Wednesday, November 25, 2009


It's really annoying to know what you wanted to write, thinking it's going to be epic(or so I thought it was going to be) but when you actually get to do it, it just dies down. Well, that happened to me twice today. During the paper, and now. Oh wait! I just remembered what i wanted to write.

Well, during the paper, i don't know why it happened but it happened anyway, I started thinking of DB. Yes. DB-Detention Barracks. Whenever I tell someone that I've been there before, it would be common for them to react in bewilderment, shocked and then hurl wonderful language at me for having gone such a thing.

Imagine this, the size of a typical HDB flat. That's quite small right? Yeah, cut that into quarters. Take 3/4. That is the size of a cell for first time offenders. I can still remember my prisoner number. I can still remember how the food tasted so terrible that going hungry was so much better than to stuff "food" down my throat. I remember the milo tasting like plastic. I can still remember how i can only see that day was day and night was night;not knowing what time it was.

That certainly was the lowest moment of my life. Till now, each time I am about to do something, I'd think twice because I NEVER WANT TO BE IN A PRISON CELL AGAIN! it was just 3 days. Try sitting in your bed room for 3 days straight with a constant body/medical check everynight where you're stripped naked and have to perform a sequence of movements so that the Doctor can see if there is anything wrong with you.

The worse part of it all, I had no clue what time it was. An hour lasted for an eternity. I was lucky to have cell mates. Despite all my efforts, they still choose to address me by my rank. But yeah, them being in there with me was for unfair reasons. I really do hope they're doing fine. We talked for hours on end(or so I thought). We then exchanged stories with others from other cells only to be interrupted by the guard. We quieten for awhile before talking again. It was the only thing that we could do. Talk, hear and listen.

My story for being in there pales in comparison to theirs. It wasn't like we were bragging about it or anything. In fact, when they asked for my reason of being there, everyone laughed. Even the guards laughed. But I felt that them being in there was unfair to them for reasons which i will not state here.

All these thoughts flooded my head while I was doing my paper. I don't know why it suddenly dawned upon me, but yeah, that got me stumped. All I know is that I now hate being indoors. I hate being in a place where there is no windows, no sunlight. It was a nightmare yes. Till this day, I have no idea how I've managed to be so composed about it. Hence, stumped!

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