k. Now doing nothing but blogging while listening to a little bit of Sugarcult. Yeap. Great band. Real nice music. Its in the punk genre range though. Not suitable for everyone. Especially those kind of ppl who would go, " Doesnt it hurt???" everytime they watch rugby matches. Stupid people. They might as well as a boxer who just got punched the same question. Or a wrestler who just go slammed into the ground. Of course it hurts!!! Idiots. The only difference between those who asks and those who are being asked, WE LOVE THE PAIN!! HAHAHAHA! Well, not really. We just bear with it. Initially it is painful. But over time, we get over it. We eventually get used to it. Comes with practice and not to mention the huge amount of endorphines that is being pumped into our bodies. We bear, we tear, we KICK ASS! Yeap. So next time, dont ask that kind of stupid question. It's like asking a person, "Going to work?" early in the morning inside the train that is heading towards City Hall or Raffles Place. Hahaha...ppl and their stupid questions.
What is it with stupid questions anyway? Ya sure. Sometimes its to conversation starter. I can see where that conversations going. Down south. What happened to simple "hello? how do you do?" or "hi. how are you?" or the simplest of the simplest and MY FAV!!! "sup?" Yeah. If u do want to get detailed you could try to make it less dumb. There's like "caught in the morning rush eh mate?" Yeah. Or if u see and acquantaince having lunch u could say, "hey mate! enjoying ur lunch? how's the cafe?" instead of "eating ah?". Well, i suppose that acquaintence of urs would immediately throw everything out and say "no la. vomiting." ya. Witty Singaporean remarks. ya. so come out with somthing simple, subtle and simple. KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid!
Yeah. Taught at Unity Primary last tuesday. Nice place. The students were terribly well behaved! Yeah. I like students like that. Almost. The primary 3s were abit chaotic. But trust me, they're not the worst i've seen. And yeah...suprise suprise! They took the trouble of learning my name because i taught their malay classmates earlier on. Yeah. They mixed my name up and it sounded like Mr.Fartzreeled. Urm. Yah. Half an hour with them was more then enuff. The p4s were heavenly. The p1s were obidient. It was an okay day. Almost. The teachers there abit Dao. Sombong. Mahplek! Yeah. So that made my experience abit uncomfy. The canteen food was abit of a turnoff too. Well. Children. They dont complain really much coz they have yet to experience the world and the goodies instore for them! They just wait...
Yeah. I made them do a couple of tests too. And ya. That kinda reminded me of my school days. Kinda miss it. I suddenly felt a sudden surge of guilt making them do a test. Coz i hated doing tests. But i would get all excited when i was receiving the results coz i would go around and compare with all my friends to see who did better. The person who did the worst got the loudest laugh. And if he seems really hurt by it, we would try to comfort him with something or try to. Hahaha. Yeah. Kinda miss school now. Well, now im on the other side. I might be going to back to studying but it would be the same ever. So being a kid really was the best time of my life! Nothing else to worry about but homework and urm...homework? Ya. Other than that, there's nothing for you to worry about coz ur parents are going to take care of it. A life of no worries. All fun, abit of pain here and there. But on the whole...wholesome fun! Wish i could turn back the time to do that again. Yeah. And i hope cckps will call me one last time nxt week. Yeah. There's this hot trainee teacher there. Yeah. Our conversation was left hanging somewhere becoz of assembly time. The convey got hung up here and there too coz i didnt really look interested. Bt that was only coz i was kinda sleepy, dreadful of class and hungry. Things that hunger can do to me. Damn....rofl.
Rugby-ed my way thru yesterday and today. Pure rugby fun i guess. Yeah. Spending my last few days of freedom on rugby. Time well spent? Would be better if i was the one who's training. Ahahahahax. Another thing im going to miss. School rugby trainings. Secondary school rugby is very very simple. You turn up for training. U train. U go home. Yeap. That's it. JC is a whole lot better. Mine's abit crazy during my first year. This was especially on wednesdays. School in the morning. School rugby training in the afternoon till 6. Club training at CCAB from 7 till 9. AFter that, we'll go out to eat coz we'll be really really hungry. Mostly me though. Plus it's near Adam road hawker centre. Reach home by 11. Earliest 10. But 10 was already a big accomplishment. Ya. Reach home by 11. Wash up. Study. ya. STUDY! That means homework and revision. this goes til around 1am where i'll jus poop out. Wake up at 6 the nxt day. Go to school. Finish school. Then its the nationals. Ya. And the day after School. Saturdays...club matches. Hell yeah...Bloody exhausting. But nevertheless, I MADE IT! I managed to get my 3 A lvl passes and a pass for my GP! Yeap. A full cert! A wholesome cert. One that is average looking. One that is okay. One that im happy with and contended with in view of my hectic rugby schedule.
That's me and my prioirties. Rugby first. Studies second. If i missed out on anthing, then its third.
Everything seems nostalgic now. I walked from CCK to my home just now and it kinda reminded me of when i was 16. When i was working for Starhub even though the O lvls was just a month away. lol. Going door to door trying to sell their product. Then walk all the way home. It was a harsh time. But you know what they say? The harshest time of your life will bring the fondest of your memories. Well, guess its true. But im only 19. Life's not over. Heck. It's just beginning to start already! Wohoo! Well...8 more days left to enjoy my freedom. My last bits of freedom. Let's see how this goes down...yeah
Old boy now, young man soon.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Bloody sad day for me mate! I woke up at 1045!!! That's bloody late compared to what im used to wake up to when i was schooling or working. Yeah. I used to wake up at 0600 no matter what. When i was working, i hate to wake up as early as 5! Now...ill just wake up around 9 no matter how determined i am to wake up at 0600! Bloody saD!
You know what else is sad? Pedophiles! Those bastards should be locked up forever. Yeah! Wohoo! Weeeeeeeeeee~. Yeah. Im overdoing it!!!!! Wohoo!!! K enuff. Ya. So there's this bangla versh who got arrested for sexually harrasing my neighbours. The youngest was only 3!!! That's real fucked up man. I mean, if you're sooo horny, go to geylang! Ya. I noe u'll get rejected by some pretty ones. But at least some ugly ones will take u. AND ITS CHEAPER TOO!!! Yeah. And u're horny desires will be statsified!!! SEE! YOU WILL SAVE MONEY AND WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE!!! Idiot. Instead he choose kids! Fucked up bastard. I would have killed him if i had caught him. Kinda dissapointed that i only got to know the whole thing today. Or else i would have launch a massive manhunt at my block. Turns out that dood lives on the same block as i haD! Imagine the PAIN the parents went through when they found out about him. Imagine the terrible nightmares and pain and horrible horrible somethings the child will go thru when she's growing up! BASTARD!
You know what's worst? The look he had on his face when he was caught and surrounded by everyone. He knew he was in big trouble. I mean, do u rmb how u were when u were cuaght by ur teachers for doing something wrong? I bet u do! You'll have that greatest feeling of regret ever! You'll wonder what the future will be like and how scared you are not because of ur principle or ur teacher but how screwed up ur life will be after the punishment is over. Yeah...That was the look he had on his face. Kinda pity him. Imagine this. You're thousands of miles away from ur home, family, friends. U're in a foreign country who's language ur barely understand. You're working here so that your family back home will have food on the table. Then, you feel like something's missing in ur life. You dont noe just what it is. Then the most horrible thing happen. You commit a crime both to humanity and the law. But a crime to humanity is usually worse. So screw the law for now. hehs. yeah. U did it just to fill up this empty void that u're feeling. But soon after, before u can get away with it, u get caught! U're whole world comes tumbling down right in ur eyes. EVerything that u've worked for, its all gone in an instant!! Everything u've hope to achieve. It wont be there any more! Poof! Magically, Instantaneously, FUBARly gone! Yeah. Worst part is, u wont get to put food on that table at home any more. Everyone at home is going to be fucking starving and soon die of starvation.
YEah...try putting urself in his shoes before u go fucking kick him and handcuffing him so roughly when all u cld do is be patient about it. Stupid fuckers were really late and still came in acting like heroes! What the fuck is wrong with them?! And the report that my neighbour made a few weeks ago, it magically dissapeared!
Yeah...the police force. Remember the ad with the slogan "the reason we sleep peacefully at night" and then there's a police car zooming by? Yeah. Total bullshit. First of all, they took bloody 2 hours to respond to my call a couple of years back. And when they DID arrive, they came swearing and cursing at us! WTF?! Today was better. They took 40minutes or so. Around there. Nice going buddy. So the car speeding. It's a real bluff! Haha. Btw...the real reason everyone sleeps so peacefully is because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. Policemen just curse and swear and complain. Okay...that's kinda violent to some. But i really mean violent ppl who carry big guns and stuff. Get the idea? ;) coz im going to be one of them next saturday.
Right now, im really nostalgic. Dunnoe y. I just miss the times i used to have. Well...now im an old boy and a young man. My folks are just old ppl now. Im just sad and glad for them all at the same time. Yeah...not going to write about it. hehs. Maybe nxt time. Remind me ya? Or u cld just ask me in person coz its kinda long to write.
You know what else is sad? Pedophiles! Those bastards should be locked up forever. Yeah! Wohoo! Weeeeeeeeeee~. Yeah. Im overdoing it!!!!! Wohoo!!! K enuff. Ya. So there's this bangla versh who got arrested for sexually harrasing my neighbours. The youngest was only 3!!! That's real fucked up man. I mean, if you're sooo horny, go to geylang! Ya. I noe u'll get rejected by some pretty ones. But at least some ugly ones will take u. AND ITS CHEAPER TOO!!! Yeah. And u're horny desires will be statsified!!! SEE! YOU WILL SAVE MONEY AND WHOLE LOT OF TROUBLE!!! Idiot. Instead he choose kids! Fucked up bastard. I would have killed him if i had caught him. Kinda dissapointed that i only got to know the whole thing today. Or else i would have launch a massive manhunt at my block. Turns out that dood lives on the same block as i haD! Imagine the PAIN the parents went through when they found out about him. Imagine the terrible nightmares and pain and horrible horrible somethings the child will go thru when she's growing up! BASTARD!
You know what's worst? The look he had on his face when he was caught and surrounded by everyone. He knew he was in big trouble. I mean, do u rmb how u were when u were cuaght by ur teachers for doing something wrong? I bet u do! You'll have that greatest feeling of regret ever! You'll wonder what the future will be like and how scared you are not because of ur principle or ur teacher but how screwed up ur life will be after the punishment is over. Yeah...That was the look he had on his face. Kinda pity him. Imagine this. You're thousands of miles away from ur home, family, friends. U're in a foreign country who's language ur barely understand. You're working here so that your family back home will have food on the table. Then, you feel like something's missing in ur life. You dont noe just what it is. Then the most horrible thing happen. You commit a crime both to humanity and the law. But a crime to humanity is usually worse. So screw the law for now. hehs. yeah. U did it just to fill up this empty void that u're feeling. But soon after, before u can get away with it, u get caught! U're whole world comes tumbling down right in ur eyes. EVerything that u've worked for, its all gone in an instant!! Everything u've hope to achieve. It wont be there any more! Poof! Magically, Instantaneously, FUBARly gone! Yeah. Worst part is, u wont get to put food on that table at home any more. Everyone at home is going to be fucking starving and soon die of starvation.
YEah...try putting urself in his shoes before u go fucking kick him and handcuffing him so roughly when all u cld do is be patient about it. Stupid fuckers were really late and still came in acting like heroes! What the fuck is wrong with them?! And the report that my neighbour made a few weeks ago, it magically dissapeared!
Yeah...the police force. Remember the ad with the slogan "the reason we sleep peacefully at night" and then there's a police car zooming by? Yeah. Total bullshit. First of all, they took bloody 2 hours to respond to my call a couple of years back. And when they DID arrive, they came swearing and cursing at us! WTF?! Today was better. They took 40minutes or so. Around there. Nice going buddy. So the car speeding. It's a real bluff! Haha. Btw...the real reason everyone sleeps so peacefully is because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. Policemen just curse and swear and complain. Okay...that's kinda violent to some. But i really mean violent ppl who carry big guns and stuff. Get the idea? ;) coz im going to be one of them next saturday.
Right now, im really nostalgic. Dunnoe y. I just miss the times i used to have. Well...now im an old boy and a young man. My folks are just old ppl now. Im just sad and glad for them all at the same time. Yeah...not going to write about it. hehs. Maybe nxt time. Remind me ya? Or u cld just ask me in person coz its kinda long to write.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Its sunday already! YAY! But bloody hell, there's no sun! It's so bloody gloomy! Do you know how depressing that is? Its too depressing to be depressing! Ya. That's how depressing it is! Bloody hell. And i just got home! V for vendetta. AWESOME MOVIE! But guess what? It's an exact depiction of the French revolution! What im going to say next is to all the history students and history buffs of 18th century europe. =)
There were clearly elements of the french revolution in it. The most obvious of all was when someone exclaimed, " Viva la revolution!" It was an obvious hint because that was FRENCH! Btw, the start of the movie, where they showed the dude in 16th maybe 17th century england being hanged. Yeap. That was simply to set the time frame. Then was the blowing up of the parliament. In the french rev, they stormed the Bastille which was a symbol of the French tyranny over its ppl. The nobility i meant. Then the Bishop who fell from grace. Kinda over doing it. But the Clergy did take advantage of the ppl by making use of their money for their own wants just like the bishop who HAD PROSTITUTES OVER! Ya. Kiddy ones too! Overdoing it just to drive the messege! Yeap. Kudos. The King was depicted as the Chancellor who finally got executed by his own man in the government who was later executed by the ppl of the country....French rev stuff too. So in short. IT IS THE FRENCH REV WITH A TWIST OF THE ENGLISH SIDE AND A BIT OF ACTION!!! Hahahahah! Maybe the writer got his inspiration from the French revolution. Yeah. Maybe. BUt it makes up for a good movie anyway. I wonder if other people who filled up the theatre realized that too. Or maybe they just realized that it was good watch. Yeah. But comments that i heard upon coming out was...."wah! Cheem sia the movie!" "that was a nice movie" "what time is it?" "Eh, wait first, i need to go to the toilet" "wah! All the cubicles are full!" "where you want to go next?" "lets get a drink" "what do you think the movie was about?" rofl. I simply exclaimed, " LETS TRY THAT ON THE PAP!" rofl.
Past few days have been great. Friday went for buffet dinner at Sakura International at downtown east. Tried everything. Sushi. Sushi. A little bit more sushi. rofl. Ya. Oysters too. urm...ya. Dont really like them but ppl who ate them made them look soooooooooooo delicious. I just dont get it. The worst taste was particularly the raw salmon. err ya. It was kinda like chewing gum which i wanted to swallow really quickly. It was okay but i dont have a particular taste for it. Yeah. Well, at least i didnt get a stomach upset. YAY! I HAVE A STRONG STOMACH! WOHOO! That means i can eat almost anything! Yeah. Got to keep that in mind the nxt time i go out to eat. No more routine chicken rice. Laksa. Wantan mee.....it's just too heavy! Let's try exotic dishes! YAY! Kinda like Anthony Bourdain. that dood even tried snakes blood tonic. Eww...But being disgusted with it will only mean that i wont get to taste it. Ya. Shall keep an open mind. And shall keep the halal thing in mind when i want to try everything. Btw...is dog and rat meat halal?
Oh ya. Got a real cool watch from my aunt too! Yay! It's digital! That means i dont hve to go buy that TIMEX watch for now! Maybe nxt time? Ya. The adidas watch works just as fine. Cept that it's a tad too colorful. Wonder if they'll allow it in the army? Ah..who cares? Im going to wear my contacts there anyway. Or try too. Yeah.
Hohos! Just 14 days left! Yeap. 14 days left before i have to wake up at 6. Pack my stuff. Enjoy my last moments of freedom. Leave me home at 9. Make my way to Pasir Ris. Enjoy my last meal outside. Report at 1130hrs at the bus station. Bla bla bla. It's a long and intriquite affair(excuse my spelling) =) It's going to be great! Yeap. I hope. YAY! 14 more days!!! rofl. Dont ask me why im excited. =)
Ya. Shall stop here before i make this read unreadably long. =). Gym now! Rugby later!
There were clearly elements of the french revolution in it. The most obvious of all was when someone exclaimed, " Viva la revolution!" It was an obvious hint because that was FRENCH! Btw, the start of the movie, where they showed the dude in 16th maybe 17th century england being hanged. Yeap. That was simply to set the time frame. Then was the blowing up of the parliament. In the french rev, they stormed the Bastille which was a symbol of the French tyranny over its ppl. The nobility i meant. Then the Bishop who fell from grace. Kinda over doing it. But the Clergy did take advantage of the ppl by making use of their money for their own wants just like the bishop who HAD PROSTITUTES OVER! Ya. Kiddy ones too! Overdoing it just to drive the messege! Yeap. Kudos. The King was depicted as the Chancellor who finally got executed by his own man in the government who was later executed by the ppl of the country....French rev stuff too. So in short. IT IS THE FRENCH REV WITH A TWIST OF THE ENGLISH SIDE AND A BIT OF ACTION!!! Hahahahah! Maybe the writer got his inspiration from the French revolution. Yeah. Maybe. BUt it makes up for a good movie anyway. I wonder if other people who filled up the theatre realized that too. Or maybe they just realized that it was good watch. Yeah. But comments that i heard upon coming out was...."wah! Cheem sia the movie!" "that was a nice movie" "what time is it?" "Eh, wait first, i need to go to the toilet" "wah! All the cubicles are full!" "where you want to go next?" "lets get a drink" "what do you think the movie was about?" rofl. I simply exclaimed, " LETS TRY THAT ON THE PAP!" rofl.
Past few days have been great. Friday went for buffet dinner at Sakura International at downtown east. Tried everything. Sushi. Sushi. A little bit more sushi. rofl. Ya. Oysters too. urm...ya. Dont really like them but ppl who ate them made them look soooooooooooo delicious. I just dont get it. The worst taste was particularly the raw salmon. err ya. It was kinda like chewing gum which i wanted to swallow really quickly. It was okay but i dont have a particular taste for it. Yeah. Well, at least i didnt get a stomach upset. YAY! I HAVE A STRONG STOMACH! WOHOO! That means i can eat almost anything! Yeah. Got to keep that in mind the nxt time i go out to eat. No more routine chicken rice. Laksa. Wantan mee.....it's just too heavy! Let's try exotic dishes! YAY! Kinda like Anthony Bourdain. that dood even tried snakes blood tonic. Eww...But being disgusted with it will only mean that i wont get to taste it. Ya. Shall keep an open mind. And shall keep the halal thing in mind when i want to try everything. Btw...is dog and rat meat halal?
Oh ya. Got a real cool watch from my aunt too! Yay! It's digital! That means i dont hve to go buy that TIMEX watch for now! Maybe nxt time? Ya. The adidas watch works just as fine. Cept that it's a tad too colorful. Wonder if they'll allow it in the army? Ah..who cares? Im going to wear my contacts there anyway. Or try too. Yeah.
Hohos! Just 14 days left! Yeap. 14 days left before i have to wake up at 6. Pack my stuff. Enjoy my last moments of freedom. Leave me home at 9. Make my way to Pasir Ris. Enjoy my last meal outside. Report at 1130hrs at the bus station. Bla bla bla. It's a long and intriquite affair(excuse my spelling) =) It's going to be great! Yeap. I hope. YAY! 14 more days!!! rofl. Dont ask me why im excited. =)
Ya. Shall stop here before i make this read unreadably long. =). Gym now! Rugby later!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
It is so bloody hard to get fit nowadays. Guess what. Running didnt really happen today! Ya. I put on my cap. My running attire. My runners. RAn. RAn.Ran. WAlked. WALKED!!! And its not because i was tired. Not because i was out of breath. Not because i was injured! IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS BORED! Ya. BORED! Running can be boring nowadays. I HATE RUNNING! Maybe i shld just stick to running in rugby. Or mebe race with someone else. Nah......i prefer rugby. Especially when im running with the ball. 1 person with ball. 14 of ur teamates supporting you. 15 of your opponents chasing after you with the intention of killing you before you score a try. SEE HOW THRILLING THAT IS! HELL YEAH! It's the most thrilling thing you can ever experience!
Well, i dont play rugby for any school now since im already out of school. Damn! I hate growing old. The next school(hopefully) i would be going to is in 2 years time. Unless you count BMTC School a real school. Maybe you could. Maybe not. Blurgh. Who cares anyway. Ya. It's been tooooooo long since i represented anyone in rugby. Im talking abt school level coz that's where everyone else sucked and i can reign tall! -evil lafter- club level is sooo hard lah. I find it hard to cope with the opponents being far experienced than i am. And truthfully speaking, i am one of the worst players in singapore la. seriously. So imagine if u're rugby is lousier than mine. I dont tink u shld even be playing rugby! hahahaha. Nah...u can improve. or try to. see where it leads u. Rugby is life. Everyting else is rubbish. This is inclusive of the phrase that women perfected rugby. pure bs. PURE. 100% pure! Coz if they perfected the game, they'd have already lost their boobs already. hahahax. I'll poop on u!
Urm ya. Abt the thrill part. I just love the feeling of being chased by someone who's really intent on catching me. Hmm...no rugby. Maybe i can try stealing! That could get me running. That could make me fit! HAHAHAx. Ya. Stealing for the thrill. It is wrong morally and religiously though. Hmm....maybe i cld steal and run and then run back to return the thing i've stolen! SOUNDS LIKE A BRILLIANT PLAN! This is provided that the police does not catch me nor do they open fire on me. maybe they'll get on a massive manhunt for me later on. Damn...i dont want to run THAT long. It's just not fun anymore but plain scary. Hmm...i'll scrap tat plan.
Anyways, i was just watching the history of singapore. Ya. On Discovery Channel. ITs good to watch it you know! Especially young kids. In the event of a kidnapping, just annoy your kidnappers with random facts and they'll throw you back to your homes! Ya. That's wat happened to the kid. ALthough if I was the kidnapper i'd shut him up with even random talkingcock! rofl. BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT! The point im trying to say is that our parents' time is almost up. Yeap. Do u realize that Singapore is ALREADY 40 years old. My dad is like OLDER! Imagine this, everything from his time is already gone. The only thing left to remind our generation of HIS time is himself! And ppl from his generation. Of course there's our grandparents too. Half of mine is aleady 6ft under. I only have 1 set of grannys left. YAY! But, i rarely visit them. Shit lah. HOW?!?!? I'll ask my mom about it. Dunnoe y but i suddenly felt sad during the show. Imagine this...everything that you see rite now, it's for us. IT's from us. It's to suite our tastes and whatever! But nothing of theirs. We still know what our childhood felt like. Why? Because the infrastructures still exists. The infrastructure of their time is already gone. TO MAKE WAY FOR OURS! They have nothing to remind them of their past. They are only living in the present as comfartably as they could. So if you want to be good children...go do ur parents proud. Make them as comfy as possible in this horrible present. Its already bad enuff that they can reminisce about their childhood days. DOnt you bastards go make their lives worst off. Ninabeh.....
Urm. Yeap. Im 19 already. This sux. Nxt year i'll be 20. Ppl will see me as an adult. the year after, my live is my own responsibility! Shit. WAy too fast for me. Way toooo fast. Last year i was complaining tat im growing too fast. And last year felt like only last week! AND THIS ISNT THOSE LAME JOKES WHERE YOU"D TRY TO CRACK ON THE FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY! Yah. I can still rmb me being a toddler! Back in the PAP PCF DAYS! IT was the coolest man! I'd scramble thru my work and then play with my frens despite the teacher glaring down on me. Rofl. I remember whacking someone with something. Couldnt rmb wat. IT was some musical instrument. I got barred from music class for tat day. ROFL. I rmb whacking this bully with my brother. Hahahax. He went home with a bloody nose. Actually, his mom came to fetch him. So she was looking for me and my brother. ROFL! We hid inside the garden. And then there was the time me and my fren ate chocs inside the toilet. Hahahahhax. Great memories. I kinda miss those days. Btw, the bully i whacked kinda became my buddy during primary school days. I guess he had forgotten abt the whacking incident. Ah...primary school. It was a mishmash of everything. I transferred school. i played for the school basketball team. I was in the volleyball team for awhile. I was a band senior. YA. band senior at pri3. i even dance.....hehes. malay dance. Volunteered. Dunnoe y. The worst thing that happened was silat. Yeap. Student by day and SILATER BY NIGHT! hohos. It was tough. By then, i forgot what it was like to be a kid again.
Things got worst in secondary school. I made one bloody commitment to my rugby. My priorities were soooooooooo screwed up that rugby become a top priority. Studies second. Friends third. And everything else last. That includes family. REally! I sacrificed everyting and for the first time in my life...i was really happy! REally. And up to this day...im only happy when im around an oval ball! I still dont know why though.
Urm..i think i've gone overboard with this update. hehs.
PS. Anderson JC girl who ran the canal route behind Villa Verde, if you're reading this, contact me! ;) I caught you staring at me!!! hahahax.
Well, i dont play rugby for any school now since im already out of school. Damn! I hate growing old. The next school(hopefully) i would be going to is in 2 years time. Unless you count BMTC School a real school. Maybe you could. Maybe not. Blurgh. Who cares anyway. Ya. It's been tooooooo long since i represented anyone in rugby. Im talking abt school level coz that's where everyone else sucked and i can reign tall! -evil lafter- club level is sooo hard lah. I find it hard to cope with the opponents being far experienced than i am. And truthfully speaking, i am one of the worst players in singapore la. seriously. So imagine if u're rugby is lousier than mine. I dont tink u shld even be playing rugby! hahahaha. Nah...u can improve. or try to. see where it leads u. Rugby is life. Everyting else is rubbish. This is inclusive of the phrase that women perfected rugby. pure bs. PURE. 100% pure! Coz if they perfected the game, they'd have already lost their boobs already. hahahax. I'll poop on u!
Urm ya. Abt the thrill part. I just love the feeling of being chased by someone who's really intent on catching me. Hmm...no rugby. Maybe i can try stealing! That could get me running. That could make me fit! HAHAHAx. Ya. Stealing for the thrill. It is wrong morally and religiously though. Hmm....maybe i cld steal and run and then run back to return the thing i've stolen! SOUNDS LIKE A BRILLIANT PLAN! This is provided that the police does not catch me nor do they open fire on me. maybe they'll get on a massive manhunt for me later on. Damn...i dont want to run THAT long. It's just not fun anymore but plain scary. Hmm...i'll scrap tat plan.
Anyways, i was just watching the history of singapore. Ya. On Discovery Channel. ITs good to watch it you know! Especially young kids. In the event of a kidnapping, just annoy your kidnappers with random facts and they'll throw you back to your homes! Ya. That's wat happened to the kid. ALthough if I was the kidnapper i'd shut him up with even random talkingcock! rofl. BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT! The point im trying to say is that our parents' time is almost up. Yeap. Do u realize that Singapore is ALREADY 40 years old. My dad is like OLDER! Imagine this, everything from his time is already gone. The only thing left to remind our generation of HIS time is himself! And ppl from his generation. Of course there's our grandparents too. Half of mine is aleady 6ft under. I only have 1 set of grannys left. YAY! But, i rarely visit them. Shit lah. HOW?!?!? I'll ask my mom about it. Dunnoe y but i suddenly felt sad during the show. Imagine this...everything that you see rite now, it's for us. IT's from us. It's to suite our tastes and whatever! But nothing of theirs. We still know what our childhood felt like. Why? Because the infrastructures still exists. The infrastructure of their time is already gone. TO MAKE WAY FOR OURS! They have nothing to remind them of their past. They are only living in the present as comfartably as they could. So if you want to be good children...go do ur parents proud. Make them as comfy as possible in this horrible present. Its already bad enuff that they can reminisce about their childhood days. DOnt you bastards go make their lives worst off. Ninabeh.....
Urm. Yeap. Im 19 already. This sux. Nxt year i'll be 20. Ppl will see me as an adult. the year after, my live is my own responsibility! Shit. WAy too fast for me. Way toooo fast. Last year i was complaining tat im growing too fast. And last year felt like only last week! AND THIS ISNT THOSE LAME JOKES WHERE YOU"D TRY TO CRACK ON THE FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY! Yah. I can still rmb me being a toddler! Back in the PAP PCF DAYS! IT was the coolest man! I'd scramble thru my work and then play with my frens despite the teacher glaring down on me. Rofl. I remember whacking someone with something. Couldnt rmb wat. IT was some musical instrument. I got barred from music class for tat day. ROFL. I rmb whacking this bully with my brother. Hahahax. He went home with a bloody nose. Actually, his mom came to fetch him. So she was looking for me and my brother. ROFL! We hid inside the garden. And then there was the time me and my fren ate chocs inside the toilet. Hahahahhax. Great memories. I kinda miss those days. Btw, the bully i whacked kinda became my buddy during primary school days. I guess he had forgotten abt the whacking incident. Ah...primary school. It was a mishmash of everything. I transferred school. i played for the school basketball team. I was in the volleyball team for awhile. I was a band senior. YA. band senior at pri3. i even dance.....hehes. malay dance. Volunteered. Dunnoe y. The worst thing that happened was silat. Yeap. Student by day and SILATER BY NIGHT! hohos. It was tough. By then, i forgot what it was like to be a kid again.
Things got worst in secondary school. I made one bloody commitment to my rugby. My priorities were soooooooooo screwed up that rugby become a top priority. Studies second. Friends third. And everything else last. That includes family. REally! I sacrificed everyting and for the first time in my life...i was really happy! REally. And up to this day...im only happy when im around an oval ball! I still dont know why though.
Urm..i think i've gone overboard with this update. hehs.
PS. Anderson JC girl who ran the canal route behind Villa Verde, if you're reading this, contact me! ;) I caught you staring at me!!! hahahax.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Stupid blisters! i got them from playing touch rugby yesterday on a super duper hard ground yesterday in boots. Shld have worn my runners instead. Nvm...there's still nxt week to do it. My plan to go running got spoilt!! Ya. Wasnt becoz of the blisters but i woke up late. =p Nvm...i WILL run tmr morning. I've got 19 days left to get myself unusally fit. Im nvr fit. Unless i have tourney coming or something. Heck la. Im always fit during my rugby tourneys. After that, everything just goes out the door. I used to make good timings for my 3.2k runs. Now...pliak. Everything gone. Heck la...i would walk during my runs because the run would eventually get boring. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO DO 10K RUNS! Yeah. That was who fit i was everytime a tournament neared. VERY VERY FIT!
Now...what tourney?! Im out of school. So no school tournament to train for. WEll, at least there's the club season starting sometime in july. DOnt know if i can make it for that one. Imagine this. Me training on sundays and then go straight to Tekong to book in. Bloody troublesome and mindnumbing. That's not the worse. The worst is that i have to be on some fieldtrip or something. Something that requires me to be in camp THROUGHOUT the weekend. Im not complaning. Im just saying that this year, i have absolutely no purpose to get fit. WEll, mebe except for OCS. Need to get fit for that. Besides that, bleahs. Heck...this is going to be like getting fit for no reason. Im a man of reasons. I hate doing thing for no reasons. Unless its fun. Eh! Having fun is also one damn good reason to do something! Heck lah! I bet guys attract girls juz for sex.....eventually. If not, they wouldnt be doing it. And sex...ppl do it just to get an orgasm(some may fake it to satisfy the other). See! PPL DO THINGS FOR A PARTICULAR REASON! Usually that reason is one that they really like. If not, they wouldnt want to do it.
Yeah. Why am i talking abt this? Oh ya. Tmr. Morning. Run. Run. Run. Collaspe. Run. Run. GO home. Shower. Go to Lavender to get my passport renewed. Return my uniform. Go to Unity. Rugby. Go home. Sounds pretty lame lah! But im looking forward to this Thursday! My aunt's taking me for dinner! She used to do a lot of that wif me and my brother b4 she got married. The last time she did that was like eons ago! Probably when i was a puny little fadzil. But...being puny, ppl liked to think i was one harmless boy. Hahahahhax. DID I SHOW THEM! Pick up fights with ppl was one favourite thing that puny boy loved to do. But as he grew older, he got bolder. But he grew more reasonable too. He'd reason out things rationally before setting out to do things some of which he might regret later. Fyi...im talking abt myself.
Yalah! Seriously man. Before i though of whacking someone, i would think of the consequences. Not on me lah. I already know what i'll get. I dont really care though. What i was thinking about was the other guy. Imagine if i punch him, he'd be really hurt. That's number 1. Next, he'll go home to his parents. His parents will be so hurt coz their son got hurt. See how i can cause emotional damage? And then, if i hurt the boy badly enough, his parents might have to take him to see a doctor. Doctor costs a lot of money these days. And ya. The i'll cause financial damage. And then it goes on and on and on.....ya. U need to let ur imagination run wild on this one.
Btw. What was i talking about? Ya. running. Tmr run. run. run. Let's see how many clicks i can go b4 i simply limp out. hurhur. okey than. bye bye now.
Now...what tourney?! Im out of school. So no school tournament to train for. WEll, at least there's the club season starting sometime in july. DOnt know if i can make it for that one. Imagine this. Me training on sundays and then go straight to Tekong to book in. Bloody troublesome and mindnumbing. That's not the worse. The worst is that i have to be on some fieldtrip or something. Something that requires me to be in camp THROUGHOUT the weekend. Im not complaning. Im just saying that this year, i have absolutely no purpose to get fit. WEll, mebe except for OCS. Need to get fit for that. Besides that, bleahs. Heck...this is going to be like getting fit for no reason. Im a man of reasons. I hate doing thing for no reasons. Unless its fun. Eh! Having fun is also one damn good reason to do something! Heck lah! I bet guys attract girls juz for sex.....eventually. If not, they wouldnt be doing it. And sex...ppl do it just to get an orgasm(some may fake it to satisfy the other). See! PPL DO THINGS FOR A PARTICULAR REASON! Usually that reason is one that they really like. If not, they wouldnt want to do it.
Yeah. Why am i talking abt this? Oh ya. Tmr. Morning. Run. Run. Run. Collaspe. Run. Run. GO home. Shower. Go to Lavender to get my passport renewed. Return my uniform. Go to Unity. Rugby. Go home. Sounds pretty lame lah! But im looking forward to this Thursday! My aunt's taking me for dinner! She used to do a lot of that wif me and my brother b4 she got married. The last time she did that was like eons ago! Probably when i was a puny little fadzil. But...being puny, ppl liked to think i was one harmless boy. Hahahahhax. DID I SHOW THEM! Pick up fights with ppl was one favourite thing that puny boy loved to do. But as he grew older, he got bolder. But he grew more reasonable too. He'd reason out things rationally before setting out to do things some of which he might regret later. Fyi...im talking abt myself.
Yalah! Seriously man. Before i though of whacking someone, i would think of the consequences. Not on me lah. I already know what i'll get. I dont really care though. What i was thinking about was the other guy. Imagine if i punch him, he'd be really hurt. That's number 1. Next, he'll go home to his parents. His parents will be so hurt coz their son got hurt. See how i can cause emotional damage? And then, if i hurt the boy badly enough, his parents might have to take him to see a doctor. Doctor costs a lot of money these days. And ya. The i'll cause financial damage. And then it goes on and on and on.....ya. U need to let ur imagination run wild on this one.
Btw. What was i talking about? Ya. running. Tmr run. run. run. Let's see how many clicks i can go b4 i simply limp out. hurhur. okey than. bye bye now.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Yay! Im all better now! Seriously. I think im cured! Recovered! Weehoo! And this is after the touch rugby i had just now with the old Reds. Yeap. Seriously man, im beginning to think that i got sick because i didnt have enough rugby. Maybe from playing rugby, i might even grow to a health age of 100 something? Yeap. A century old bugger who still plays rugby. And the moment i stop, i shall stop breathing and just drop dead. KAbbom! Ya. Dunnoe if anyone else would make the same noise as i would if i drop. Kabbom! ROFL. Urm yeahs. Rugby keeps me alive. I dunnoe if it does to you.
Funny that people will always give me THAT look when i told them i play rugby. It's the kind of awe-and-shock-but-asking-themselve-why-i-dont-play-soccer-instead. Well...first of all, im not a first class MAT. Yeah. I do play soccer, just not often. Besides, i really suck at soccer. The only thing i do is take the ball and try to pass it around as strategically as possible. This is usually frustrating to others but i love to play a smart game. But ppl who play soccer arent usually smart. Take for instance at the 2 boys who almost got jailed for having sex with a little girl. Ya. They were playing for some soccer clubs. I mean, HOW THE HELL COULD THEY HAVE BELIEVED THAT THE GIRL WASNT UNDERAGE????!?!? First of all, she mentioned to them that she wasnt. I mean, any girl who was of legal age wouldnt have told anyone that they were not underaged b4 engaging in that-thang-you-do. Ya. So her mentioning it to them, dont you think that it is abit perculiar? Dumbasses. They just want to get to the G-spot. They dont care about anything else. 1 word people! GEYLANG! Ya. GEYLANG! It's kinda pricey but sure doesnt cost as much as a date would. So if you are THAT desperate, GEYLANG! Sheesh.
Urm..where was i? Oh ya. Rugby. Hmm...ppl do give me that look. It's a mixture of suprise and inquisition. Is there such a word? Inquisition? You be the judge of that. Urm...then they would want to ask me. Why dont you play soccer instead? i mean like...WTF?!?!? I just told you i played rugby. Why are you asking me about soccer? What's the link? Okay...maybe the person really likes soccer. But that doesnt mean that i do too! I mean, the person could be a girl. Ya. And girls USUALLY likes guys. Does that mean i have to like guys too? FUCK NO! See...now im angry for no reason. Grrrrrr. Ya.
K fine. I'll satisfy your curiousity. Why do i like rugby so much? First of all, its a male dominated sport. There is women playing the sport too. But they just dont have enough testosterone to bring the game up to the nxt level. Well...not all of them. Some of them do bring it, but with high levels of testosterone, they look like guys anyway. Haha...i dunnoe whether my first reason was reasonable at all! Dont think it was.
It's the concept of moving forward in a game. You actually have to use brute strength coupled with proper technique and teamwork to propel your team forward towards the try line. And unlike soccer where you can just easily zip pass ppl or just push the ball forward, in rugby you have to go thru a wall of hungry monsters who want to do the same too! NOW THATS WHAT I CALL PASSION! Yeap. It's definately a much more passionate sport. The difference is that ruggers are so immune to pain and emoition that they look as if they do not cherish the moment after scoring tries or even after winning games. Then again, it's actually because they are being gentlement and upholding the sportsmanship attitude. They're not big showoffs unlike soccer players. Score 1 goal that was even intended and they would celebrate like fuck. What's wrong with them? See. The most violent sport but yet very gentlemanly players.
Well, that's one good reason. Another one is because i dont easily injure myself in rugby compared to soccer. Everytime i play soccer, an injury will sure come by soon enough. I dunnoe y. Might be god's way of telling me that soccer isnt a good sport for me. Maybe. Ya. Btw, stastics shows that the chances of you breaking your leg is definately much more higher in soccer than in any other sports or rugby for that matter. Hurhur. So, those of you planning to go play soccer tmr with ur friends, make sure you cherish every moment that you have right now of not having a broken leg. Yeah.
AND THERE'S JUST TOOOOOOOO MANY MALAYS!!! In rugby its diferent. You get a mixture of everything. There are some malays too. But it's not wholly dominated by them. Im a malay. I play rugby. SEE! IT's a mixture! But soccer its like a mixture of malay...malay...and more malay. Then suddenly you'd see a chinese fella. But he'll be gone soon enough mysteriously. Just as mysteriously as he appeared. Yeap. That's one more thing i hate about soccer. Inept multiracial status.
Well..im sure i'll get burnt for this. But who cares? Im a malay too you noe! But...guess im a little bit different. Maybe im stereotyping. Correct me if im wrong. =)
Funny that people will always give me THAT look when i told them i play rugby. It's the kind of awe-and-shock-but-asking-themselve-why-i-dont-play-soccer-instead. Well...first of all, im not a first class MAT. Yeah. I do play soccer, just not often. Besides, i really suck at soccer. The only thing i do is take the ball and try to pass it around as strategically as possible. This is usually frustrating to others but i love to play a smart game. But ppl who play soccer arent usually smart. Take for instance at the 2 boys who almost got jailed for having sex with a little girl. Ya. They were playing for some soccer clubs. I mean, HOW THE HELL COULD THEY HAVE BELIEVED THAT THE GIRL WASNT UNDERAGE????!?!? First of all, she mentioned to them that she wasnt. I mean, any girl who was of legal age wouldnt have told anyone that they were not underaged b4 engaging in that-thang-you-do. Ya. So her mentioning it to them, dont you think that it is abit perculiar? Dumbasses. They just want to get to the G-spot. They dont care about anything else. 1 word people! GEYLANG! Ya. GEYLANG! It's kinda pricey but sure doesnt cost as much as a date would. So if you are THAT desperate, GEYLANG! Sheesh.
Urm..where was i? Oh ya. Rugby. Hmm...ppl do give me that look. It's a mixture of suprise and inquisition. Is there such a word? Inquisition? You be the judge of that. Urm...then they would want to ask me. Why dont you play soccer instead? i mean like...WTF?!?!? I just told you i played rugby. Why are you asking me about soccer? What's the link? Okay...maybe the person really likes soccer. But that doesnt mean that i do too! I mean, the person could be a girl. Ya. And girls USUALLY likes guys. Does that mean i have to like guys too? FUCK NO! See...now im angry for no reason. Grrrrrr. Ya.
K fine. I'll satisfy your curiousity. Why do i like rugby so much? First of all, its a male dominated sport. There is women playing the sport too. But they just dont have enough testosterone to bring the game up to the nxt level. Well...not all of them. Some of them do bring it, but with high levels of testosterone, they look like guys anyway. Haha...i dunnoe whether my first reason was reasonable at all! Dont think it was.
It's the concept of moving forward in a game. You actually have to use brute strength coupled with proper technique and teamwork to propel your team forward towards the try line. And unlike soccer where you can just easily zip pass ppl or just push the ball forward, in rugby you have to go thru a wall of hungry monsters who want to do the same too! NOW THATS WHAT I CALL PASSION! Yeap. It's definately a much more passionate sport. The difference is that ruggers are so immune to pain and emoition that they look as if they do not cherish the moment after scoring tries or even after winning games. Then again, it's actually because they are being gentlement and upholding the sportsmanship attitude. They're not big showoffs unlike soccer players. Score 1 goal that was even intended and they would celebrate like fuck. What's wrong with them? See. The most violent sport but yet very gentlemanly players.
Well, that's one good reason. Another one is because i dont easily injure myself in rugby compared to soccer. Everytime i play soccer, an injury will sure come by soon enough. I dunnoe y. Might be god's way of telling me that soccer isnt a good sport for me. Maybe. Ya. Btw, stastics shows that the chances of you breaking your leg is definately much more higher in soccer than in any other sports or rugby for that matter. Hurhur. So, those of you planning to go play soccer tmr with ur friends, make sure you cherish every moment that you have right now of not having a broken leg. Yeah.
AND THERE'S JUST TOOOOOOOO MANY MALAYS!!! In rugby its diferent. You get a mixture of everything. There are some malays too. But it's not wholly dominated by them. Im a malay. I play rugby. SEE! IT's a mixture! But soccer its like a mixture of malay...malay...and more malay. Then suddenly you'd see a chinese fella. But he'll be gone soon enough mysteriously. Just as mysteriously as he appeared. Yeap. That's one more thing i hate about soccer. Inept multiracial status.
Well..im sure i'll get burnt for this. But who cares? Im a malay too you noe! But...guess im a little bit different. Maybe im stereotyping. Correct me if im wrong. =)
FINALLY! Im able to view my OWN blog again. Yesterday, i was apparently prohibited to view my OWN blog due to the credentials i've provided. Bleahx. Anyways........IM FINALLY REALLY FREE!!! NO more job to do. 20 more days to enlistment! Yeap. I just cannot wait for it lah! Like i said. I dunnoe y.
Met the ruggers just now. Yeap. Hazwan's in OCS. Zul's going to OCT to become an Inspector in the Police after 3 months in BMT. Yew jin, kee onn, hafiz are going to the SISPEC course. Qalaam is in ERS. I am going to enlist in 20 more days! Yeap. Im only only rugger who's not in the army yet.
Yeap. very very sick rite now. But at least i dont have to see public enemy no1 anymore. Im just sad that i cldnt have told u guys earlier lah. Really sorrie k? Nxt time i'll come down in my no4 uniform =) ya. Urm..ya. Very sick. Wanted to go play pool but urm...noone else wanted to go. So ya. I gave in into my sickness. Popped two pills already. Popping another 2 soon. Hope it'll work. =/
Sorry bout the short entry...
Met the ruggers just now. Yeap. Hazwan's in OCS. Zul's going to OCT to become an Inspector in the Police after 3 months in BMT. Yew jin, kee onn, hafiz are going to the SISPEC course. Qalaam is in ERS. I am going to enlist in 20 more days! Yeap. Im only only rugger who's not in the army yet.
Yeap. very very sick rite now. But at least i dont have to see public enemy no1 anymore. Im just sad that i cldnt have told u guys earlier lah. Really sorrie k? Nxt time i'll come down in my no4 uniform =) ya. Urm..ya. Very sick. Wanted to go play pool but urm...noone else wanted to go. So ya. I gave in into my sickness. Popped two pills already. Popping another 2 soon. Hope it'll work. =/
Sorry bout the short entry...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Im kinda sick right now. Coupled with that is that i have absolutely no idea on what to write about! Writer's block? Maybe. Hmm..this really sucks you know. I have no qualms about anything except for what's going on in Thailand. Wanted to backpack there but the country is in political chaos. Stupid people. Why cant they just grow rice and be happy about it? Well, there's a lot more reasons to why they're not happy. First of all, the opposition party is losing to Thaksin and friends in the rural areas. So they decided that by creating sort of an anarchy in Bangkok and the other city areas, they could draw back Thaksin from his campaigning so that he wouldnt gain so much support. Smart idea? No way man...it's a brilliant idea that's gotten me so fucked up! Anyways, me and and few guys are planning to backpack in Malaysia instead. It's cheap. It's economical. It's mindless. But it IS time i get out of this country for a little while before i get stripped off my freedom. Yeap. NS. Coming soon. AKAN DATANG!
Actually, i cant wait for NS. Especially because im going to Tekong for Basic Military Training! Anybody want to send me off on the 8th of April? I've got tickets! Hahahahax. YOU ACTUALLY NEED TICKETS TO ENTER TEKONG IF YOU WANT TO SEND SOMEONE OFF!!! Can you imagine that? Ya. By the way, i've only got 5. Ya. Get back to me soon? Hahahahax. What crap. I digressed! Oh ya! Im looking forward to Military life cause that's the life im kinda craving for! Regimental kind of life. Shouldnt be much of a problem. But that's not what im looking for! It's the action and whatnots even though the Singapore army lacks of it. Its about i dunnoe what. But im just looking forward to it. I just am.
And now im out of ideas on what to write about. Kinda no life right now cept for rugby and rugby. Ya. Havent worked for the past few days. Only going back this coming Saturday. And next week, i want to quit! Ya. I want to go backpacking.
Urm...sorry if you guys are not getting any good reads. Ya. This place is beginning to look like some any other blogs which bitches about ones life. Kinda boring. I've got to get ideas man! Somehow...
Actually, i cant wait for NS. Especially because im going to Tekong for Basic Military Training! Anybody want to send me off on the 8th of April? I've got tickets! Hahahahax. YOU ACTUALLY NEED TICKETS TO ENTER TEKONG IF YOU WANT TO SEND SOMEONE OFF!!! Can you imagine that? Ya. By the way, i've only got 5. Ya. Get back to me soon? Hahahahax. What crap. I digressed! Oh ya! Im looking forward to Military life cause that's the life im kinda craving for! Regimental kind of life. Shouldnt be much of a problem. But that's not what im looking for! It's the action and whatnots even though the Singapore army lacks of it. Its about i dunnoe what. But im just looking forward to it. I just am.
And now im out of ideas on what to write about. Kinda no life right now cept for rugby and rugby. Ya. Havent worked for the past few days. Only going back this coming Saturday. And next week, i want to quit! Ya. I want to go backpacking.
Urm...sorry if you guys are not getting any good reads. Ya. This place is beginning to look like some any other blogs which bitches about ones life. Kinda boring. I've got to get ideas man! Somehow...
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I froze!!! I FREAKIN FROZE!!!! Ya. Stupid guy standing frozen infront of a girl. Do u noe how stupid it looks? Ya. Look in the mirror. Look at the person infront of you. Ya...someting like that but worse!!! I mean i literally froze! When i walked up to her, my heart started to beat soooo soo fast. Not usual of me. Then when i wanted to tell her something i stuttered. STUTTERED!!!! wth!? Then...then...i couldnt say anything at all!!!! NOTHING! I knew what i wanted to say but nothing was coming out!! This never happen to me in such a long time so why now?!?! Weird. I juz managed a wink. And that was it. A WINK! Wah....a wink was supposed to be accompanied by words. COCKY WORDS! Ya. But nothing came out! Shittles. And this comes from a guy who regularly approaches girls for no reason. Well...not really lah. I mean they are my friends. urm. But y did i froze today!?!??! Nabeh! Im very angry at myself at this moment. Of all the books i've read...of all the people i've taught....I MYSELF FROZE!!! Shit lah! Im screwed i tink. =/ at least she called and msged juz now. But urm...ya. i ruined it again by sounding all despo. @#)*!#@)*!@#*!@# WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!
Ya guys. Those who have trouble approaching girls and stuff..i understand u. But just go get em. Smile your biggest smile. And stand upright. It might work....on the right person. Urm ya. Go read more lah! Dont read from me coz im not a success story myself. Not yet i hope. =/
Ya guys. Those who have trouble approaching girls and stuff..i understand u. But just go get em. Smile your biggest smile. And stand upright. It might work....on the right person. Urm ya. Go read more lah! Dont read from me coz im not a success story myself. Not yet i hope. =/
Monday, March 13, 2006
WAH!!! TOday is the day of all days!!! Yeap. I've finally got my dose of contact rugby even though it was a little short. I guess im used to full 80 mins of rugby. yeahs. But im still happy. After days on end, im finally mixing wif intellectuals again. Ya. No pun intended. But we're on the same channel...sort of. Bunch of jc ruggers....rowdy bunch....think before we act....ya. That's abt it. But we have to be smart to have made it to JC rite? OF course lah! It's not like poly. Ppl who got more then 20points for their l1r4 are in there as well as ppl who got 6 for their l1r5. So its a bigger variety there. Not like in jc. Ya. But that's not what im talking abt. IM TALKING ABT PJC RUGBY!!! HOORAH! 2 years in there and i've made the best buds in there. Too bad ppl from my batch were there. =(
Ya. SO i bashed thru some ppl. Gave them a little bit of leniency. Bla bla bla. But it was a nice game overall. Dont think i made any tackels though. Just bashing here and there. Ya. AND I DIDNT FEEL TIRED AT ALL!!! Just sweating like a pig. But not tired at all! I have to thank my endorhpines later on. =) Urm ya. DAy was quite boring other than that. blahx
Oh ya. I tink there's sort of a conspiracy going on! DO u know what's going on on the 8th of april?!?!? Ya. FOr me it's my enlistment date. FOr others itS SINGAPORE SEVENS!!! KNN@#!#@)&!@#)&@#!)!@ ya. i love rugby sooooo sooooo soooooooooooooooooooo much lah! Then they make me enlist on the day that the sevens is on. MR KWOK EVEN OFFERED ME A FREE TIX!!! Plus...i dont even mind paying for my own tix lah! EVen though it costs a bomb. Mebe the govt wants to like tell me that either i choose rugby or i choose the army. Well..not much of a choice because failing to report on time would mean the detention barracks for me for over a week or something. Cant quite rmb. Ya. So it's a conspiracy.
Urm wat else? Oh ya. go to youtube.com and type my name. Funny vids there.
What else? I have to register for uni courses. Oh ya! Talked abt travelling just now. Ended up talking abt protistution in China since one of them was from China anyway. ya. r21 stuff. hahahax. So tmr is like swim in the morning. nd to buy my swimming gear first. Then urm....rugby at noon. nite at home. and something else on wednesday! Ya. Im not making any sense as im just talking abt my life. IT's kinda boring coz im yet to enlist. urm......ya
Ya. SO i bashed thru some ppl. Gave them a little bit of leniency. Bla bla bla. But it was a nice game overall. Dont think i made any tackels though. Just bashing here and there. Ya. AND I DIDNT FEEL TIRED AT ALL!!! Just sweating like a pig. But not tired at all! I have to thank my endorhpines later on. =) Urm ya. DAy was quite boring other than that. blahx
Oh ya. I tink there's sort of a conspiracy going on! DO u know what's going on on the 8th of april?!?!? Ya. FOr me it's my enlistment date. FOr others itS SINGAPORE SEVENS!!! KNN@#!#@)&!@#)&@#!)!@ ya. i love rugby sooooo sooooo soooooooooooooooooooo much lah! Then they make me enlist on the day that the sevens is on. MR KWOK EVEN OFFERED ME A FREE TIX!!! Plus...i dont even mind paying for my own tix lah! EVen though it costs a bomb. Mebe the govt wants to like tell me that either i choose rugby or i choose the army. Well..not much of a choice because failing to report on time would mean the detention barracks for me for over a week or something. Cant quite rmb. Ya. So it's a conspiracy.
Urm wat else? Oh ya. go to youtube.com and type my name. Funny vids there.
What else? I have to register for uni courses. Oh ya! Talked abt travelling just now. Ended up talking abt protistution in China since one of them was from China anyway. ya. r21 stuff. hahahax. So tmr is like swim in the morning. nd to buy my swimming gear first. Then urm....rugby at noon. nite at home. and something else on wednesday! Ya. Im not making any sense as im just talking abt my life. IT's kinda boring coz im yet to enlist. urm......ya
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Urm ya. 26 more days apparently till my day to shine! Yeap. 26 more days to enlistment! I've been waiting for that day since i was born! I dunnoe y. It's juz an inbuilt thing. So if you find this a little freaky, i understand. But it only stops there. I understand but i dont really care about your point of view. It's urs and u have urs. I have mine. If you dont want me to change yours do you think i want you to change mine? Ahahahahx. Crap.
I really really bored at the moment. Thailand 2006 is dashed for me. Right now, Thailand is in some sort of a turmoil or something. If it was the Tsunami, my parents wouldnt mind me going. Im one with the elements. Ya. Go figure out why. But this is ppl we're talking abt and politics. And when these two are involved, things can get ugly. REal ugly. Juz like the guy sitting down there. Down where? over there. By that tree. rofl.
Right now im not really makeing any sense. Like i said, im bored. I've got like 3 weeks to burn. But i dont really know how to. Maybe i'll join the lion reds touch rugby thingy on sunday evenings. WEll...that' leaves me with 6 1/2 days to burn each week. Guess i'll be training then. Yeap. Running, swimming, lifting weights..those sort. Something's amiss though. I HAVENT BEEN PLAYING RUGBY IN QUITE AWHILE!!! Last i played a contact game was last november. And it was a rubbish sort. Not the serious sort. The serious sort was in october. Played with Lion Reds even though i really really really had to study for my A's. See lar! Now i've got an E for malay. Should have studied more. =p
Well...whatever im going to do for the nxt 3 weeks, it seems that whatever everyone else is doing seems a whole lot more fun than what im planning to do. Mine is going to be suuuuuuuuuper boring. but, that's what life is like in Singapore. yeap. I do hope FIT calls me up to give me another chance. I really want to do the camping thing even though im not sooooo on like those other cheerleaders. Ya. I wonder what's wrong with them. They cheer and cheer until it becomes a serious business for them. And then they go into each camp with the intention of making their group the best group in camp. Well, it does add a tinge of fun into camps but plzzzzzzzz. Those kids are there to learn! Not to be more Singaporean-like! Idiots lah. End up they go home telling their parents that they won the best group prize. And when their parents asked them how they had benefited from that camp, they're only going to say that they benefited from being the best group! What the fuck is that?!?! Those kids are supposed to learn abt life through the adventourous way. Not go there to fulfil the wishes of some instructor.
Wah...y am i dissing them? Must be the boredom. Somebody plz!! Gimme something to do!!!
I really really bored at the moment. Thailand 2006 is dashed for me. Right now, Thailand is in some sort of a turmoil or something. If it was the Tsunami, my parents wouldnt mind me going. Im one with the elements. Ya. Go figure out why. But this is ppl we're talking abt and politics. And when these two are involved, things can get ugly. REal ugly. Juz like the guy sitting down there. Down where? over there. By that tree. rofl.
Right now im not really makeing any sense. Like i said, im bored. I've got like 3 weeks to burn. But i dont really know how to. Maybe i'll join the lion reds touch rugby thingy on sunday evenings. WEll...that' leaves me with 6 1/2 days to burn each week. Guess i'll be training then. Yeap. Running, swimming, lifting weights..those sort. Something's amiss though. I HAVENT BEEN PLAYING RUGBY IN QUITE AWHILE!!! Last i played a contact game was last november. And it was a rubbish sort. Not the serious sort. The serious sort was in october. Played with Lion Reds even though i really really really had to study for my A's. See lar! Now i've got an E for malay. Should have studied more. =p
Well...whatever im going to do for the nxt 3 weeks, it seems that whatever everyone else is doing seems a whole lot more fun than what im planning to do. Mine is going to be suuuuuuuuuper boring. but, that's what life is like in Singapore. yeap. I do hope FIT calls me up to give me another chance. I really want to do the camping thing even though im not sooooo on like those other cheerleaders. Ya. I wonder what's wrong with them. They cheer and cheer until it becomes a serious business for them. And then they go into each camp with the intention of making their group the best group in camp. Well, it does add a tinge of fun into camps but plzzzzzzzz. Those kids are there to learn! Not to be more Singaporean-like! Idiots lah. End up they go home telling their parents that they won the best group prize. And when their parents asked them how they had benefited from that camp, they're only going to say that they benefited from being the best group! What the fuck is that?!?! Those kids are supposed to learn abt life through the adventourous way. Not go there to fulfil the wishes of some instructor.
Wah...y am i dissing them? Must be the boredom. Somebody plz!! Gimme something to do!!!
Saturday, March 11, 2006
FUCK YEAH! Im deadlifting 100kg. Squating 80kg. Benching 80kg!!! Yup. Back to where i was a year ago. Now all i've got to do is progress some more. Get my body pumped up. Get my fitness all jacked up. OCS HERE I COME! Ya. rofl. No one else would get as excited as i would coz.......either they can already do this or this is something that they can only dream about. Im the in-between. But im getting there never the less.
Watched abit of the 7-11 futsal thingy afterwards. MY GOD!!! They suck lah! But that was only because i was watching the wrong court. On the other court, they were playing soccer. REAL SOCCER! They dont look like the ppl who talk much abt it. Unlike the previous court. Talk abt the players that they'll nvr get to meet. Bet on the sport even though they're going to lose the money anyway. Support the team that will nvr recognise them as a pers0on but as a mere supporter like the rest of the millions of ppl who support the same team. But, they'll never understand. They call it passion for the sport but they suck at it. That's not passion. That's obsession. Bunch of idiots. The other court had a little bit of foreign talent in them. Ya. I think i saw an arab, an african, and a couple of something else. aliens mebE? They were good. The other team sucked lah. Upon getting the ball they just wanted to attack. ATTACK!?!?! All they were doing was counter-attacking. What happened to layouts? What happened to controlling the pace? bla lba lbla bla?!?!? Idiots. And they can still wonder y they lost. hahahax. This is coming from a guy who is clearly not fond of soccer. But i like to play it anyway.
on other news..urm. How abt a sadistic video?
urm ya. The rest is on www.youtube.com =)
Watched abit of the 7-11 futsal thingy afterwards. MY GOD!!! They suck lah! But that was only because i was watching the wrong court. On the other court, they were playing soccer. REAL SOCCER! They dont look like the ppl who talk much abt it. Unlike the previous court. Talk abt the players that they'll nvr get to meet. Bet on the sport even though they're going to lose the money anyway. Support the team that will nvr recognise them as a pers0on but as a mere supporter like the rest of the millions of ppl who support the same team. But, they'll never understand. They call it passion for the sport but they suck at it. That's not passion. That's obsession. Bunch of idiots. The other court had a little bit of foreign talent in them. Ya. I think i saw an arab, an african, and a couple of something else. aliens mebE? They were good. The other team sucked lah. Upon getting the ball they just wanted to attack. ATTACK!?!?! All they were doing was counter-attacking. What happened to layouts? What happened to controlling the pace? bla lba lbla bla?!?!? Idiots. And they can still wonder y they lost. hahahax. This is coming from a guy who is clearly not fond of soccer. But i like to play it anyway.
on other news..urm. How abt a sadistic video?
urm ya. The rest is on www.youtube.com =)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
After an hour of zipping here and there on the internet, i've finally know what to write. NS. ya. NS. National Service. Fuck lah! Among all the malay guys, im the only one who's not in the army yet. I tink. Wait, there's akbar! Ya! Okay. But im talking abt me. It's so frustrating feeling this empty void that others get to fill by cheerish every moment of their transition into manhood. Ya. They get to learn how to handle weapons. How to work in a team. DO YOU KNOW JUST HOW MUCH COURAGE IT TAKES TO PERFORM YOUR JOB OUT OF NOWHERE?! I mean, as a soldier, u dont have guidelines. It's not as if you're working a restaurant. Ppl know that it is the place that you work in. U know where to get the food and how to restock the items and stuff like that. But as a soldier, you're working in the jungle. Where you get ur ammunition and food is all up to u. How u complete the job is also up to u. Ppl wouldnt noe that THAT is ur workplace simply because ITS A JUNGLE! Not a restaurant or an office. So pride in doing that is courage enuff. Ya. I dont tink i expressed myself well enuff here. Well, at least i understand it myself.
Today, dean enlisted. Ya. So lucky for him. Dont noe y he enlisted on a thursday but all the better right? The earlier the better! I have to wait another 29 more days!!! That's soooooooooo far away! well...my patience is being tested here. Maybe i'll pass???
I've always believed in my mantra what happens is probably meant to happen anyway. Ya. So what is my purpose of enlisting on the 8th of april? What am i supposed to do till then? What is supposed to happen to me? Well, God aint speaking to me right now coz im not holy enuff. Suppose i have to find things out for myself. Maybe a blessing in disguise. Maybe a life lesson that im suppose to learn. MAybe a something something something something. Who knows? Only one way to find out. Live out the nxt 29days!
Today, dean enlisted. Ya. So lucky for him. Dont noe y he enlisted on a thursday but all the better right? The earlier the better! I have to wait another 29 more days!!! That's soooooooooo far away! well...my patience is being tested here. Maybe i'll pass???
I've always believed in my mantra what happens is probably meant to happen anyway. Ya. So what is my purpose of enlisting on the 8th of april? What am i supposed to do till then? What is supposed to happen to me? Well, God aint speaking to me right now coz im not holy enuff. Suppose i have to find things out for myself. Maybe a blessing in disguise. Maybe a life lesson that im suppose to learn. MAybe a something something something something. Who knows? Only one way to find out. Live out the nxt 29days!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Yesterday was super fun lah. The canteen gang. Me, ethan, tsoon, dean, bulu and phat. Lau Pa Sat!!! Ya. as usual, the moment you look like you're going there to eat, everyone will swarm onto you. Ya. Literally. We were like approached by 5 different ppl asking us to eat their satay. Offering us the "best" seats. Ya. Right. SO i just lead them to a table which was apperently unoccupied. Yup. Nothing eventful there. It was when i went to buy the drinks and came back. Ya. I was like " here you go guys. Cokes and lemon tea!" Then this idiot tapped my shoulder and said, "urm excuse me. Can you give me a jia jia blakfaklhakdas" ya. " uncle! SOrry ah! I dont sell drinks here!" B4 i could carry on, he left(no apoligies) and my friends laughed and then stopped me from going after him. FUcker! Ya. LOOK DOWN ON ME RIGHT?!?!?! Yeap. He wouldnt approach the chinese ppl selling the food but would look for a malay guy who's carrying drinks for his friends. Ya. FUCKER! Guess what? Suprise suprise. He's fuckin skin is soooo thick that he sat nxt to me wif his fugly girlfriend. I starred at him but he totally ignored me. Again, i talked abt him and me selling drinks and all just to diss him. AGain, he ignored me! THe least he could do was to say that he was sorry right? Instead he juz ignored me. Ya. A supposedly matured office worker who turns out to be a big time sissy! Maybe i shld wear office attire the nxt time i eat there so that i wont be mistaken for a drink seller? Then again, that muthafucker could be soooooooooooo fucking dumb that despite my officer wear, he'd ask me to get him drinks. Ya. Big time idiot! Im going to kill him the nxt time i find him! Ya. Kill him meaning whcaking him senseless wif a bagutte. Whacking ppl wif baguttes? Yeap. That's going to be my signature move!
So what is it wif ppl looking down on me? Ya. PPL LOOK DOWN ON ME! It started since forever! When i was in primary school, my teachers would see me as one of the laziest and dumbest in class! I fucking proved them wrong by scrapping thru into the express stream! Ya. And those ppl they were fucking hoping to move onto the express stream barely scrapped thru into NA.Ya. Not Available. Then i moved onto Secondary school. Nobody! Ya. NOBODY expected me to go anywhere except for Ms Teo! ya! Big hugs to her. She's the only one who belived me when i told her i wanted to get into a JC. Ya. She even pushed me! NOW THAT"S A TEACHER! NOt the other ppl who would think that i've got absolutely no hope and becoming somebody someday! She belived in me! But while that was taking place, everyone else was looking down on me. Fuck lah, none of my teachers knew i was the rugby captain or that i had already made it into a JC. When i came back one day a couple of years back, one of my teachers asked me how was my poly life. HOW WAS MY POLY LIFE?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WIF U?!?!?! I WAS WEARING MY PJC UNIFORM!!!! ya. idiot. I didnt get to see ms teo to thank her personally though. Ya. Last i heard she's in China. Mabye i shld go over to thank her. MOE sent her over to educate the cheenapoks. Bloody waste of time lah! The Chinese are going to conquer the whole world LA! That's all they've always wanted to do. It used to be in the form of military supremacy but the ang mohs beat them to it. So they're now using business! They're soooooooooooo fucking good at it that even the US are sucking up to them. rofl.
So if u're EVEN thinking of looking down on me, tell me okay? i'm gonna fucking prove you wrong. Sooooooooo wrong that you'll be penniless and even penisless for betting that i wouldnt make it!
PS...even my parents think that im very unlikely to make it. sheesh
So what is it wif ppl looking down on me? Ya. PPL LOOK DOWN ON ME! It started since forever! When i was in primary school, my teachers would see me as one of the laziest and dumbest in class! I fucking proved them wrong by scrapping thru into the express stream! Ya. And those ppl they were fucking hoping to move onto the express stream barely scrapped thru into NA.Ya. Not Available. Then i moved onto Secondary school. Nobody! Ya. NOBODY expected me to go anywhere except for Ms Teo! ya! Big hugs to her. She's the only one who belived me when i told her i wanted to get into a JC. Ya. She even pushed me! NOW THAT"S A TEACHER! NOt the other ppl who would think that i've got absolutely no hope and becoming somebody someday! She belived in me! But while that was taking place, everyone else was looking down on me. Fuck lah, none of my teachers knew i was the rugby captain or that i had already made it into a JC. When i came back one day a couple of years back, one of my teachers asked me how was my poly life. HOW WAS MY POLY LIFE?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WIF U?!?!?! I WAS WEARING MY PJC UNIFORM!!!! ya. idiot. I didnt get to see ms teo to thank her personally though. Ya. Last i heard she's in China. Mabye i shld go over to thank her. MOE sent her over to educate the cheenapoks. Bloody waste of time lah! The Chinese are going to conquer the whole world LA! That's all they've always wanted to do. It used to be in the form of military supremacy but the ang mohs beat them to it. So they're now using business! They're soooooooooooo fucking good at it that even the US are sucking up to them. rofl.
So if u're EVEN thinking of looking down on me, tell me okay? i'm gonna fucking prove you wrong. Sooooooooo wrong that you'll be penniless and even penisless for betting that i wouldnt make it!
PS...even my parents think that im very unlikely to make it. sheesh
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Crap. I keep forgetting something good to write about the moment i log on onto the internet. Shit lah! I really need to get a notebook. Ya. I've progressed. So far, i have a pen either in my pocket or my bag all the time. All i need is something to write on. Anything that i can bring home and then write everything that i've jotted down on any writing paper. Cldnt do it on walls coz i cant tear off the walls rite? Ya. So...papers. Any papers. A notebook would be more organized. But organization isnt really my kind of thing. My kind of thing is really impromptu, on the spot, SHOCK AND AWE! Ya. Something like that. That's a little something something about me! HOORAH! rofl.
Anways, i've already thought of something else to write abt. Ya. Something that has been on my mind for quite sometime. It's abt why malays dont really progress in their lives. I've figured it out. But i keep forgetting it everytime i wanted to write about it. NOT THIS TIME! The reason they dont progress is because THEY'RE PROGRESSING THE WRONG WAY! Ya. They think they're progressing but actually they really arent. Some of them are too dumb to realize it though. I CANT STAND IT! Instead of going abt the process one step at a time, they're juz gunning for the end result! YUP! THE END RESULT! That being luxury and comfort. They are going for the secondary objectives w/o even comprehending the primary ones! Crappy idiots. ONE FINE EXAMPLE would be my elder brother. Yup. He's really one dumbass. Right now he's wearing my rugby shorts. MY RUGBY SHORTS!!! HE DOESNT EVEN NOE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUGBY, AMERICAN FOOTBALL AND SOCCER! Except maybe for the obvious ball shapes. But other then that, he's ignorantly clueless. Dumbfuck. Ya. He spends all his money on things like computer parts and his driving lessons. But nvr does he spend them on the essentials like clothing and rarely on food. I mean, if you've all studied enough in school(or maybe GP) you'll learn that a human being needs food, clothing and shelter to survive. Right now, he's achieved none of those. That's the simplest of the simplest human being. A more advanced version would need education. An even advanced versh needs luxury and comfort. How does one achieve luxury and comfort? By progressing through the 3 different stages. Yup. He doesnt jump from one to another. That's not what my brother does. He is from being naked to driving a car. Ya. Driving a car naked i suppose. See how idiotic that is? well, he's just one fine example. You cld practically find a lot more examples the next time you roam the streets. Btw, using ur parents money to accomplish those objectives is not counted. wHY? Because it IS ur parent's objectives to try to provide you with those things. Why? So that it is easier for you to start the process all over again! Not that you can immediately skip a level. THE PROCESS HAS ONLY BEEN MADE EASIER FOR YOU!
Ya. That's my frustration. I suddenly remembered what i was thinking abt in the bus. Ya. I told my friends this so im just going to blurt it out lah. Dont care. I nvr talked to a girl until i reached the age of 16. Yup. At 16 i was talking to them confidently. B4 that, i was terrified of them! REaLLY! TERRIFIED! It's all the gahmen's fault lah!!! NVR TEACH PROPER SEX EDUCATION! Ya. It made me think that any contact wif girls would make them pregnant! At the age of 12, getting a girl pregnant is a terrifying thing!!! NOT EVEN MY PARENTS TOLD ME ANYTHING ABT IT! FUCK LAH! I DONT EVEN NOE THERE WAS SUCH A THING KNOWN AS A VAGINA TILL I WAS 14. Before that, i only thought girls were only dickless. And nothing more. I didnt knoe they had a different private part. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO NOE?!?:! NO ONE TOLD ME!!! So i stayed away from them, especially malay girls. But chinese girls were okay with me. Coz my parents told me i was nvr going to make them pregnant anyway. Ya. I believed them. At least i used to. =) Anyways, i got over it somehow? HOW??!?! Well, porning around did help alot. At least now i noe girls had a little something something called a vagina and the sight of it can make any guys go hoohaa abt it! rofl. diots. Well, at least that's okay. Imagine them going hoohaa when they see a birdie birdie. LOL. Ya. that would have been ultimately gross! Haha!!!! Anyways, i soon learnt that when i talked to them, it would make them pregnant! So slowly i started to talk to them...just like normal human beings. Ya. I learnt that by talking to them it COUld, i say again, COULD make them pregnant in later stages. But ya. Those stages are like soooooooooooooo far away. Ya. So, i did progress....slowly but surely until i am at this stage! Ya. Dunnoe which stage it is but at least i've progressed rite? OKAY DOKIE!
Anways, i've already thought of something else to write abt. Ya. Something that has been on my mind for quite sometime. It's abt why malays dont really progress in their lives. I've figured it out. But i keep forgetting it everytime i wanted to write about it. NOT THIS TIME! The reason they dont progress is because THEY'RE PROGRESSING THE WRONG WAY! Ya. They think they're progressing but actually they really arent. Some of them are too dumb to realize it though. I CANT STAND IT! Instead of going abt the process one step at a time, they're juz gunning for the end result! YUP! THE END RESULT! That being luxury and comfort. They are going for the secondary objectives w/o even comprehending the primary ones! Crappy idiots. ONE FINE EXAMPLE would be my elder brother. Yup. He's really one dumbass. Right now he's wearing my rugby shorts. MY RUGBY SHORTS!!! HE DOESNT EVEN NOE THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RUGBY, AMERICAN FOOTBALL AND SOCCER! Except maybe for the obvious ball shapes. But other then that, he's ignorantly clueless. Dumbfuck. Ya. He spends all his money on things like computer parts and his driving lessons. But nvr does he spend them on the essentials like clothing and rarely on food. I mean, if you've all studied enough in school(or maybe GP) you'll learn that a human being needs food, clothing and shelter to survive. Right now, he's achieved none of those. That's the simplest of the simplest human being. A more advanced version would need education. An even advanced versh needs luxury and comfort. How does one achieve luxury and comfort? By progressing through the 3 different stages. Yup. He doesnt jump from one to another. That's not what my brother does. He is from being naked to driving a car. Ya. Driving a car naked i suppose. See how idiotic that is? well, he's just one fine example. You cld practically find a lot more examples the next time you roam the streets. Btw, using ur parents money to accomplish those objectives is not counted. wHY? Because it IS ur parent's objectives to try to provide you with those things. Why? So that it is easier for you to start the process all over again! Not that you can immediately skip a level. THE PROCESS HAS ONLY BEEN MADE EASIER FOR YOU!
Ya. That's my frustration. I suddenly remembered what i was thinking abt in the bus. Ya. I told my friends this so im just going to blurt it out lah. Dont care. I nvr talked to a girl until i reached the age of 16. Yup. At 16 i was talking to them confidently. B4 that, i was terrified of them! REaLLY! TERRIFIED! It's all the gahmen's fault lah!!! NVR TEACH PROPER SEX EDUCATION! Ya. It made me think that any contact wif girls would make them pregnant! At the age of 12, getting a girl pregnant is a terrifying thing!!! NOT EVEN MY PARENTS TOLD ME ANYTHING ABT IT! FUCK LAH! I DONT EVEN NOE THERE WAS SUCH A THING KNOWN AS A VAGINA TILL I WAS 14. Before that, i only thought girls were only dickless. And nothing more. I didnt knoe they had a different private part. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO NOE?!?:! NO ONE TOLD ME!!! So i stayed away from them, especially malay girls. But chinese girls were okay with me. Coz my parents told me i was nvr going to make them pregnant anyway. Ya. I believed them. At least i used to. =) Anyways, i got over it somehow? HOW??!?! Well, porning around did help alot. At least now i noe girls had a little something something called a vagina and the sight of it can make any guys go hoohaa abt it! rofl. diots. Well, at least that's okay. Imagine them going hoohaa when they see a birdie birdie. LOL. Ya. that would have been ultimately gross! Haha!!!! Anyways, i soon learnt that when i talked to them, it would make them pregnant! So slowly i started to talk to them...just like normal human beings. Ya. I learnt that by talking to them it COUld, i say again, COULD make them pregnant in later stages. But ya. Those stages are like soooooooooooooo far away. Ya. So, i did progress....slowly but surely until i am at this stage! Ya. Dunnoe which stage it is but at least i've progressed rite? OKAY DOKIE!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Right now, im feeling all shity. Yeap. Shittles. Shitty. Shitful. Saiful. ya. Sai-ful. person full of sai is saiful. i mean, person full of cheer is cheerful after all rite? Urgh....nvm. Back to my shitty state. Urm ya. Currently, im hating my job. BADLY! Seriously man, i've got this other job which i had to pass on because i have a full schedule this week! Shit lah. Why do i feel shitty abt it? First of all, it's an outdoor job. Second of all i get interaction with even more ppl from more walks of life. Third of all, the pay is okay. 4th...im bored at Delifrance. imagine staying underground for at least 8hrs of ur day EVERYDAY! plus..im a teeny weeny bit claustrophobic. Yup...a teeny weeny bit. i think im getting over it though. But who carES?!?!? Staying underground for at least 8hrs of ur life everyday stinks! I want to be in the open. Feel the heat of the sun. Feel the coolness of the breeze. Feel the scratching of my skin. The biting of the mosquitoes. Ya. It's a very sensory experience. Sureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i dont get to eat free food or nice drinks. But then...those things CAN BE BOUGHT! Hopefully the ppl at FIT can give another chance or something something. Hopefully my boss will let me quit there. Damn. I told him that i wanted to quit with the reason that i wanted to rest b4 my NS and he wouldnt let me. I think he thought i was being unreasonable. WEll. I was being nice. Period. My personality is a negotiator. ya. i think so. not really sure though. but let's not get distracted. ya. when i attempt to solve a problem, i go about being nice and all. im not the stick-it-up-ur-face kind of person. ya. i try to go abt being nice abt it. y? becoz when i become the stick-it-up-ur-face kind of person, things can ugly. Usually it's the other person's face coz i like to do facial re-arrangement. yup. i have a something something i'd like to call anger management. ya. rofl. i play rugby you know! rofl....stupid robert. using the word RUGBY in a futile effort to scare someone away from a fight. sheesh. disgraceful! idiotic! pure idioism.
urm ya. wat was i talking abt? am i doing the simpsons thingy again? cool. this is fun. ya. FIT. give me another chance alrite? im going to shine! ya. for 3 weeks only though coz im going into the army soon. and ya. the COMPASS TEST thingy...let's hope i get a letter that'll tell me to come down another day for an interview wif the chief of airforce. ya. i heard he's a nice fierce guy. nice coz he's doing all the bullshit but getting compensated enuff for it. fierce because he's actually a bit serious about the airforce thingy. ya.
One more thing that i dont understand abt singapore. ya. THE TITTLES! yup. tittles and job position and bla bla bla. for example. in delifrance. we're not called waiters. nope. not allowed to, not supposed to. we are refrained from being called waiters. INSTEAD. yup. INSTEAD. we are called CSA. ya. CSI's younger brother's niece. Customer Service Assitant. First of all, Y THE "GLAMOROURS" NAME?!?!? I mean, if you want that job, you HAVE got to be proud of it right? Right! Ya. So if you applied for waitering you better jolly well be proud to be called a waiter! Dont go around scolding ppl for calling you one! Why? BECOZ YOU ARE ONE!!!! Ya. Dont need to come up with all the fancy names. It's not working on the subconcious level. WhY? coz the pay is the same, if not worse! Pay us the same and expect us to do a fucking whole lot more?! Idittios.! I WANT TO QUIT!!!
Ya. i just remembered reading a newspaper article entitled "Retailers unaware of customer's needs" ya. FUCK THEM! sorry abt my french. =) First of all, it shld be titled "customers unaware of retailers needs" ya. WE're getting so fucking low pays just to treat u like a king? Screw u man! Even ur wives wouldnt suck ur cock if you dont give them enuff. And u're already talking abt the full thing?! ya. in ur dreams dickheads! haha. im bein all vulgar rite now! ya. not usual of me, at this time of the nite! unless im either high or im high! or maybe im high! ya. coz if im not, i'll just STFU. nothing more, nothing less.
god! this is beginning to sound like a suicide note. let me assure u ppl! this is too long to be a suicide note. way tooooooooo long. suicide notes are filled wif messeges of sorries and i love yous and all those kind of mushy stuff. im angry here! So if THIS IS a note, it's either a homicide note or a genocide note. Not a suicide note. Yup. because im too angry to kill myself and way too bz whacking everyone senseless wif my frozen baguettes. Ya ppl. PRONOUNCE IT PROPERLY! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES A DAY I SNIGGER AT FOOLS WHO DOESNT NOE HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE NAME OF THE FOOD THEY'RE BUYING PROPERLY! If you can say it then dont. Try using the english terms for it like french loaf. idiots.
urm ya. wat was i talking abt? am i doing the simpsons thingy again? cool. this is fun. ya. FIT. give me another chance alrite? im going to shine! ya. for 3 weeks only though coz im going into the army soon. and ya. the COMPASS TEST thingy...let's hope i get a letter that'll tell me to come down another day for an interview wif the chief of airforce. ya. i heard he's a nice fierce guy. nice coz he's doing all the bullshit but getting compensated enuff for it. fierce because he's actually a bit serious about the airforce thingy. ya.
One more thing that i dont understand abt singapore. ya. THE TITTLES! yup. tittles and job position and bla bla bla. for example. in delifrance. we're not called waiters. nope. not allowed to, not supposed to. we are refrained from being called waiters. INSTEAD. yup. INSTEAD. we are called CSA. ya. CSI's younger brother's niece. Customer Service Assitant. First of all, Y THE "GLAMOROURS" NAME?!?!? I mean, if you want that job, you HAVE got to be proud of it right? Right! Ya. So if you applied for waitering you better jolly well be proud to be called a waiter! Dont go around scolding ppl for calling you one! Why? BECOZ YOU ARE ONE!!!! Ya. Dont need to come up with all the fancy names. It's not working on the subconcious level. WhY? coz the pay is the same, if not worse! Pay us the same and expect us to do a fucking whole lot more?! Idittios.! I WANT TO QUIT!!!
Ya. i just remembered reading a newspaper article entitled "Retailers unaware of customer's needs" ya. FUCK THEM! sorry abt my french. =) First of all, it shld be titled "customers unaware of retailers needs" ya. WE're getting so fucking low pays just to treat u like a king? Screw u man! Even ur wives wouldnt suck ur cock if you dont give them enuff. And u're already talking abt the full thing?! ya. in ur dreams dickheads! haha. im bein all vulgar rite now! ya. not usual of me, at this time of the nite! unless im either high or im high! or maybe im high! ya. coz if im not, i'll just STFU. nothing more, nothing less.
god! this is beginning to sound like a suicide note. let me assure u ppl! this is too long to be a suicide note. way tooooooooo long. suicide notes are filled wif messeges of sorries and i love yous and all those kind of mushy stuff. im angry here! So if THIS IS a note, it's either a homicide note or a genocide note. Not a suicide note. Yup. because im too angry to kill myself and way too bz whacking everyone senseless wif my frozen baguettes. Ya ppl. PRONOUNCE IT PROPERLY! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES A DAY I SNIGGER AT FOOLS WHO DOESNT NOE HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE NAME OF THE FOOD THEY'RE BUYING PROPERLY! If you can say it then dont. Try using the english terms for it like french loaf. idiots.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Today im going to talk abt why i hate soccer. lol. But first, WORK WAS REAL FUBAR TODAY! Yup! FUBAR! First time i experience a full house during breakfast. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY ALL DOING THERE? DONT THEY KNOW HOW TO COOK AT HOME? NOT EVEN SCRAMBLED EGGS?!?! Pure idiots. Jammed up everything coz we were short of manpower. Imagine this, 2 cooks, 2 waiters and 1 cashier and 1 noisy beverage person. Idiotic. That spoiled my day lah! Wah lao wei.
Ya. So nxt. Y i hate soccer. WEll. IT's not that i hate the sport. It's just that i dont really like it. So i guess hate is something a bit too strong i guess. Ya. Well first of all, at the mere mention of soccer, everyone will think, " MALAY! MAT! MINAH!" ya. Being associated with them is practically being branded, or banished or marked to be killed or somthing. Sort of. That's reason number 1.
Reason number 2 is that ITS A GAME WELL LOVED BY MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Yup. Think this. Beer belly. Hairy face. Tires easily. Smokes alot. Maybe im exagerating. But who cares? Ya. Those ppl calls soccer a sport. Yup. They come down together once a weekend and play soccer from the time the sun stopped being scorching hot to the the time it slips down in to the horizon. Yup. They sweat a lot. They pant a lot. But.....they're still the same. The belly's still there. They're still unfit. And all else that is negative. Ya. How can they call that keeping fit? THEY"RE NOT EVEN FIT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Maybe they're pregnant or something? Maybe it's a durnk baby inside. Ya. Nowonder babies cant walk in the early stages! They're too drunk that at first all they do is to cry and someone will bring food to them, change their diapers and stuff. And then, they'll crawl all over the place coz they're not as drunk as b4. And when they do start walking, they will walk all over place, occasionally falling on their butts. SEE!! BABIES ARE BORN DRUNKARDS!
Lol. Im not making any sense. Ya. Kinda like the simpsons and the FAmily guy. One thing leads to another but it'll all end up making perfect sense! Maybe not to others coz they're idiots. Im the perfect idiot hence everything and anything will make perfect sense to me; once i've figured everything out. Yup. That's me!
Anways, this is what im planning to do tmr. Come back from work. wait till it's perfect timing. Go for my run. Slack in the park to enjoy the sunset and then walk miserably home. I wonder what's the shift going to be like???
Anyways ppl, im putting on an easy listening song. If u all dont like it tell me. I'll just tell u to press the stop button. AFter that im going to go to the toilet and dig my nose. ya........ Then im going to watch tv. walk. walk.sit. walk.roll on the floor. walk to comp. click. change song! ya. very tedious process. i hope you all will feel guilty if u make me change the song. yupea!
Ya. So nxt. Y i hate soccer. WEll. IT's not that i hate the sport. It's just that i dont really like it. So i guess hate is something a bit too strong i guess. Ya. Well first of all, at the mere mention of soccer, everyone will think, " MALAY! MAT! MINAH!" ya. Being associated with them is practically being branded, or banished or marked to be killed or somthing. Sort of. That's reason number 1.
Reason number 2 is that ITS A GAME WELL LOVED BY MIDDLE-AGED MEN. Yup. Think this. Beer belly. Hairy face. Tires easily. Smokes alot. Maybe im exagerating. But who cares? Ya. Those ppl calls soccer a sport. Yup. They come down together once a weekend and play soccer from the time the sun stopped being scorching hot to the the time it slips down in to the horizon. Yup. They sweat a lot. They pant a lot. But.....they're still the same. The belly's still there. They're still unfit. And all else that is negative. Ya. How can they call that keeping fit? THEY"RE NOT EVEN FIT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Maybe they're pregnant or something? Maybe it's a durnk baby inside. Ya. Nowonder babies cant walk in the early stages! They're too drunk that at first all they do is to cry and someone will bring food to them, change their diapers and stuff. And then, they'll crawl all over the place coz they're not as drunk as b4. And when they do start walking, they will walk all over place, occasionally falling on their butts. SEE!! BABIES ARE BORN DRUNKARDS!
Lol. Im not making any sense. Ya. Kinda like the simpsons and the FAmily guy. One thing leads to another but it'll all end up making perfect sense! Maybe not to others coz they're idiots. Im the perfect idiot hence everything and anything will make perfect sense to me; once i've figured everything out. Yup. That's me!
Anways, this is what im planning to do tmr. Come back from work. wait till it's perfect timing. Go for my run. Slack in the park to enjoy the sunset and then walk miserably home. I wonder what's the shift going to be like???
Anyways ppl, im putting on an easy listening song. If u all dont like it tell me. I'll just tell u to press the stop button. AFter that im going to go to the toilet and dig my nose. ya........ Then im going to watch tv. walk. walk.sit. walk.roll on the floor. walk to comp. click. change song! ya. very tedious process. i hope you all will feel guilty if u make me change the song. yupea!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Dumbest thing happened today. First we wanted to go for a movie. But, somebody pangseh so went to eat instead. We were up to our normal antics. Walking. Yup. Walking from one end of the world to the other- practically. So we went to PS to eat at LJS. Then got bored and peered into PArk Mall. Wanted to go to Suntec. When we reached bugis, belize realized that she had lost her wallet. 30 good minutes later. She claimed that coke saved her. If only we ran into the vending machine earlier. So we walked back to park mall. Didnt find it, obviously! Reported it. Went back to the police station at Killeny Road. IF that's how u spell it. so urm ya. And the cleaner whom got all jumpy. Relax ma'am. I was just asking. Not interrogating. Not as if i was going to beat up an banged up old lady. Well...only suspects get jumpy at the point of interrogation. So maybe...just maybe....u noe wat? Yeap. U noe wat. ;)
Yeap. The day i've been waiting for. COMPASS! TMR! Computerized Pilot Aptitude something something at CMPB. Im going to be at my fucking best state and do my best. Get an interview and hopefully a place in Pilot School. Seriously man, it's time a low-life mat get a place in the high class! Cheenapoks, make room! If you dont want to, i'll shove you aside. If i cant find a weapon i'll pick up a rock.
Thinking of quiting at Delifrance. Yeap. Working there has given me a lot of things. Being responsible is one thing. Helping others out is another. An experience in FnB is certainly one of them. But it has given me the absolutely important thing that i'll ever need: the confidence to talk to strangers! Yup. I can just pick up a convey wif someone nxt to me. No problem now. It's just a matter of the person continuing the convey. But this IS singapore. So, i might most likely make a fool out of myself. It's the stupid gahmen's fault lah! Teach us the most nonsense thing ever! Do not talk to strangers! And guess wat, that was part of our health education. They can be right in the most ridiculous ways but in other ways, it's just plain idiotic. Yup. That's y most of our children grew up in cliques. In their own group. It is a painstaking affair trying to make them mix with others. And to make up for their mistakes, the government goes on to create PW and IPW just so that our children will learn to cooperate wif others. Wahpiang! Shiok eh! One problem after another. A torture on top of another! Idiots.
Shit lah. I really have nothing else to write. Everything above is like sooooo shallow. What the hell is wrong with me? I must be losing my mojo! Must be. Maybe i just need a shower and to take off my lenses. MAybe.
Or mabye i just need pure rugby! Yeap. RUGBY! The training. The suffering. The game. THE PAIN! THE ADRENALINE! THE ANGMOHS I GET TO WHACK! yeap. I love whacking angmohs. long story. very long. I just love whacking them. Get a kick of out it. hehes. Kays. need to find my mojo first b4 writing another entry. nites ya'll
Yeap. The day i've been waiting for. COMPASS! TMR! Computerized Pilot Aptitude something something at CMPB. Im going to be at my fucking best state and do my best. Get an interview and hopefully a place in Pilot School. Seriously man, it's time a low-life mat get a place in the high class! Cheenapoks, make room! If you dont want to, i'll shove you aside. If i cant find a weapon i'll pick up a rock.
Thinking of quiting at Delifrance. Yeap. Working there has given me a lot of things. Being responsible is one thing. Helping others out is another. An experience in FnB is certainly one of them. But it has given me the absolutely important thing that i'll ever need: the confidence to talk to strangers! Yup. I can just pick up a convey wif someone nxt to me. No problem now. It's just a matter of the person continuing the convey. But this IS singapore. So, i might most likely make a fool out of myself. It's the stupid gahmen's fault lah! Teach us the most nonsense thing ever! Do not talk to strangers! And guess wat, that was part of our health education. They can be right in the most ridiculous ways but in other ways, it's just plain idiotic. Yup. That's y most of our children grew up in cliques. In their own group. It is a painstaking affair trying to make them mix with others. And to make up for their mistakes, the government goes on to create PW and IPW just so that our children will learn to cooperate wif others. Wahpiang! Shiok eh! One problem after another. A torture on top of another! Idiots.
Shit lah. I really have nothing else to write. Everything above is like sooooo shallow. What the hell is wrong with me? I must be losing my mojo! Must be. Maybe i just need a shower and to take off my lenses. MAybe.
Or mabye i just need pure rugby! Yeap. RUGBY! The training. The suffering. The game. THE PAIN! THE ADRENALINE! THE ANGMOHS I GET TO WHACK! yeap. I love whacking angmohs. long story. very long. I just love whacking them. Get a kick of out it. hehes. Kays. need to find my mojo first b4 writing another entry. nites ya'll
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
B for history. C for econmics. E for Malay A. B4 for GP. E FOR MALAY!!!?!?!??! Bloody hell. What the hell went wrong with that? I studied soooooooooooooo hard for it. I piak all the way. 1 week leh! 1 week! The rest of the subjects were like 1 day b4! Bloody hell. That was my best piece of work and they gave me and E?!?!? How could they?! I got a B and a C just for writing whatever came to my mind but an E for writing analytically and maturely? Bollocks! Nvm...quiet happy that i passed all. Must digress from my original intentions. Yup! Get to Jc. DO good enuff to pass my A lvl and get tat cert within 2 years so that i can go to OCS rather then doing 3 years and then getting that education qualification to go to OCS. Smart move eh? But i'll only be so if i get into OCS. ONLY IF! DAmn...
Been away for so long lah. I used to be online everynite. Now it's like once a week or something like that. Yesterday had a BBQ. Not mine actually but the Ah Geng from PYLBMGSS needed someone above 18 to book in for them. Idiots. First i had to find someone to change shift with. Secondly, ITS IN PASIR RIS! That's like the other side of the world lah! Nvm, makes good training for my Thailand trip if it materializes. But ya...they insisted that i didnt pay for anything. WTH?! Okay lor. Tell u wat, nxt time i'll do for u all a gourmet bbq? k? On some beach. Kinda like jamieoliverish. Seriously! If you're ever reading this then good! I dont have to tell u all again. If not, then ya. Bleahx.
A million and one thoughts was going thru my mind today. Like why i didnt like this and why is that thing like that. But, once i get to my comp, i forget everythihgn! EVery darn thing! Idiot! K. I shld find a note book where i can jot down points so that actually come out wif a meaningful entry! Seriously! If not, i'll just be blabbering abt my life. BORING! YEa.
NVM....nxt week, i hope, i'll be going to thailand. Backpacking! Or slingbagging! Or something....I MUST GO! Telling my boss that i want to quit! dont care! Go there by train. Yup. 1 or 2 days. first stop hatyai! enjoy the beaches there. Then off i go to Bangkok to see what the city's like. Then chiang mai to enjoy a bit of city life. Hopefully, nobody kidnaps me or anything. IT sounds funny but when you tink abt it, it's actually scary! Ya. Like gilamonster scary! That's the only thing that's holding me back. Other then that, it's all system go once i get my pay! HELL YEAH! rofl. So urm...does anyone else wants to go to thailand wif me? Kinda last minute but ya. Makes it more fun. Impromptuness is bloody fun u noe. u shld try it sometimes! Kinda like impulse shopping or casual sex minus the credit card bills and health risks. Well...there is health risks but at least it wont be sexually harmful! (Imaging having AIDS! you wont be able to have sex wif anyone else until u die!!! Maybe except wif other Aids patient. But WHAT IF SHE IS UGLY?!?!?! Ya...exactly. So might as well do have Aids in the first place! Stay in school!)
kk...talking rubbish already. So thailaind comming up. Dinner. and hopefully coffee! i tink. Nvm...still go SATAY NXT WEEK!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Im getting fat again! Must gym tmr! If not, i'll be big because of fats and not muscle.

yup. Kinda like 2 years ago. -grins- ya..............., eh dont mind me putting up a pix of me on my blog okay? Coz it's my blog! ROFL. ya. Im gg to pump some more till im back and where i was. Except the waist line la. Dropped from 36 to 32. Nice can? okay then. Time for me to hit the sack. Ya. The soft one.
Been away for so long lah. I used to be online everynite. Now it's like once a week or something like that. Yesterday had a BBQ. Not mine actually but the Ah Geng from PYLBMGSS needed someone above 18 to book in for them. Idiots. First i had to find someone to change shift with. Secondly, ITS IN PASIR RIS! That's like the other side of the world lah! Nvm, makes good training for my Thailand trip if it materializes. But ya...they insisted that i didnt pay for anything. WTH?! Okay lor. Tell u wat, nxt time i'll do for u all a gourmet bbq? k? On some beach. Kinda like jamieoliverish. Seriously! If you're ever reading this then good! I dont have to tell u all again. If not, then ya. Bleahx.
A million and one thoughts was going thru my mind today. Like why i didnt like this and why is that thing like that. But, once i get to my comp, i forget everythihgn! EVery darn thing! Idiot! K. I shld find a note book where i can jot down points so that actually come out wif a meaningful entry! Seriously! If not, i'll just be blabbering abt my life. BORING! YEa.
NVM....nxt week, i hope, i'll be going to thailand. Backpacking! Or slingbagging! Or something....I MUST GO! Telling my boss that i want to quit! dont care! Go there by train. Yup. 1 or 2 days. first stop hatyai! enjoy the beaches there. Then off i go to Bangkok to see what the city's like. Then chiang mai to enjoy a bit of city life. Hopefully, nobody kidnaps me or anything. IT sounds funny but when you tink abt it, it's actually scary! Ya. Like gilamonster scary! That's the only thing that's holding me back. Other then that, it's all system go once i get my pay! HELL YEAH! rofl. So urm...does anyone else wants to go to thailand wif me? Kinda last minute but ya. Makes it more fun. Impromptuness is bloody fun u noe. u shld try it sometimes! Kinda like impulse shopping or casual sex minus the credit card bills and health risks. Well...there is health risks but at least it wont be sexually harmful! (Imaging having AIDS! you wont be able to have sex wif anyone else until u die!!! Maybe except wif other Aids patient. But WHAT IF SHE IS UGLY?!?!?! Ya...exactly. So might as well do have Aids in the first place! Stay in school!)
kk...talking rubbish already. So thailaind comming up. Dinner. and hopefully coffee! i tink. Nvm...still go SATAY NXT WEEK!!!! WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Im getting fat again! Must gym tmr! If not, i'll be big because of fats and not muscle.

yup. Kinda like 2 years ago. -grins- ya..............., eh dont mind me putting up a pix of me on my blog okay? Coz it's my blog! ROFL. ya. Im gg to pump some more till im back and where i was. Except the waist line la. Dropped from 36 to 32. Nice can? okay then. Time for me to hit the sack. Ya. The soft one.
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