Sunday, March 07, 2010

I found myself watching a taekwondo match (or as "professionals" call it, a bout) after finishing up at the gym. It made me realize one thing- I miss fighting. I remember growing up on a healthy dose of sparring sessions. Too much of it sometimes. It didn't matter if I had to go all the way down to Cairnhill CC just to get a few rounds of fighting because it was all worth it. Right now, most of you might think of me as a really violent person. Then again, if you see me, I have the calmest look among everyone else. Then again, a calm body of water is usually infested with crocodiles,alligators,buaya..(you get what I'm trying to say here).

Reviewing the videos of past matches made me realize a couple of things. Firstly, I run funny. And im staring at a girl right now (071358) digging her nose RIGHT infront of her BF right now. hahahaha! Disgusting bitch! Anyway...the way I run could perhaps be attributed to the fact that my shoulder has be taped on so as to immobilize it. How I wish this damn shoulder injury would just go away. In fact, how I wish that ALL my injuries would go away! Every single on of them.

Secondly, people have commented that when I do get into contact, I'm like a warthog. I suppose that's a compliment because everytime I do get into contact (due to the lack of passing options), I'd get at least 10-20 meters. The best part of it all, I'd even retain the ball and I'm not even the biggest one on the team(or the pitch). Perhaps it could be the way that I was trained when I started out with the ONLY sport for guys(all other sports are not sports but simply recreational activities). First thing my coach told me was to take the ball and smash through their defenses. Whenever I was caught, I would instinctively place the ball where it should be. And then bla bla bla...yada yada yada. I know this is all boring you all. It bores me to even write this out! hahahahha!

Anyway, I need to fight again. I've got a lot of anger pent up inside me. A bit of fighting would really help.

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