Monday, November 23, 2009


I think I've lost my muse. If it wasn't for some random thoughts, this space would be left vacant. But I shall fill it nonetheless with trivialities.

Firstly, my heart aches to watch that fateful day on YouTube. Yes, the finals of SUNIGs. It's always heartbreaking to be watching your own failures and even more so to know that it's available for me to replay it as and when i want to. BUT as i have been taught by numerous people whom i have called teachers, instructors, friends..there is always a take-away from all that has happened:good or bad. For now, it seems like i have a mountain of an obstacle to overcome to prepare myself mentally and physically for the rigours of the Tri-Uni rugby and also for a season ahead with recs rugby. All i know is that I'll be pounding till my last breath once the exams are over...every sweat will be one born out of sheer hard work and passion. Like the saying goes, ability is having the know-how on how we do things; attitude is how we do it.

On the personal side, i think i really do suck at relationships of all kinds. But yeah, smoking does take away my thoughts from it. Well, its not so much of smoking but the company that i have when i do that. I guess one thing about me is that i laugh my hardest when things are down...soon it'll all that misery will just disappear....hopefully. It's just like how I'm the most active when I'm really tired. I remember a point when that happened but once i hit the sack, i slept for 18 hours straight. I felt really shitty after that because my body isn't able to take more than 6-8 hours of sleep. I will feel....trippy? Hehs.

Well, 2 more papers to go for this week. I've never felt so tired in my life ever. But i shall persevere despite all that that is happening. Like what i've been barked at a million times maybe, "DONT SHOW ME YOUR SHAG FACES!!! LET ME SEE YOUR TEETH!!!" With that, I would smile my hardest, carry on with my task and soon, everything will be alright.

I dont know why Im still having those weird but nice dreams..

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