Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am just thinking(out loud)

Love does not exist. It is a scam brought down to earth by mythical forces to screw with us mere mortals. If you thought about it carefully, it has only brought us humans nothing but pain and misery. It is unquantifiable which makes it non-empirical. It is not explainable that makes it irrational.

Hate, on the other hand, exists freely in this world. Usually, people use the word love instead of hate to describe what it is that they are truly feeling. Hate is rational and quantifiable. A murder is an act of killing because of hate. And murders have different degrees. So does assault. It can range from mild to serious. You can either be the accomplice or the instigator. To say that one killed in the name of love is a fallacy. One only kills because of hate of the victim. A victim is still a victim no matter what the consequences. It does not matter if you 'accidentally' killed the person in self-defence but the fact that the person died in your act of self-defence makes him/her the victim of the crime. Crime of passion? That passion is filled with hate.

Hate makes us humans do crazy things(If you still want to call it love, by all means). However, all our acts are the result of rational and logical planning carried out in the name of, you've guessed it, love. Hate makes us plan for it. What happens next can also be explained in full detail. Lawyers and judges will definitely agree with me on this. The act of hate can be fully described in full details. To say it is an act of love is simply irrational; therefore it can be outrightly rejected.

Some might describe love as "butterflies in the stomach". It must be something they ate because nervousness causes the bowels to relax- hence the phrase, " you scared the shit out of me". So what a person is really feeling is a tinge of fear-not love. If you feel giddy, it's because you haven't eaten. But once you have, you'd get that butterfly thing which will result in the flight of brown, elongated "butterflies".

GAHHH!!! I am lost for words now. My train of thoughts has already ended it's service. Feel free to rebuke my claims. I am, after all, thinking out loud.

Thoughts from my rides

Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world - stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death

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