym was rather something. A few Viet-cong students were there. And yes, there were absolutely terrible at gym etiquette. Walked around with no shoes and towel, they left their sweat all on the benches without having the slightest bit of courtesy to wipe it clean so that the next person can use it without any feelings of disgust. Then, there was this guy. Each time he finished a "set" he'd go up to the mirror to check out how "big" his arms were. Hahahahahaha! Even my bottle of mineral water looked bigger than that. Heck, he was basically showing off his chopstick arms around to whoever wanted to see it. I stared at him and his antics and sniggered all the way through. HE SAW THAT I WAS RIDICULING HIM. But he continued doing it anyway. What an idiot. People like that makes one's experience at the gym a horrible one. Seriously. Wish somebody could do something to people like that. Like setting up a gym for the vain, gay and noobs who are all in it just to build muscle just so that they would look nice. Seriously, they're wasting space and clogging up the air inside with their stupidity(and their awful stink. What the hell do they eat anyway?)
Like i said, there was nothing for me to do after getting home.Then, training at the Padang got cancelled all thanks to the StanChart Marathon the day before. So, I was left with nothing to do but this...

Well, I guess this holidays are filled with nothingness so i shall continue to train. Hehs, i am losing body fats(finally)! But my weight has been progressively increasing. With fat loss, i am assured that the weight that im putting on is nothing but muscle mass(not that I intend to gain any but if I do that's good I guess). Supplements that I am taking are helping to train harder and longer. Well, except today. I seriously had no motivation to train today so I just slip-shotly went through my program, run and then left for home. I have no idea why I am so lazy today. Oh wells. Anyway, those supplements that I am taking are leaving me seriously hungry at the end of each session. Heck, I even almost fainted once due to lack of sugar in my blood. Damn, big weights, big eats.
Well, hopefully, something comes up or along so that I finally have something to look forward to once again.
The good things about procrastination is that you always have something planned for tomorrow.
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