Thursday, November 05, 2009

Why do i keep pulling myself down when things seems to be going up? The samurai maxim said: Allow your heart to remain at ease, and destiny will show you your path of destiny. I've tweaked that a little only because I don't exactly remember how its like. But how can I allow destiny to show me the way when my heart isn't at ease? Exams are not all!

I feel that being a student is just a phase in life. But then, learning is a lifelong journey. So far, in life, i've only received one wake up call. DETENTION BARRACKS! That told me that no one is invulnerable. Even the tank can be destroyed with the right ammunition. Even superman has his weakness: Kryptonite. Guess I'm no different.

What sucks more is that i tend to pull people along with me. No..that is not what was all! So i say to God, i say to everyone: SEND ME TO WAR! I WILL BE THAT RAGING SPERM THAT SETS OFF THE IMPREGNATION OF THE FALL OF YOUR ENEMIES! I'm better at that. Solo. No responsibilities except to MY OWN objectives, except to my own mission.

Life seems bad when there isnt a clear objective. Im lost...and i shall be forever lost till i get that. I shall be lying in wait...

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