Friday, September 17, 2010

I guess if there's one thing to describe what's going through my head right now it would be messed up. I feel so restless when I should be at peace right now with myself. The neck sprain seriously isnt helping at all. And whatever that's "wrong" with me is just simply annoying.

Well, everyone was fine just now. Until that nincompoop of a student I have came over for tuition. I dont get it- no matter how many times I teach him the same concept over and over again, he just doesnt get. Well, sometimes he does, but only for 5 mins. Then after that, it'll be back to me teaching him over and over and over and over again. How can that not be frustrating. Fine, I can already here the "teachers-to-be"(and some wannabe teachers) sniggering away. But if you had a kid like that, it'll ruin your day no matter how good it gets at the end of it. And talking to him makes you feel that talking to the wall would land you in a fruitful and meaningful conversation. That's just how bad it is.

Well, im not with moe so he can't stop me from saying whatever I want about my students. I don't know what else to do with this one. His friends have already gone up to secondary school but he's still stuck in primary. I even taught his friend who happened to be in the foundation stream as well but has since gone from a basketcase to a fruit of basketcase(if you don't get it, you belong to the first category along with that nincompoop).

Ahhhh school. It is such a chore studying. Again, I don't think those across the bridge qualifies as part of this group. If you get paid to study, and then work in the exact same line of what you were taught, it isn't called being a student- that's what a trainee does. WE pay to do what we do. And we keep paying and paying. So there, in that sense, fears us into trying to excel- the operative word being "trying". Im hating this life already. It's like im leading a double life- working on the side for the money that I need badly. Working on the side...that sounds stupid on so many levels. It's always a meagre amount that I bring back everytime.

I'm just spewing out gibberish here because I am trying to make sense of what's going through my head right now. But no worries, there's no voice telling me to do anything- not yet anyway.

Eccentricism is used to describe only the rich. The poor are jsut insane

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