Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I think i've finally settled into the motion of the semester. How not to when the tides of change are just too overwhelming. Anyway, I've been putting on hold to writing what I really wanted to write since a few months back: relationships. It seems that each time that I actually am inspired to write about it, I'd be in bed tossing and turning like a salad(that is about to go bad). But when I am infront of the monitor, it all seems to dissapate. What luck.

It peeves me off that people comment about my thoughts but then leave no trail as to how I could actually correspond with them. What's worse is that they leave me one liners in criticizing my point of view(s) without any actually evidence(s). So, what's the point of commenting when you don't do either of that. If you are too ashamed of explaining yourself fully, then the least you could do is to make yourself contactable so that there is actually an avenue to correspond. If not, you might as well keep the comment(s) to yourself because it doesnt serve anyone any good. Well, unless you are that "someone" who I think you are, your comments are more than welcome on my space. But please, great minds do not get ejected out of the womb; it is created through the dialectic of two(or more) average minds who's intent is to better whatever that has been said.

Have some guts if you want to say something. If not, better not say it at all.

your ego's cashing cheques that your body can't cash

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