Sunday, November 01, 2009


It's a full moon tonight. But it only shone for awhile. The moonlight got enveloped by the clouds after it's brightness covered the night, lighting it up with feelings and thoughts of hope. It's covering was a deliberate act caused by the wind.

Like all things, the wind cannot be seen but touched. Cannot be explained, just understood. Its the wind that causes changes. Its the wind that made the clouds move to cover that light. Winds causes changes; unknown things causes changes.

It's kind of like feelings. We cannot quantify it. We cannot see it except through physical manifestations which we CAN and WILL fake just to please others or ourselves. However, we know that its there. Somehow we've gone to accept it as it is; just like everything in this world that exists. It is through these physical manifestations that we've come to agree that it's existence cannot be thoroughly explained. It through these physical manifestations that we've learn to just understand them.

Being the corruptible beings we are, we cannot help but the change. It's this 'plasticity' that exists in all of us that causes us to be moulded time and time again. You'd be lying if you were to say that this attribute does not exist within you. For if you were to be adamant about it, then you'd be no different from a rock. Even then, God has attribute a rock with this through erosion. So, if a rock is due for a change, what makes you think that humans are not?

Change is a vague thing. You can only realize it when it is happening. It is within that moment that its taking place that you would be able to realize it that such a thing does exist after all. That is why I love my 'magic hour' so much. It is during this short period of time that you can see that even the night can turn into day; even the day can turn into night. Nothing is static.

Like the saying goes, " Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine". It's something mechanical, yet it can refuse us the change that we expect. This explains that change is not certain. Nothing is for certain on this earth. We all believe in predestination one way or another. But we work so hard to change that fact that we've become disillusioned of that fact that we are all going to end up in the same place in the end:6ft under.

I am not saying that I fatalistic in that sense. But to some degree, we have to accept this the way they are for whatever happens was probably meant to happen to begin with. As humans, we do not accept our fates blindly for it might lead us down the path of complacency as history has proven to us time and again. But no matter what, there is still this unknown force that might be able to divert or even redirect us from that path altogether.

This thing called 'change' is a mysterious force that works humans like clockwork. For if there is no change, there would be no progress. If there is no progress, there would be no sustenance. When we fail to subsist, we will perish. Change is the force that prevents our demise. Whether it is a good thing or not, its really up to you to decide. Again, this are just my opinions.

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